CUHK brings an exciting and rewarding summer to students around the world
Students of the ISS August session tour Hong Kong in one of the city’s best summer days.
Summer holidays at CUHK are never ordinary. Every year, the University has a series of summer programmes lined up for our students and those from around the globe to embark on an exciting and rewarding experience that stimulates their learning, cultural awareness and sense of community. 2019 was no exception.
The ISS brings together students from around the world to study and interact in a diverse multicultural environment on the CUHK campus.
Already at its 16th cohort, the CUHK International Summer School (ISS) continued to engage international students in two distinct sessions. The July session had more than 500 students taking part in the programme’s diverse academic offerings of over 20 courses in five major disciplines. The August session offered intensive Putonghua training courses for more than 100 students and further developed their proficiency in the Chinese language. In addition to academic courses, participants of both sessions had all enjoyed a wide variety of cultural activities and excursions that took place on campus and around Hong Kong, and established lasting friendships in the process.
The 8-week attachment that students of SURP undertake build their capacity in conducting research and prepare them for their postgraduate academic careers.
For international undergraduates who are interested in continuing their academic careers in postgraduate research, the CUHK Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) provided opportunities for them to undertake research attachments with supervision from distinguished researchers on campus. The 8-week programme was an invaluable opportunity for participants to develop their research skills and have a taste of their future careers.
Participants of SI gear up for university life ahead through enlightening academic courses.
Transitioning from secondary to tertiary education could be a challenge for many young students. The 2-week CUHK Summer Institute (SI) 2019 brought together more than 300 enthusiastic learners from secondary schools in Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas to explore the different academic fields available at CUHK. Through exciting activities led by CUHK students, credit-bearing courses taught by leading CUHK scholars, and the orientation and graduation camps, participants of SI were able to have an overarching preview of university life and gain an edge on university admission.