Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 1 Aug 1971
Before coming to this University in September 0 to serve as a Research Associate of the Research Projecton Secondary Education in Hong Kong and to teach "Educational Psychology" at the School of Education, Dr. Ng was Assistant Professor at Lawrence University. Mr . Winston Yuen - shun Kan , Assistant Buildings Officer Buildings Office Mr. Winston Yuen-shun Kan graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1967. Before joining this University in April 1971, Mr. Kan was for several years an Architect with a leading architects and engineers firm in Western Australia. Mr. Kan has had extensive experience in coordinating high-density housing developments, school- projects and town-planning schemes. He is an Associate Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects and of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects. (picture in Chinese Section) Comi ngs and Go i ngs • Prof. Vincent Chen, Professor of Politics at St. John's University, Jamaica, New York, and Mrs. Chen visited New Asia College on 7th July. They toured the College and conferred with Heads of the teaching departments of the College. • Mr. T. C. Cheng, President of United College, left Hong Kong on 21st July to visit the United Kingdom, and is expected to return at the end of August. • Miss H. M. Lee, Chairman of the Department of Social Work, Chung Chi College, left for the United Kingdom in the middle of July to attend the Executive Board Meeting of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Council of Social Welfare Symposium held in Edinburgh and to visit various universities and social welfare organizations. • Mr. William E. Hutchinson, Director and Public Affairs Officer, and Mr. John Frankenstein, Acting Cultural Affairs Officer, the United States Information Service, visited United College and New Asia College on 26th and 30th July respectively. • Dr. Wong Kwan-yiu, lecturer in Geography, United College, left for the United States to do post-doctoral work at the University of Pittsburgh. • Other visitors to United College included: Dr. Eva Lindemann, Cultural Attache of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany; President John W. Ryan, Dr. Lynne L. Merritt, Jr., Vice-President and Dean of Research and Advanced Studies, and Mr. George Pinnell, Dean of the School of Business, Indiana University. • Other visitors to the University included: Dr. Jennie Huie, formerly Head of the Department of English Language and Literature,United College; Prof. D. C. Lau, Professor of Chinese, University of London; Prof. Richard B. Morris, Columbia University; and Mr. Sol. W. Sanders, Deputy Chief of Mission, International Bank for Re- construction and Development. College News •The 20th Graduation Ceremony for the undergraduate departments of New Asia College and the 15th Graduation Ceremony for its Research Institute were held at the College auditorium on 1st July. Dr. Y. P. Mei, President of the College, gave the opening address. This was followed by a speech by Dr. Daniel Tse, President of the Hong Kong Baptist College. There were altogether 153 graduands from the undergraduate departments and 8 from the Research Institute. • Following an appeal by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of United College, Dr. the Hon. Sir Kenneth Ping-fan Fung, to raise a scholarship fund to be named after His Excellency the Governor, Sir David Trench, more than forty donations have been received to date from friends of the College, members of the Board of Trustees and the College teaching and administrative staff. A recent generous donation of HK$100,000 from Mrs. Stanley Smith has brought the total amount to over HK$170,000. • At the invitation of the Fine Arts Department of New Asia College, Prof. C. T. Li, Visiting Professor of Fine Arts of the University, gave a talk on "The Relation between Chinese Art and Western Ar t ", on 30th July. •United College has recently approved a request from the College Student Union that the student body be represented on the College Academic Board by five representatives, viz., the President of the Student Union and one student representative from each of the four academic divisions: Arts, Science, Business Administration and Social Science. • The summer art course, sponsored by the Fine Arts Department of New Asia College, began on 26th July. A total of 153 students have enrolled for the course which will end on 28th August. Ob i t ua ry • Prof. Chen Shih-hsiang, External Examiner of Chinese Literature (1969 - 1970) of the University, passed away on 23rd May, 1971. Prof. Chen was Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. • Mr. Tseng Yu-mei, a member of the Board of Governors of New Asia College, passed away on 28th June, 1971. Mr. Tseng was the Librarian of the College from 1956 until his retirement in 1965. He had served as a member of the College Board since 1952. • Dr. Pan Puh, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Mathematics of New Asia College, passed away on 3rd July, 1971. Dr. Pan joined the College in 1961 when he first came to Hong Kong. He helped to establish the Department of Mathematics of the College. - 9 -
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