Newsletter No. 118
即時用場及繳費辦法 有意即時使用場地之學生或教職員可前往體育中心,向服務員出示其中大身分證明文 件,如當時適有空餘場地,可即時繳費,領取「用場證」,使用場地。 場地使用守則 (一)訂場人士每人只限同時訂用一個場地,連續訂場不可超過兩個時段。 (二)用場前必須出示學生或教職員身分證明或中大校友信用卡,以及由大學體 育中心發出之有效「用場證」。 (三)如因天氣關係而需關閉場館,有關「用場證」可安排留待下次使用。 (四)星期日及公眾假期使用大學運動設施者,也須遵守列於大學體育中心之「場地 使用守則」內之一般守則及場地使用守則。 查詢請電二六零九六零九三。 Certain sports facilities on campus will be open on Sundays and public holidays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the following users on a fee-charging basis for the trial period of January to June 1998: • full-time and part-time students of the University; • full-time staff of the University, their spouses and children; • alumni holding CU credit cards, their spouses and children; • guests accompanied by the above users (subject to a guest surcharge). Facilities and Charges* Facilities Student Staff Alumni Maximum no. of users University Sports Centre Badminton court (per court) $13 $26 $39 4 Small basketball court (per court) $26 $52 $65 12 Full basketball court (per court) $39 $78 $91 16 Kwok Sports Building Squash court (per court) $13 $26 $39 2 Tennis Courts Courts nos. 3-10 (per court)# $13 $26 $39 4 Haddon-Cave Sports Field Minisoccer pitch (per court) $52 $104 $117 20 Running track Free Free $13 — Note: * Charges are levied on an hourly basis, except for squash sessions, which last 45 minutes each # Night-time use of tennis court is subject to a floodlight surcharge of $26/hr/court. Guest surcharge: Guests are subject to a guest surcharge of $13 per person/per session. Booking and Payment Student Students can book facilities in person during the designated booking hours (see table below) at the University Sports Centre from the nearest Friday at least 14 days before the use of the facilities, by presenting their student card, completing a booking form, paying the required charges, and obtaining a non-refundable user's pass. Staff Staff members can book facilities by calling the University Sports Centre at 26096093 during the designated booking hours (see table below) from the nearest Friday at least 14 days before the use of the facilities. A booking number will then be assigned to the user. On presenting the relevant staff card and paying the required charges at the University Sports Centre during the designated booking hours, a non-refundable user's pass corresponding to the assigned booking number will be issued. A staff who intends to cancel a booking prior to payment can do so by calling the University Sports Centre during office hours at least two days before the use of the facility. Otherwise, the charges still apply. Friday Monday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. On-the-Spot Booking Walk-in booking can be made by staff and students, depending on the availability of the facility required, by presenting their staff/student cards at the University Sports Centre and paying the required fee charges. They will be issued a user's pass on the spot. Regulations Governing the Use of Sports Facilities (i) Each user can book only one facility at a time for not more than two consecutive sessions. (ii) Before using the facilities, the user must present a student/staff card or the CU alumni credit card, and a valid user's pass issued by the University Sports Centre. (iii) In the event of closure of facilities due to bad weather, the user's pass can be validated for the next booking. (iv) All users have to abide by regulations set out under 'General Information' and 'Regulations Governing the Use of Different Sports Facilities' in Regulations Governing the Use of Sports Facilities issued by the University Sports Centre. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 6093. 中文大學出版社 The Chinese University Press 大學同人於富爾敦樓大學書店購買下列書籍,可獲八折優待。 Thefollowing books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookstore, John Fulton Centre. 新書 NEW BOOKS 《客語拼音字彙》 客語字典或辭典的數量一向不多, 已出版者亦以某地客語方言爲本,鮮能 顧及不同地區的客語流派。