Bulletin Number Five 1986
The membership of the Committee is: Chairman Dr. Charles K. Kao, Executive Scientist of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, USA Members Professor T. Husband, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London Professor J. Midwinter, British Telecom Professor of Optoelectronics, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College, University of London Professor Richard Chang, Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Yale University Professor Peter J. Lawrenson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Leeds University Professor Herbert A. Simon, Nobel Laureate, and Professor of Computer Science and Psychology, Carnegie - Mellon University Mr. C.D. Tam, Vice-President and General Manager, Region of Asia Pacific Motorola Semiconductor (HK) Ltd. Professor Y.W. Lam, Professor of Electronics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Mr. Edwin Tao, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and Senior Manager of Ryoden Electric Engineering Co. Ltd. Mr. M.G. Gale, Managing Director, Hong Kong Telephone Co. Ltd. Professor L.B. Thrower, Emeritus Professor of Biology of this University, and Mr. C.L. Crew, Managing Director of Cable and Wireless (HK) Ltd., have also been invited to serve as advisers to the EAAC. Ad Hoc Working Groups on Law and Architecture Programmes In the academic development proposals of the University for the 1988-91 triennium, indications have been made for the introduction of study programmes in law and architecture in the 1991-94 triennium, and possibly earlier. The ad hoc groups for these two new study programmes have recently been established with the purpose of exploring possibilities of expanding the minor programme in law into a major programme or to the extent of establishing a law school, and of initiating architectural studies on the existing basis of study programmes in Fine Arts. The working groups were appointed in the first instance for eighteen months but a preliminary report to the Vice-Chancellor should be submitted by the end of December 1986. A detailed report is to be submitted by 31st March, 1988. The composition of the two ad hoc working groups is as follows: Ad Hoc Working Group on Law Study Programme Convener Dr. Kuan Hsin-chi Members Dr. Peter N.S. Lee Professor Yeung Yue-man Secretary Mrs. Ho Wan Siu-wan Ad Hoc Working Group on Architecture Study Programme Convener Professor S.W. Tam Members Dr. Philip Shen Director of Buildings Office or his representative Professor Yeung Yue-man Secretary Miss Janet Lai New Member of Advisory Committee on Electronics Mr. Clement B.T. Chiu, Engineering Director of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, has accepted the Vice-Chancellor's invitation to serve on the Advisory Committee on Electronics for a term until 31st December, 1987. University Members Serve on Outside Committees (1) The following members of the University have been appointed/reappointed by His Excellency the Governor to serve on various boards and committees: * Professor Joseph C.K. Lee, Dean of Medicine, reappointed Chairman of the Optometrists Board until 30th September, 1988. Professor Lee has also been reappointed a member of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council for a term of two years beginning 1st October, 1986. * Professor To Cho-Yee, Director of the School of Education, appointed to the Rehabilitation Development Coordinating Committee for a term of one year effective 1st October, 1986. * Mrs. Eva Li Ko, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, appointed Member of the Social Work Training Fund Committee for a term of two years effective 1st October, 1986. (2) The following members have been nominated by the University to serve on outside committees: * Mr. Chang Chien-min, Reader in General Business Management and Personnel Management, to represent the University on the Hong Kong Productivity Council for a term of two years effective 1st January, 1987. * Professor Char-nei Chen, Professor of Psychiatry, continues to represent the University on the Council NEWS 9
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