CUHK Develops Automatic Retinal Image Analysis Technology for Identifying Autism
Making Objective Screening and Early Intervention Possible
The Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) has successfully developed the Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) technology to assess the risk of autism spectrum disorder (Autism). It is done by analysing the captured retinal images to identify if there are any retinal characteristics such as those related to thinning of the retinal nerve fibre layer of the children’s eyes. The research team hopes that ARIA technology can be used as a risk assessment tool for autism screening and provide early intervention instead of waiting for a lengthy diagnosis, so that a difference can be made through a long term positive impact on the life of autistic children. Results of the study can be found in the journal EClinicalMedicine published by The Lancet.
中大成功研發「全自動視網膜圖像分析」技術計算自閉症風險 可用於自閉症篩查 及早為患者提供治療
Press Release:
Media Coverage:
香港經濟日報 - 中大分析「眼底相」 評兒童自閉症風險
明報 - 中大新技術 兒童「眼底相」測自閉風險
東方日報 - 醫健:分析視網膜辨自閉症 識別率逾90%
東方日報 - Dr.東:中大研發快速斷症技術 一幅眼底相即知患自閉症風險
SCMP - Hong Kong researchers claim breakthrough method can detect autism risk by scanning back of eye
巴士的報 - 「眼底相」有助篩查自閉症患者
頭條日報 - 「眼底相」可助篩查自閉症
中國評論新聞網 - 中大研“眼底相” 計算自閉症風險
大公報 - 中大研“眼底相” 計算自閉症風險
星島日報 - 分析「眼底相」有望篩查自閉童
The research team has just received the Outstanding Social Capital Partnership Award and the Social Capital Builder Logo Award from the HKSAR Government to recognize the contribution from the team to the development of social capital by the application of the ARIA technology.
負責的中大醫學院賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院臨床研究及生物統計中心更憑藉「全自動視網膜圖像分析」技術,最近獲港府頒發「社會資本動力獎 ─ 卓越夥伴獎(企業/機構)」及「社會資本動力標誌獎」。
Source: https://www.ciif.gov.hk/download/pdf/SCB_2020_Booklet.pdf