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Getting Involved

Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund


Call for Application

Do you want to become an agent of positive change?  The Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office (SRSDO) hereby announces the introduction of its Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund, which encourages CUHK staff and students to develop creative and actionable projects which actively respond to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.

Project Requirements

Projects must

  • respond to one or more of the 17 SDGs;
  • be self-initiated; and
  • be conducted in Hong Kong.
Application Deadlines
Application Procedures

Funded Projects


Econ in Sign Language – Promoting an Inclusive Education Environment for DHH Students


Date: 1 June – 5 December 2020
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 08E SDG goals icons individual rgb 10E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: A project that alleviates the major barriers to learning economics faced by deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) students, and allows DHH students to have the same access to mainstream curriculum
Media Coverage: South China Morning Post
YouTube Channel: 手說經濟

180 participants engaged in the activities

180 participants engaged in the activities

50 videos were produced covering HKDSE economics topics and supplemented by sign language

50 videos were produced covering HKDSE economics topics and supplemented by sign language

Two focus group interviews were conducted with DHH students and teachers to investigate how the project helped learning and teaching

Two focus group interviews were conducted with DHH students and teachers to investigate how the project helped learning and teaching

An online workshop was conducted to enhance DHH students’ interview skills

An online workshop was conducted to enhance DHH students’ interview skills


Think Forward Webinar Series

by ThinkOcean CUHK


Date: 23 October–6 November 2020
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14
Project Description: A webinar series covering various sustainability topics
Promotion: Think Forward

90 participants engaged in three webinars

90 participants engaged in three webinars

Learnt more about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues in the ocean

Learnt more about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues in the ocean

Explored the relationship between diets and the climate

Explored the relationship between diets and the climate

Revealed how fast fashion and textile waste bring about devastating environmental impacts

Revealed how fast fashion and textile waste bring about devastating environmental impacts


Books for Asylum Seekers Children

by Rolling Books (a social enterprise founded by a CUHK alumnus)


Date: 1 September 2019 – 31 August 2020
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 10
Project Description: A project that collects books from the public for the children from ethnic minorities and asylum seekers family
Media Coverage: HKGoodPost

Book distribution and storytelling activities
Service areas
Books given out

Plogging in CUHK

by CUHK Goes Plogging (a group of CUHK students)


Date: 10 November 2019
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: A plogging trip, mixture of jogging and picking up litter, on Ma On Shan trail

Promoted plogging as an alternative method of physical training

Promoted plogging as an alternative method of physical training

Picked up litter for proper disposal or recycling

Picked up litter for proper disposal or recycling

Encouraged our participants to follow more environmentally conscious consumption habits

Encouraged our participants to follow more environmentally conscious consumption habits

Beautified the environment of public space like country parks and hiking trails

Beautified the environment of public space like country parks and hiking trails


Sustainability and CSR Forum & Workshop

by M.S.Sc Program of Corporate Communication from the School of Journalism and Communication


Date: 29 October 2019
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: A project that enhances students, alumni and selected professionals' awareness and knowledge of the environment, society and governance (ESG) and SDGs
Webpage: M.S.Sc Program of Corporate Communication
Forum participants engaged face-to-face
Forum participants engaged online
Participants engaged in 2 workshops
Minutes long video highlight (Watch here)

Umbrella Upcycling Workshops

by Fafa (a group of CUHK staff)


Date: July to September 2019
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 02E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 06E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: An upcycling project that turns broken umbrellas into flowery accessories for charity sales
Venue Partner: Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change

47 participants engaged in 2 workshops

47 participants engaged in 2 workshops

50 umbrellas saved from disposing of to landfills

50 umbrellas saved from disposing of to landfills

Promoted the concept of upcycling

Promoted the concept of upcycling

Contributed the proceeds from the charity sales to UNICEF

Contributed the proceeds from the charity sales to UNICEF



by 'Dozen Design Studio' from the School of Architecture


Date: 22-27 December 2018 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: An egg cartons upcycling education project for the underprivileged children in Sham Shui Po
Education Partner: IM Creative (Social Enterprise)
Venue Partner: Sham Shui Po Community Green Station
Media Coverage: Kong Gu Mini

Restaurants engaged<
Children engaged
Exhibition visitors
Egg cartons transformed

Wu Yee Sun College 11th Anniversary Celebration:

523 Banquet and Sunny Festival


Date: 7-8 November 2018 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14
Project Description:

Adaptation of green measures in large-scale event

Encouraged vendors to ditch disposables, estimate and prepare the right amount of food

Encouraged vendors to ditch disposables, estimate and prepare the right amount of food

Provided discounts for participants who bring along their own cutlery

Provided discounts for participants who bring along their own cutlery

Provided reusable cutlery and bottled drinks of large volume only

Provided reusable cutlery and bottled drinks of large volume only

Turned reclaimed wood, newspaper and recycled paper into event props

Turned reclaimed wood, newspaper and recycled paper into event props

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