Questionnaire on Behavioural Insights and Perceived Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019: An International Survey

The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Program’s Working Group on non-communicable diseases, led by Prof. Martin Wong of The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care at CUHK, has formed a team from 12 Pacific Rim economies to develop and implement a comprehensive online survey to inform governmental outbreak response measures to COVID-19, including policies, intervention and communications. Insight into what drives behaviour in the context of an epidemic is essential to understanding what steps governments can take to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. Understanding knowledge and attitudes about the pandemic, and how and where the public accesses information, can provide critical information to inform risk communication programs.


The 30-minute survey comprises 66 questions on your knowledge of the coronavirus, the actions you have taken to protect yourself from the virus, your trust in various stakeholders, your opinions of COVID-19 policies, and your own fears and worries relating to the coronavirus pandemic.


The survey is open until 31 May 2021. Those who complete the survey will be entered into a lucky draw to win US$50 (six prizes). For more information, please refer to


For the survey, please refer to (English) / (Chinese).

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