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Global Teaching

As part of CUHK’s commitment to world-class education, the University engages in different models of teaching partnerships with a number of higher education institutions around the world. Such partnerships provide students with an interesting, innovative, and international curriculum that will well equip them for dynamic and global careers.


These programmes award two qualifications at the same level upon completion of the requirements established by the partner institutions.

These programmes award two qualifications at consecutive levels upon completion of the requirements established by the partner institutions.

These CUHK programmes are taught by professors from CUHK and partner institution(s). Students are granted CUHK degrees and may or may not be granted another certificate from the partner institution(s).

These CUHK programmes, jointly offered with partner institution(s), integrate aspects of the curricula of the partner institutions. Upon completion of the study programme, students receive a single degree issued by their home institution only. These programmes are curriculum-specific and the students of the participating institutions study as one cohort at different host institutions either for a term or an academic year.

  • BBA in Integrated BBA Programme – International Business and Chinese Enterprise Stream with the University of South Carolina (SC), USA: This is a structured student exchange arrangement in which CUHK and SC students study as one cohort and spend 1-2 years at the respective partner institution. Upon completion of the undergraduate studies, students receive a single degree issued by their home institution and eligible students may continue on the 1-year Master of International Business programme at SC, subject to fulfilling the admission requirements.

  • Collaborative Partnership for the Training of Predoctoral Students (Biomedical Sciences) with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, National Institutes of Health, USA

CUHK offers MOOCs platform to promote its teaching to the world for free.


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