
Prof. Marc Ka-chun CHONG
In PI capacity:
Determining meteorologically favourable zones for the activities of seasonal influenza A and B in Hong Kong. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/4/20-30/9/21. (HK$621,270).
Spatial resources allocation and dynamics planning for public healthcare services. National Natural Science Foundation of China. 1/1/2020-31/12/2022. (RMB$475,000).
Evaluating the sugar-sweetened beverages tax in Hong Kong: An integrated study. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/9/19-31/8/21. (HK$957,830).
Development of objective measure of psychotropic substances abuse using Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA), Beat Drugs Fund Regular Funding Scheme. 1/7/19-31/6/21. (HK$2,613,260).
Long Term Effectiveness of Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme Strategies: A System Dynamics Simulation Analysis. Health and Medical Research Fund. 1/4/17-30/9/18. (HK$351,516).
An infectious diseases modeling study to analyze different vaccination strategies for measles elimination. Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Program - Basic research project. 1/11/15-31/10/17. (RMB$150,000).
Lai CK, Ng RW, Wong M, Chong KC, Yeoh YK, Chen Z, Chan PK. Epidemiological characteristics of the first 100 cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, a city with a stringent containment policy. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2020. (In press)
Mohammad KN, Chan EY, Wong MC, Goggins WB, Chong KC*. Ambient temperature, seasonal influenza and risk of cardiovascular disease in a subtropical area in Southern China. Environmental Research. 2020 Apr 18:109546.
Chong KC, Cheng W, Zhao S, Ling F, Mohammad K, Wei L, Xiong X, Liu, H, Wang J, Chen E. Monitoring Disease Transmissibility of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease in Zhejiang, China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020;96:128-130
Yeoh EK, Carrie HK, Chong KC*, Chow TY, Fung VL, Wong EL, Griffiths SM. An evaluation of universal vouchers as a demand-side subsidy to change primary care utilization: A retrospective analysis of longitudinal services utilisation and voucher claims data from a survey cohort in Hong Kong. Health Policy. 2020; 124(2): 189-198.
Chong KC, Lee TC, Chen J, Choy WS, Krajden M, Jalal H, Jennings L, Alexander B, Lee HK, Fraaij P, Levy A. Association between meteorological variations and activities of influenza A and B across different climate zones: A multi-region modelling analysis across the globe. Journal of Infection. 2020;80(1):84-98
Chong KC, Liang J, Jia KM, Kobayashi N, Wang MH, Wei L, Lau SY, Sumi A. Latitudes mediate the association between influenza activity and meteorological factors: A nationwide modelling analysis in 45 Japanese prefectures from 2000 to 2018. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 10;703:134727.
Chong KC, Leung CC, Yew WW, Zee BC, Tam GC, Wang MH, Jia KM, Chung PH, Lau SY, Han X, Yeoh EK. Mathematical modelling of the impact of treating latent tuberculosis infection in the elderly in a city with intermediate tuberculosis burden. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1):4869.
Chong KC, Zhang C, Jia KM, Zee BCY, Luo T, Wang L, Tam GCH, Sun R, Wang MH, Guan X. Targeting Adults for Supplementary Immunization Activities of Measles Control in Central China: A Mathematical Modelling Study. Scientific Reports. 2018; 8:16124.
Chong KC, Hu P, Lau SYF, Jia KM, Liang W, Wang MH, Zee BCY, Sun R, Zheng H. Monitoring the age-specificity of measles transmissions during 2009-2016 in Southern China. PloS one. 2018;13(10):e0205339.
Chong KC, Zee BC, Wang MH. Approximate Bayesian algorithm to estimate the basic reproduction number in an influenza pandemic using arrival times of imported cases. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases. 2018;23:80-86.
Last Updated: 22 July 2020