Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 4 Nov 1971
Pr o f . Simon K u z n e t s Wi ns Nobe l Pr i ze The Chairman of the University's Advisory Board on Social Science and Business Administration, Prof. Simon Kuznets of Harvard University, was awarded this year's Nobel Prize for Economics. Prof. Kuznets has been Chairman of the Board since its establishment in 1964 and has been instrumental in helping the University to decide questions o f academic policy. Con f erences of Sou t heast As i an Soc i a l Sc ience As s o c i a t i on The Southeast Asian Social Science Association held its Inaugural Conference and Academic Conference in Hong Kong from 26th to 29th October. The establishment of the Southeast Asian Social Science Association is an outcome of the effort of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions o f Higher Learning (ASAIHL) to promote close workin g relations among Southeast Asian scholars and a more organized and systematic regional cooperation. The Organizers' Meeting was held from 2nd to 4th November, 1970 in Hong Kong under the auspices of ASAIHL. After careful consideration of all important implications for the establishment of a regional social science learned association, the Organizers' Meeting unanimously agreed tha t the Association should be established. The Inaugural Conference was held at this University on 26th October, at which Vice-Chancellor Choh- Ming Li welcomed the participants, and President of ASAIHL, Dr. R.L. Huang, delivered a statement. The Constitution of the Association was adopted and members of the Council were elected at the Conference. The following is a list of the membership of the Council: Indonesia Prof. Selo Soemardjan, Dean of Social Sciences, University o f Indonesia Dr. Astrid Susanto, Dean of Faculty of Mass Communication, Padjadjaran University, Malaysia Dr. Mokhzani Abdul Rahim, Dean of Faculty of Economics & Administration, University of Malaya Prof. K.J. Ratnam, Dean of School of Comparative Social Sciences, University of Penang Philippines Prof. Abelardo G. Samonte, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, University of the Philippines Second member t o be nominated Singapore Dr. K.E. Shaw, Dean of Arts, Nanyang University (Treasurer) Mr. Tham Seong Chee, Department of Malay Studies, University o f Singapore Thailand Prof. Kasem Suwanagul, Dean of Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University (Vice-President) Dr. Radom Setteeton, Associate Dean of Graduate School, Kasetsart University Vietnam Prof. Ton That Thien, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Vanhanh University Prof. Ta Van Tai, Department of Political Science, Hue University, and SecretaryGeneral,Vietnamese Social Sciences Association Hong Kong Rev. E. Kvan, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong (Secretary) Prof. S.S. Hsueh, Dean of Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (President) The Academic Conference was held at the Park Hotel and the University of Hong Kong. The following topics were discussed during the three-day Conference: 1. Integration of Social and Economic Development 2. Social Mobilization and Political Participation 3. Cultural Diversity and National Identity Over thirty participants from institutions of higher learning of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Hong Kong attended the Conferences. Regional institutions, including ASAIHL, Regional - 7 -
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