Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
——; (Davison, S. ; Dehghan , A. ; an d Hyman , N.) . "Th e relationshi p o f plasm a level s o f pyridostigmin e i n clinica l effect s i n patients wit h myastheni a gravis. " Journal of Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 4 4 (1981 ), pp. 1141-1145 . ——; (Calvey, T . N. ; Milne , L . A. ; Murray , G . R. ; an d Williams , N . E.) . "Plasm a concentratio n o f phenoperidin e an d it s pharmacological effects. " British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1 3 (1982) , p. 293 . —— ; (Calvey , T . N. ; Isherwood , C . N. ; Murray , G . R. ; an d Williams, N . E.) . "Th e effec t o f live r diseas e on the metabolism an d elimination o f phenoperidine i n man." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1 3 (1982) , p. 612 . G a r d i n e r , J. E. —— and (Lee , H . S.) . "Uptak e o f 1:2 - 14 C-Choline b y th e guinea-pi g lun g i n vitro : an d th e effect s o f p-terpheny l hemicho - linium-3." Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology , 9 (1982), pp. 45-52 . —— and (Lee , H . S.) . "Estimatio n o f lecithi n i n rabbi t tissues. " Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 9 (1982), pp . 53-56 . P a k , Raphael C. K. 白正君 ——; (Bellward, G. ; Finlayson , M. ; Gontovnick , L. ; Sunahara , G.; and Warren, B.). "Microsoma l monooxygenase (MO ) activitie s in genetically (BB ) diabeti c wista r rats." The Pharmacologist, 23: 3 (1981 ), p. 165 . ——; (Bellwaid, G. ; Finlayson , M. ; Gontovnick , L. ; Sunahara , G. ; an d Warren , B.) . " Effect s o f hypophysectom y o n hepati c microsomal drug and steroid metabolizing enzymes in rats." The Pharmacologist, 23: 3 (1981 ), p. 168 . —— an d (Ecobichon , D . J.) . "Methadon e hydrochloride : Acut e administration , dispositio n an d effect s o n hepati c functio n i n guinea-pigs." Drug and ChemicalT o x i c o l o g y , 4:2 (1981 ), pp. 173-184 . —— and (Ecobichon , D . J.) . "Th e effec t o f pregnanc y an d lactatio n o n th e eliminatio n o f methadon e i n guinea-pigs. " Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 9:2(1981) , pp. 170-171 . ——; (Bellward, G. ; Finlayson , M. ; Gontovnick , L. ; Sunahara , G. ; an d Warren , B.). "Endogenou s mechanisms fo r th e regulatio n of hepati c microsoma l dru g an d steroi d mixe d functio n oxidases. " I n Proceedings of the Workshop on the Combined Effects of Xenobiotics, pp . 97-126 . Canada : Nationa l Researc h Council, 1982 . ——; (Bellward, G. ; Finlayson , M. ; Gontovnick , L. ; Sunahara , G. ; an d Warren , B.) . "Ra t hepati c microsoma l enzym e activitie s in variou s physiologica l models. " I n Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies, 2 5 (1982 ), p. 100 . Wo n g ,John C. L. 黃澤霖 ——. "Th e rol e o f th e cholinergi c syste m i n th e developmen t o f morphin e toleranc e an d physica l dependenc e i n mice. " I n Abstracts of the Regional Symposium, Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum , p . 31 . 1981 . —— and (Wai , M. K.) . "Th e rol e of prostaglandin in th e developmen t of increase d naloxone potency i n mice. " I n Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 3 (1981 ), p. 54 . —— and (Wai , M . K.) . "Th e cholinergi c syste m an d th e developmen t o f morphin e toleranc e an d dependenc e i n mice. " I n Proceedings of the Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience, 3 (1981 ), p. 55 . —— an d (Wai , M . K.) . "Th e effec t o f prostaglandi n E 2 o n increase d naloxon e potenc y induce d b y morphin e pretreatment. " European Journal Pharmacology, 7 4 (1981) , pp. 365-367 . ——; (Roberts, M . B. ; an d Wai , M . K.) . "Th e effec t o f chlorpromazin e pretreatmen t o n th e narcoti c antagonisti c potenc y o f naloxone i n mice." Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology andPhysiology, 9(1982), pp. 69-75 . —— and (Wai, M . K.) . "Th e effec t o f adrenalectom y o n th e developmen t o f morphin e toleranc e an d physica l dependenc e i n mice." Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 9 (1982), pp. 107-111 . 生理學系 Department of Physiology Baumann, K. ——; (Behling, K. ; Brassow , H . L. ; an d Stapel , K.) . "Occupationa l exposur e t o hexachlorocyclohexane : III . Neurophysiologica l findings i n chronicall y expose d workers. " International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 4 8 (1981 ), pp. 165-172 . ——, (Lehnert, G. ; an d Tomczak , S.) . "Occupationa l exposur e t o hexachlorocyclohexane : IV . Se x hormone alteration s i n HC H exposed workers. " International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 4 8 (1981 ), pp. 283-287 . —— an d (Behling , K.) . "Tremo r measurement s a s screenin g test s fo r polyneuropathie s i n industria l medicine. " I n Abstracts of the Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences, 3 (1981 ), p. 8 . —— and (Behling , K.) . 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