Newsletter No. 293
第二九三期 二零零七年三月四日 No. 293 4 March 2007 1 第二九三期 二零零七年三月四日 No. 293 4 March 2007 大 學為表揚利國偉博士大紫荊勳賢自創校以來對中 大的卓越貢獻,特將新成立的法律圖書館以利博 士嘉名命名,並於一月二十六日舉行命名典禮,出席者 眾,利國偉博士及夫人親臨主持揭幕。 利國偉博士為中大創校司庫,積極參與本校之籌建及發 展,並由一九八二至九七年出任大學校董會主席,領導 大學成長,厥功至偉。利博士於一九九七年榮休,繼而 出任終身校董,鼎力支持本校之發展,貢獻卓著。 劉遵義校長非常感謝利博士多年來的支持。他在典禮上 致辭時表示:「香港中文大學多年來進步長足,實有 利國偉法律圖書館命名 Law Library Named After Dr. Lee Quo Wei 賴利博士的英明領導和無私奉獻。 …… 承蒙利博士惠賜 捐款,我們得以設立法律學講座教授席、建置法律圖書 館,並充實新學院的教研資源。」 利國偉法律圖書館位處田家炳樓三及四樓,為法律學院及 大學師生提供法律資源及研究服務。館藏量超過五萬七千 冊,二百九十八種印刷本期刊,一千八百三十三種電子法 律期刊及二十五個法律資料庫。館內設有超過一百個供小 組或個人研習的閱覽座位、六間小組研討室、資訊廊及研 究學習區。全館備有四十三部個人電腦,亦覆蓋了無線網 絡,更有專業圖書館員為使用者提供協助。 I n appreciation of the significant contributions made by Dr. the Honourable Lee Quo Wei to The Chinese University of Hong Kong since its inception, CUHK named its Law Library the Lee Quo Wei Law Library. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Quo Wei attended the naming ceremony on 26 January as guests of honour and performed the commemorative plaque unveiling for the Law Library. Dr. Lee was the founding treasurer of CUHK. He also participated actively in the establishment and development of the University. He was Chairman of the University Council from 1982 to 1997. After his retirement in 1997, Dr. Lee has continued to give his support and contribute to the University as a life member of the Council. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Lee for his long and distinguished service to the University. He said at the ceremony, ‘Dr. Lee’s outstanding leadership and utter devotion have been indispensable for the rapid growth of the University… One major gift of his was for the establishment of our School of Law, which subsequently came into being in 2005 and admitted its first batch of students last September. The donation has been used to endow a chair professorship, to set up a law library, and to enhance resources for teaching and research.’ The Lee Quo Wei Law Library, located on the third and fourth floors of Tin Ka Ping Building, serves the legal information needs of the Law School and the wider university community. The Library holds approximately 57,000 volumes and 298 print serial titles, and provides access to 1,833 electronic law journals. There are 25 electronic legal databases available to students and staff. In addition to seating for over 100 in various group and individual configurations, there are six group study rooms, an information commons and a research area fitted out with 43 PCs. Wireless LAN is available throughout, andprofessional librarians are ready to offer assistance to users. 利國偉博士伉儷 (左二及三) 由劉遵義校長 (左一)、鄭維健博士 (右三)、麥高偉教授 (右二) 及施達理博士 (右一) 陪同, 為「利國偉法律圖書館」揭幕 Dr. and Mrs. Lee Quo Wei (left 2 and 3), accompanied by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left 1), Dr. Edgar Cheng (right 3), Prof. Mike McConville (right 2) and Dr. Colin Storey (right 1), unveiled the plaque for the Lee Quo Wei Law Library 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at ■ 獎勵計劃 培養節能文化 ■ 人類學系成立學長計劃 Anthropology Department Establishes Mentorship Programme ■ 校長就學院院長產生辦法致函教師 Vice-Chancellor Writes to Teachers on Faculty Deanship ■ 校長杯培育未來創業家 Vice-Chancellor’s Cup Nurtures Future Entrepreneurs ■ 中大及 Evivar 醫療公司合設乙型肝炎病毒管理中心 CUHK and Evivar Medical Set Up Centre of Excellence for Management of Hepatits B ■ 國際醫學專家攜手控制人類與動物傳染病在亞洲傳播 International Experts Join Forces to Control Spread of Human and Animal Disease in Asia ■ 教育學院推出全新幼兒教育學位及碩士課程 ■ Saudi Arabia Ambassador Lectures in CUHK ■ 「熊貓爸爸」潘文石教授出任逸夫書院傑出訪問學人 Prof. Pan Wenshi, Father of the Panda, Becomes Shaw College Distinguished Visiting Scholar ■ 社會科學院模範教學獎暨院長榮譽錄頒獎典禮 Faculty of Social Science Honours Outstanding Teachers and Students ■ 兩性平等青年論壇 Youth Forum on Gender Equality ■ 公共衛生學院開放日暨畢業典禮 School of Public Health Open Day cum Graduation Ceremony ■ 聯合書院金禧院慶話劇及周年研討會 United College Golden Jubilee Anniversary Drama and Annual Workshop ■ 中大再奪兩大體育節全場總冠軍 CUHK Reclaims Annual Intervasity Games Overall Championship ■ 全港教師網球及乒乓球錦標賽 Hong Kong Teachers Tennis and Table Tennis Championships ■ 中大勇奪大專教職員羽毛球賽冠軍
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