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Getting Involved

CU Green Buddies

cugb logo CUHK has pledged in its Campus Master Plan to reduce its per-capita campus energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25% and 20% respectively by 2025, from baseline levels in 2005.  While the University continues to make its buildings and operations more energy efficient and environmentally-friendly, we need your commitment and support to adopting green practices in daily life.

Stay up to date with<br />
sustainability happenings

Stay up to date with
sustainability happenings

Enjoy priority enrolment or</br>
exclusive offer for featured events

Enjoy priority enrolment or
exclusive offer for featured events

Get inspired with<br />
green news and tips

Get inspired with
green news and tips

Connect with other Green Buddies<br />
on campus through activities

Connect with other Green Buddies
on campus through activities

Your commitment and actions to make CUHK greener: I will...

1. Turn off unused electrical appliances and equipment before leaving a room

2. Minimize waste generation by practicing the 6R Principles

    (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle/Recover)

3. Bring your own and say NO to disposable containers
4. Know your appetite and avoid wasting food
5. Use the stairs to walk up one floor or walk down two floors
6. Walk to cover short distances on campus instead of driving or taking school buses

Event Highlights


Coffee Grounds Soap Making Workshop

Date: 6 February 2021 (Saturday)
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Description: In the workshop, participants learned how the social enterprise recycled coffee grounds and practiced to upcycle the used coffee grounds into handmade soap.


Upcycling Christmas Decoration X Zentangle Workshop

Date: 19 December 2020 (Saturday)
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Description: In the workshop, participants made Christmas decorations to experience Zentangle which could enhance relaxation and relieve stress. Also, they learned more about the upcycling concept by using recycled materials such as cosmetics and wooden wine boxes.


Beeswax Food Wrap Workshop

Date: 7 November 2020 (Saturday)
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Description: In the workshop, participants learned about ways to live a 'plastic-free' life and made the reusable beeswax food wrap which may reduce the usage of plastic bags and wrap to store / carry food.


Green Coin Purse Workshop

Date: 24 October 2019 (Thursday)
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Description: In the workshop, participants learned about the idea of low-carbon lifestyle and made unique coin purses from the used banners through upcycling.
Partner: Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change

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