Newsletter No. 361

用心聆聽 誠意溝通 Communication with Heart 香港中文大學第七任校長沈祖堯教授在2010年7月1日履新。他在7月2日到任後的第一個工作天,分別與各學院院長、書院院長,以及教職員和學生代表會面,交流意見。圖為他與中大學生會會長黎恩灝(右) 和副會長巢景峯(左)。 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung assumed office as the seventh Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 1 July 2010. On his first work day, 2 July, Professor Sung met with College heads, Faculty deans, staff and students, including CU Student Union President Mr. Eric Lai (right) and Vice-President Mr. Fergus Chau (left), to exchange views. 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三六一期 二零一零年八月十九日 No. 361 19 August 2010 P3 我很怕熱,所以對全球暖化問題的感受 特別深。 I can’t stand hot weather. That’s why I’m especially concerned about global warming. P16 我很清楚要解決日後的問題須靠今天的 研究,而研究工作有賴足夠資源和經費。 I recognize the importance of providing the necessary resources and funding for today’s research that will be solving tomorrow’s problems. 我願意聆聽、探討,以一個互相尊重、互相信任 的態度與師生溝通。這個網誌的誕生,正是 為此。 I am willing to listen to teachers and students and to communicate with them in a mutually respectful and trustful manner. So I have created this blog... 校長網誌 VC’s Blog ( )