雖然各地客 語大同小異,但在口音及用語上的差 別,仍可能造成誤會。中文大學出版社 出版的《客語拼音字彙》,能兼顧各地客 語的特色,補同類字典或辭典的不足。 編者劉鎭發,成長於新界八鄕的客家村莊,曾在德 國、台灣和香港從事生物科研,因目睹客家語言文化在香 港、台灣及華南日漸衰落,轉而鑽硏語言學,現任理工大 學中文及雙語學系副硏究員,兼任國際客家學會理事、香 港崇正總會理事及第三屆國際客方言硏討會籌委等職。 《客語拼音字彙》以特別設計的拼音方式,有系統地 將分布於廣東、廣西、台灣、香港及海外大部分客家人的 母語,按英文字母順序排列同音字,體例簡潔易明。該拼 音系統易學易懂,並能兼容各地口音的差別。此字彙不以 一時一地的客家話爲依據,而是廣泛照顧到廣東、台灣、 香港和海外客家人的日常語言習慣,並且將客語特有的詞 彙加以解釋,算得上是一部真正屬於客家人的辭書。 此外,編者硏製了「客語拼音輸入法」,以電腦磁碟 方式隨字彙附送。讀者把輸入法安裝在中文視窗後,即可 按客語發音輸入中文,以及查出漢字的客語讀音。 國際統一書號 962-201-750-9 , 平裝本,二百一十八 頁,一百二十港元。 Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Related Asian Languages Edited by Chen Hsuan-chih, this four-part volume comprises some of the papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages held at The Chinese University in December 1995. Part one, 'Speech Analysis and Phonological Processing', addresses issues related to the mental representation and processing of Chinese phonological information as well as the interactions between auditory language processing and reading. The focus of part two, 'Perception and Processing of Characters', is on how basic visual-spatial units of the logographic writing system are perceived, mentally represented, and processed. Part three, 'Processing of Words and Sentences', extends the concerns of part two to the cognitive processing of larger linguistic units beyond the morphemic level. And part four, 'First and Second Language Acquisition and Processing', deals with how children and adults learn to read or use an East Asian language. ISBN 962-201-777-0,474 pages, paperback, HK$250 The Restructuring of Hong Kong Industries and the Urbanization of Zhujiang Delta 1979-1989 Written by Fran ç ois Soulard, the book is part of the Young Scholars Dissertation Awards Series. It proposes a framework to analyse the industrial restructuring of Hong Kong industries and the urbanization of the Zhujiang Delta. It explains industrial restructuring as a defensive counteraction to structural contradictions in production, which leads to a deepening of the division of labour through four mechanisms: intensification, rationalization, technological change, and transplantation. ISBN 962-201-745-2, 218 pages, paperback, HK$250 文物館新書 Art Museum Publication 《紫泥清韻——陳鳴遠陶藝研究》 Themes andVariations:The Zisha Pottery of Chen Mingyuan 宜興紫砂陶藝在明淸兩代勃興,至今享有盛 譽。活躍於淸康熙的陳鳴遠,是承先啓後的一代 名家,所製砂壺、文玩、博古、像生等,或新穎 奇巧,或生動自然,江南文人紛紛爲之傾倒。陳 鳴遠作品流傳於世,影響十分深遠,競相仿製者尤多。 爲配合展覽而出版之《紫泥淸韻——陳鳴遠陶藝硏究》,彩版 精品選自上海博物館和本校文物館珍藏之紫砂陶器,共一百件, 全部署押陳鳴遠款印,力求全面反映陳鳴遠的風格特色。展品都 附有詳細說明,並列舉可供比較之公私收藏品。此外,有關專家 學者包括上海博物館汪慶正、陸明華,美國舊金山亞州美術博物 院謝瑞華及中大文物館黎淑儀,在書中撰寫專題論文三篇,探討 並論述陳鳴遠的生平及陶藝。書末附陳鳴遠款印輯錄、有關文獻 及參考書目。 此書由文物館和上海博物館出版,黎淑儀和謝瑞華合編,圖 文並茂,中英對照,學術硏究與藝術欣賞並重,爲硏究中國紫砂 陶藝及陳鳴遠作品不可或缺者。 國際統一書號 962-7101-38-9, 精裝本,二百二十頁(彩版一 百廿八頁),四百港元或五十二美元。本校教職員在文物館購買 該書可獲八折優待。 The catalogue for the exhibition of zisha pottery by Chen Mingyuan is now sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the Art Museum. Edited by Lai Suk-yee and Terese Tse Bartholomew, the bilingual publication includes three research papers by scholars in the field, the exhibits in colour plates with detailed entries, an appendix of major texts on the Yixing potter Chen Mingyuan, an appendix of Chen's seals and signatures, and a bibliography. ChenMingyuan of the early Qing period is a very influential figure in the history of Yixing pottery. Using zisha clay, he created objects for scholars' desks, vessels, tea ware, and trompe l' æ il pieces and enriched the art of zisha pottery with the cultivated taste of the literati. The exhibition at the Art Museum comprises a hundred pieces of zisha pottery bearing Chen Mingyuan's inscriptions and seals selected from the collections of the Shanghai Museum and the Art Museum. The exhibition is on until 4th January 1998. ISBN 962-7101-38-9 , 220 pages, hardcover, 288 cm x 220 cm, HK$400/US$52 postage: local HK$43, overseas US$8.50 中大通訊 第一壹八期 一九九七年十二月十九日 4
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