


Prof. Kin-fai HO

BSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD


  • 香港中文大學地球系統科學課程副教授(禮聘) 

  • 香港中文大學環境、能源及可持續發展研究所研究員

  • 臺北醫學大學客座副教授


何建輝教授是一位環境科學家,主要研究香港和中國的空氣污染物暴露評估。 他在分析化學方面有很強的背景,在有毒空氣污染物(TAPs)和健康相關研究方面有多年的豐富經驗。 他還擅長將先進的分析化學技術應用於室內外空氣品質監測。 他已在國際同行評審期刊上發表了170多篇科學文章,總引用次數達6000次。 他最近的研究重點是有毒空氣污染物及其對人類健康的影響,如顆粒物成分、來源和健康關係、暴露科學和顆粒毒理學。


  • 室內/外空氣污染與健康

  • 粒子毒理學

  • 暴露評估

  • 生物氣溶膠


  • Personal and ambient exposure to chemical composition of PM2.5 and PMcoarse and change of lung functions and biomarkers for inflammatory and oxidative stress in elderly, Food and Health Bureau - Health and Medical Research Fund (PI: 2020-2022)

  • Relationship between outdoor and personal exposure to bioaerosols and their allergic airway inflammation in vitro, Research Grants Council - General Research Fund (PI: 2020-2022)

  • Inflammatory responses induced by secondary organic aerosols (SOA) generated from NO3- and OH- initiated oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Research Grants Council - General Research Fund (PI: 2019-2021)

  • Toxicological effects of fresh and aged gasoline exhaust particles in Hong Kong, Research Grants Council - General Research Fund (PI: 2018-2020)

  • Photochemical air pollution in highly urbanized subtropical regions: from micro environments to urban-terrestrial-oceanic interactions, Research Grant Council-Theme-based Research Fund (Co-PI: 2018-2022)

  • Characterization and formation of secondary organic aerosols from biomass burning, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: 2017-2019)

  • Toxicological effects associated with organic factors in urban submicron aerosols in Hong Kong, Research Grants Council - General Research Fund (PI: 2017-2019)


  1. Liu, Y., Ning, Z.*, Chen, Y.*, Guo, M., Liu, Y., Kumar, Gali, N. K., Sun, L., Duan, Y., Cai, J., Westerdahl, D., Liu, X., Xu, K., Ho, K. F.*, Kan, H*, Fu, Q.*, Lan, K.* (2020). Aerodynamic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in two Wuhan hospitals. Nature, 582, 557-560.

  2. Qiu, H., Xia, X., Man, C. L., Ko, F., Yim, S. H. L., Kwok, T., Ho, K. F.* (2020). Real-time Monitoring of the Effects of Personal Temperature Exposure on Blood Oxygen Saturation Level in Elderly People With and Without Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Panel Study in Hong Kong. Environmental Science & Technology 54(11), 6869-6877.

  3. Qiu, H., Bai, C.-H., Chuang, K.-J., Fan, Y.-C., Chang, T.-P., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, K. F.* (2020). Association of ambient non-methane hydrocarbons exposure with respiratory hospitalizations: A time series study in Taipei, Taiwan. Science of The Total Environment, 729(10), 139010.

  4. Tong, X. N., Ho, J. M. W., Li, Z. Y., Lui, K. H., Kwok, T. C. Y., Tsoi, K. K. F., Ho, K. F.* (2020). Prediction model for air particulate matter levels in the households of elderly individuals in Hong Kong. Science of The Total Evironment, 715(15), 135323.

  5. Niu, X. Y., Chuang, H.-C., Wang, X. L., Ho, S. S. H., Li, L. J., Qu, L. Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Sun, J., Lee, S. C., Cao, J. J., Ho, K. F.* (2020). Cytotoxicity of PM2.5 vehicular emissions in the Shing Mun Tunnel, Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution, 263(A), 114386.

  6. Lui, K. H., Jones, T., BéruBé, K., Ho, S. S. H., Yim, S. H. L., Cao, J. J., Lee, S. C. Tian, L., Min, D. W., Ho, K. F.* (2019). The effects of particle-induced oxidative damage from exposure to airborne fine particulate matter components in the vicinity of landfill sites on Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 230, 578-586.

  7. Chuang, H.-C., Sun, J., Ni, H. Y., Tian, J., Lui, K. H., Han, Y. M., Cao, J. J., Huang, R.-J., Shen, Z. X., Ho, K. F.* (2019). Characterization of the chemical components and bioreactivity of fine particulate matter produced during crop-residue burning in China. Enviromental Pollution, 245, 226-234.

  8. Chen, X.-C., Chow, J. C., Ward, T. J., Cao, J. J., Lee, S.-C., Watson, J. G., Lau, N.-C., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, K. F.* (2019). Estimation of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) of ambient origin for healthy adults in Hong Kong. Science of The Total Evironment, 654, 514-524.

  9. Fan, Z. L., Pun, V. C., Chen, X. C., Qiu, H., Tian, L. W., Ho, S. S. H., Lee, S. C., Tse, L. A., Ho, K. F.* (2018). Personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) and respiratory inflammation of common residents in Hong Kong. Environmental Research, 164, 24-31.

  10. Chen, X. C., Ward, T. J., Cao, J. J., Lee, S. C., Chow, J. C., Lau, G. N. C., Yim, S. H. L., Ho, K. F.* (2018). Determinants of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in adult subjects in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 1165-1177.

Last Updated: 22 July 2020