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Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Ernst Mach Grant for PhD Students and Post-Docs for 2021-22
Call for Applications!
(Deadline: 1 October 2021)
The Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (EPU) is inviting applications from PhD students and post-docs of CUHK for a research scholarship programme for 2021-22. The programme provides support to PhD students and post-docs undertaking short-term research attachments at one of the EPU member institutions in Austria.
- Duration of visit:
– 1-9 months for PhD students
– 1-6 months for post-docs
- Value of award:
– €1,050 per month for PhD students
– €1,150 per month for post-docs
- The award is meant to cover accident and health insurance, accommodation, visa, daily-life and travel expenditures. Recipients from non-European developing countries may receive an additional travel subsidy of up to €1,000.
- Recipients are exempt from tuition fees.
- The Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research will provide logistic support on health insurance as well as accommodation.
For PhD students:
- Be registered as a PhD student at CUHK at the time of application and during the visit
For post-docs:
- Hold a PhD degree
- Hold an academic position at CUHK at the time of application and during the visit
- Should not have graduated longer than five years
Language Proficiency Requirements:
a) For projects to be conducted in English:
- Written consent from host supervisor is required
- Applicant should achieve Level B2 for TOEIC or Level 5 for IELTS
b) For projects to be conducted in German:
- Applicant should possess one of the following certificates:
– Austrian Language Diploma – ÖSD Zertifikat C1
– TestDaF (Level TDN4/5)
– Goethezertifikat (Level C1)
Other Requirements:
- Applicants must not have studied/pursued research or academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the award
- Applicants should be born on or after 1 Oct 1985
- The scholarships will only be awarded for projects that can be completed within the approved period
Eligible Fields of Study / Research:
- Agricultural Sciences
- Arts
- Human Medicine, Health Sciences
- Humanities
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Technical Sciences
Interested applicants should submit their application online with the following documents:
- Two letters of recommendation by the respective department at CUHK. The recommendation letters must bear the letterhead, date and signature of the person recommending the applicant as well as the stamp of the university/department and must be dated within six months at the time of application
- Written consent of a host supervisor at the Austrian host institution (EPU member institution) to academically supervise the applicant
- Scanned copy of passport page with name and photo
- Scanned copy of university graduation certificates (Master, PhD or doctoral studies) in German or English
- Description of the research project (2-4 pages)
- A letter of acknowledgement from the Office of Academic Links of CUHK for the application
[Please seek assistance from the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk)]
The application closing date is 1 October 2021. Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview. Only completed applications will be considered.
Please visit here for more details.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Konstanze Pirker by email (Konstanze.pirker@oead.at). Applicants are advised to submit a copy of their applications to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for necessary follow-up.
Last updated: Mar 2021