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The Ever Spinning Reel ─ Walden Lam makes fashion more than sustainable

Sustainable Consumption | 30 November 2020

//  In December 2009, the insubstantial 'accord' that came out of the negotiation in the summit at Copenhagen was disapppointing.  However, it motivated Walden Lam ( BBA in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis 2009 ) to bring about Unspun with his partners, an innovation in fashion lauded by Time as one of 2019's best inventions, and transform the clothing industry for a more sustainable world.  It was the beginning of their own green revolution.  Unspun makes jeans to order and measure by using a 3D body scanner.  A customer can have a pair of perfectly fitted jeans, made with less waste.  Thus, with their 3D body scanner, all the yarn goes into the jeans, leaving effectively zero waste.  A first pair of jeans has already been manufactured using this technology. //

Read more: https://bit.ly/3fSJtua

The Ever Spinning Reel ─ Walden Lam makes fashion more than sustainable


30 November 2020

//  In December 2009, the insubstantial 'accord' that came out of the negotiation in the summit at Copenhagen was disapppointing.  However, it motivated Walden Lam ( BBA in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis 2009 ) to bring about Unspun with his partners, an innovation in fashion lauded by Time as one of 2019's best inventions, and transform the clothing industry for a more sustainable world.  It was the beginning of their own green revolution.  Unspun makes jeans to order and measure by using a 3D body scanner.  A customer can have a pair of perfectly fitted jeans, made with less waste.  Thus, with their 3D body scanner, all the yarn goes into the jeans, leaving effectively zero waste.  A first pair of jeans has already been manufactured using this technology. //

Read more: https://bit.ly/3fSJtua

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