Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82

——. "Hig h resolution laser diffraction spectra of striated muscle fibers." Biophysical Journal, 3 7 (1982 ), p. 131 . ——. "Visibl e spectra and fluorescence deca y rate s o f a crystal an d frozen solution s o f urany l nitrate. " Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 43 (1982), pp. 467-473. —— an d (Tsang, K.K.). "Fluorescenc e deca y rate s o f X 2 UO 2 C1 4 , X = Cs, Rb an d K ." Canadian Journal of Physics, 57 (1979) . —— an d (Tsang, K.K.) . "Low-lying excited electronic levels of Cs 2 UO 2 C1 4 ." Journal of Chemical Physics, 70 (1979). —— ; (Chan, W.K. ; Chun , K.H. ; an d Lai , T.W.) . "Multiphono n relaxation s i n crystallin e urany l salts. " Canadian Journal of Physics, 57 (1979 ), pp. 2045-2049 . —— an d (Tsang , K.K.). "Temperatur e dependenc e o f fluorescenc e deca y rate s o f mono-valent-catio n uranyl nitrates." Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 40 (1979) . —— ; (Cheung Y.M. ; an d Hwang, J.C.); "Theoretica l an d experimental studie s o n th e laser diffraction patterns of single skeletal muscle fibres. " I n Proceedings of International Union of Physiological Sciences, 14 (1980) . —— ; (Cheung, Y.M. ; an d Hwang , J.C.) . "Estimatio n o f change s i n singl e muscl e fibr e diamete r i n differen t solution s b y diffraction studies. " Pflügers Archiv, 39 0 (1981) . —— an d (Lai , T.W.) . "Spectra l analysi s and kinetics of uranyl glasses." Journal of Chemical Physics, 7 6 (1982 ), pp. 3913-3920 . ——: → 167. Leung, Wing-pun 梁榮斌 ——. "Demonstratio n of shea r waves , Lamb wave s and Rayleigh wave s by mod e conversion. " American Journal of Physics 4 8 (1980). —— an d (Yung , K.K.) . "Interna l losse s in poly-vinyliden e fluoride (PVF2 ) ultrasonic transducers." Journal of Applied Physics, 50 (1979) . ——: → 127 & 145. Liu, Kwok-leung 廖國樑 ——;(Bergersen, B ; and Modrak, P.). "Th e effec t of a magnetic field on the impurity ban d density o f states in the atomic limit. " Canadian Journal of Physics, 60:12 (1982), pp. 1743-1750 . Wong, Tak-Chiu 黃德昭 ——. "Analysi s of a simple gem-testing phenomenon." Journal of Gemmology, 1 7 (1981) . Young, Kenneth 楊綱凱 ——. "Bindin g energy in model classical field theories. " Nuclear Physics, B158 (1979 ), pp. 77-101 . ——. "Chou-Yan g model and s-channel helicity conservation. " Physics Letters, 83 B (1979), pp. 403-406 . ——. "Th e spectrum of absorption strengths in diffraction scattering." Physical Review, D2 2 (1980 ), pp. 2275-2279 . ——. "Effect of low-frequency mode s on dielectric los s in solids." Physical Review, B2 5 (1982 ), pp. 2899-2904 . ——. "Energy dependence of K S o regeneratio n on nuclei." Physical Review, D2 5 (1982 ), pp. 761-765 . —— ; (Brandt, R.A. ; and Ng, W.C.). "Landa u gaug e formalism for non-Abelian gauge theories." Physical Review, D1 8 (1978) . —— ; (Suen, W.M. ; an d Wong, S.P.) . "Th e lattic e mode l o f hea t conductio n i n a composite material ." Journal of Physics, D12 (1979). ——and (Brandt , R.A.). "Electric-magneti c dualit y a s a secondary symmetry." Nuclear Physics, B162 (1980) . ——and (Fung , P.C.W.) . "Th e radiatio n o f energ y b y a current i n a plasma." Astrophysics and Space Science, 81 (1982) p p 453-470. —— : → 135, 136, 137, 138, 143, 144, 146 & 147. 系内同寅合著 Co-authored Publications (Intra-department ) 127 (Chan , C.C .); Chen , Fong-ching; Choy, Chung-loong; and Leung, Wing-pun. "Mechanical relaxations and moduli of oriente d semi-crystalline polymers. " Polymer , 2 1 (1980), pp. 1148-1160 . 128 (Chan , O.K .); Chan, Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong ; and (Ward , I.M.) . "Th e elasti c constant s of extruded polypropylen e and polyethylene terephthalate." Journal of Physics, D11 (1978 ), pp. 617-629 . 129 Chen , Fong-ching; Choy, Chung-loong; and (Leung, W.Y.). "Heat capacity o f poly(vinylidene fluoride ) an d polytetrafluoroe- thylene between 5 and 200 o K." Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 1 7 (1979 ), pp. 87-94 . 130 Chen , Fong-ching; Choy, Chung-loong; and (Luk, W.H.). "Therma l conductivit y o f highly oriente d polyethylene." Polymer, 19 (1978), pp. 155-162 . 131 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong ; and (Luk, W.H.). "Thermal conductivit y o f oriente d crystalline polymers. " Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 1 8 (1980), pp. 1187-1207 . 132 Chen , Fong-ching; Choy, Chung-loong; and (Luk, W.K.). "Mechanical relaxations in polybutene-1 and poly-4-methylpentene- 1." Polymer, 22 (1981 ), pp. 543-548 . 137