Facts and Figures 2001
教 職 員 S T A F F 全職敎職員分類人數(以 2 0 0 0 年 1 2 月 3 1 日計算) Number of Full-time Staff in the Following Categories (as at 31.12.2000) 研究 RESEARCH 研究所 Research Institutes •亞太工商硏究所 Asia-Pacific Institute of Business •香港癌症硏究所 Hong Kong Cancer Institute •香港亞太硏究所 Hong Kong Institute of Asia- Pacific Studies •香港敎育硏究所 Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research •中醫中藥硏究所 Institute of Chinese Medicine •中國文化硏究所 Institute of Chinese Studies •數學科學硏究所 Institute of Mathematical Sciences •理工硏究所 Institute of Science and Technology •人文學科硏究所 Research Institute for the Humanities •香港生物科技硏究院有限公司 Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Ltd.
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