Professor WONG Yeung Shan, Samuel
Associate Dean (Education)
Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
CUHK Employment
Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Medicine
Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
Professor and Head, Division of Family Medicine and Primary Healthcare, The Jockey Club School
of Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor (by courtesy), CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
Director, CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
Convenor (Family Medicine & Primary Care), Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine
- Primary Care and Family Medicine
- Health Services Research
- Multimorbidity
- Mental Health
- Public Health
Education & Qualifications
MD (U. of Toronto), MD (CUHK), MPH (Johns Hopkins), CCFP, FRACGP, FHKCCM, FFPH (UK), FCFP, FHKAM (Community Medicine), FHKAM (Family Medicine)
Research Interests
- Mental Health and Primary Care Interventions
- Mindfulness Related Interventions
- Multimorbidity
- Health Services Research
- Men’s Health
Additional Information
Professional Service
- Honorary Consultant in Family Medicine, Department of Family Medicine of the New Territories East Cluster of the Hospital Authority
- Member, Steering Committee on Primary Healthcare Development, HKSAR Government
- Member, Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene, HKSAR Government
- Member, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, HKSAR government
- Member, Expert Panel in Primary Healthcare and Non-communicable Disease
- Council Member, Hong Kong College of Family Physician
- Council Member, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine
- Editorial Board Member, PLOS ONE
- Editorial Board Member, BMC Family Medicine
- International Advisory Board Member, British Journal of General Practitioner
Academic Engagement in CUHK
- Director of the Master of Public Health, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
- Year 5 Co-ordinator, MBChB programme
- Member, MD Sub-committee, Faculty of Medicine
- Member. Fitness to Practice Committee, Faculty of Medicine
Selected Publications
- Wong SYS, Sun YY, Chan AT, Leung MK, Chao DV, Li CC, Chan KK, Tang WK, Mazzucchelli T, Au AM. Treating Subthreshold Depression in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavioral Activation With Mindfulness. Annals of Family Medicine2018, 16(2):111-119. doi: 10.1370/afm.2206
- Wong SY, Zou D, Chung RY, Sit RW, Zhang D, Chan D, Yeoh EK, Woo JW. Regular Source of Care for the Elderly: A Cross-National Comparative Study of Hong Kong With 11 Developed Countries. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2017 Jun 21.
- Wong SYS, Zhang D, Li CC, Yip BH, Chan DC, Ling Y, Lo CS, Woo DM, Sun Y, Ma H, Mak WW, Gao T, Lee TM, Wing Y. Comparing the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Sleep Psycho-Education with Exercise on Chronic Insomnia: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2017;86(4):241-253. doi: 10.1159/000470847. Epub 2017 Jun 24.
- Tsoi KKF, Chan JYC, Hirai HW, Wong SYS. Comparison of diagnostic performance of Two-Question screen and 15 depression screening instruments for older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry 2017; doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.186932.
- Wong SYS, Yip BHK, Mak WWS, Mercer S, Cheung EYL, Ling CYM, Lui WWS, Tang WK, Lo HHM, Wu JCY, Lee TMC, Gao T, Griffiths SM, Chan PHS, Ma HSW. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy versus Group Psychoeducation for People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. British Journal of Psychiatry 2016, 209 (1) 68-75; doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.1661245
- Chung RY, Mercer SW, Yip BH, Chan SW, Lai FT, Wang HH, Wong MC, Wong CK, Sit RW, Yeoh EK, Wong SY. The association between types of regular primary care and hospitalization among people with and without multimorbidity: a household survey on 25,780 Chinese. Scientific Reports 2016; 6:29758. doi: 10.1038/srep29758.
- Wei XL, Li HT, Yang N, Wong SYS, Chong MCS, Shi L, Wong MCS, Xu J, Zhang D, Tang J, Li DKT, Meng Q, Griffiths SM. Changes in the perceived quality of primary care in Shanghai and Shenzhen, China: a difference-in-difference analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015; 93(6):407-416.
- Wang HHX, Wong SYS*, Wong MCS, Wei XL, Wang JJ, Li DKT, Tang JL, Gao GY, Griffiths SM. Patients’ experiences in different models of community health centers in southern China. Annals of Family Medicine 2013; 517-526. doi:10.1370/afm.1545.
- Hou J, Wong SYS*, Yip, BHK, Lo HHM, Chan, PHS, Lo, CSL, Kwok, TCY, Tang, WK, Mak, WWS, Mercer, SW, Ma, HSW.: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program Improves Family Caregivers’ Mental Well-being: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 2013; 83:45-53
- Wong SY, Chan FW, Wong RL, Chu MC, Lam KYY, Mercer SW, and Ma SH: Comparing the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Multidisciplinary Intervention Programs for Chronic Pain A Randomized Comparative Trial. Clinical Journal of Pain.2011; 27(8):724-734
*corresponding author