Bulletin Supplement Jun 1964
(g) the President or , where applicable, the Acting President of each of the Colleges and, where the President of any College is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, such representative of that College as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall nominate ; (h) members of the Senate, equal in number to the number of the Colleges, elected by the Senate so that there shall be one member of the Academic Board of each College; (i) two persons from universities or educational organizations outside Hong Kong who shall be nominated by the Council ; (j) four persons nominated by the Chancellor; (k) three persons elected by Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council ; (l) not more than three other persons, normally resident in Hong Kong, who shall be elected by the Council; (m) after a date to be appointed by the Council, three members of the Convocation to be elected by the Convocation in a manner to be determined by the Council. Ineligibility for membership of Council. 12. Persons who hold appointments in the University or any of the Colleges or who are members of the Board of Governors of any of the Colleges shall not be eligible for nomination, election or appointment as the case may be to membership of the Council under paragraph ( j ) , (k), (I) or (m) of section 11. Chairman of Council. 13. (1) The Chairman of the Council shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the nomination of the Council from persons under paragraph ( j ) , (k), (I) or (m) of section 11. (2) The Chairman of the Council shall hold office for four years and may be re-appointed for additional periods not exceeding a total of four years: Provided that no person shall hold the office of Chairman for more than a period of eight years in all. Period of service on Council. 14. Members of the Council shall serve for such period as may be prescribed by Statute. Powers of the Council. 15. The Council shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and to any Statute made thereunder— (a) exercise a general supervision of the affairs, purposes and functions of the University ; ( b) have the custody, control and disposition of all the property, funds, fees and investments of the University as distinct from the property, funds and investments of the Colleges and shall manage the financial affairs of the University as distinct from those of the Colleges, save that no College shall— (i) without the consent of the Council apply for or receive any money or money's worth from the Government of Hong Kong or from any other government or government source ; or (ii) accept any benefaction which in the opinion of the Council may adversely affect the interests of the University ; 5
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