Calendar 2020-21
Scholarships and Financial Aid to Students 253 Part 6 n n Lee Woo Sing College Admission Scholarships ECA Education Outstanding Athlete Admission Scholarship Luen Fung Commercial Holding Ltd. Admission Scholarship Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Admission Scholarship for International Students Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Admission for Local Students Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO ASEAN Countries Admission Scholarship Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Traditional Operatic Art Admission Scholarship Victoria Lee Admission Scholarship Other Scholarships CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarships and Bursaries Fund CUHK Scholarship for Children of the Disciplined Services Founding Master Gold Medal for Graduating Students Helena Wai Scholarships Joanna Lee Best Academic Improvements Awards Joanna Lee Distinguished College Caring Mentor Award Joanna Lee Distinguished Non-residential Student Award Joanna Lee Outstanding Individual Award Joanna Lee Outstanding Leadership Awards Joanna Lee Outstanding Team Award Joseph Sung Scholarships for Outstanding Performance in Chinese Language and History Lee Woo Sing College Alumni Association Scholarship Lee Woo Sing College Overseas Exchange Awards Luen Fung Commercial Holding Ltd. Non-Admission Scholarships Victoria Lee Outstanding Academic Scholarship Ms. Li Mei Lian Scholarship Prince Jewellery and Watch Love and Care Charitable Foundation Scholarship Yam Kim Fai and Bai Shet Sin Scholarship Ti Hua KOO and Dorothy VEE KOO Overseas Exchange Awards Bursaries Hamen Fan Shi Hoo Residents’ Work Scheme Mei Baojiu Bursaries The Chen Wai Wai Vivien Foundation Limited Emergency Bursaries Warren Wah Yeun Mok Bursaries Dr. Wong Yu Hong Overseas Study Trip Travel Loan Scheme
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