Dr. KOU Zhihui, Christy
HD (Southeast), AD (HKBU), MA (PolyUHK), EdD (CUHK)Lecturer

Served as Putonghua and Chinese (Second Language) teacher at CUHK. Courses taught include Elementary and Advanced Putonghua (Chinese Speakers and Non-Chinese Speakers), Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Putonghua), Methods of Teaching Putonghua as a Subject, Curriculum and instruction design for using Putonghua as a medium in Chinese Language Teaching (PMI), Application of Linguistics in the Teaching of Chinese, Language and Literacy Development in Young Children.Served as Examiner of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority for the advanced Putonghua tests, and Evaluator of the Hong Kong teachers’ Putonghua competence examination.
Research Areas
Putonghua Education (Curriculum Design, Implementation and Evaluation) Using Putonghua as a medium in Chinese Language Teaching Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (Phonetics, Teaching Methods & Curriculum Design) Teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching Chinese language Language and Literacy Development in Young Children E-learning in Language EducationSelected Publications
- 寇志暉、張善培(2018)。〈評鑑香港中文職前教師普通話沉浸課程之成效〉。《課程研究》,第十三卷第一期,頁55-75。台灣。
- Mingyue (Michelle) Gu, Zhihui (Christy) Kou & Xiaoyan (Grace) Guo (2017). Understanding Chinese language teachers’ language ideologies in teaching South Asian students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1332000 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2017.1332000
- 寇志暉、張善培(2014)。〈基於教師憂慮反思香港中、小學以普通話教中文的教學發展〉。《教育學報》,第四十二卷第一期,頁101-120。
- 寇志暉、李子建 (2012)。〈交際型普通話課堂教學的設計與實施〉。《教育研究學報》,第二十七卷第一及二期,頁 129-147。
- 寇志暉、李子建(2012)。〈傳統3P模式與任務型教學法的課堂實踐與分析: 漢語作為第二語言教學的角度〉。《海外華文教育》。第1期,總第62期,頁3-9。廈門大學海外教育學院出版。廈門。
- 寇志暉、張善培(2011)。〈淺析對外漢語教學的課程組織〉。《海外華文教育》。第3期,总第60期,页31-37。廈門大學海外教育學院出版。厦门。
Selected Conference Papers
- KOU Zhihui (2018). The effects of Mobile Assisted Language Learning on pre-service teachers' Putonghua listening competency. Paper presented at European Conference on Language Learning 2018, Brighton, United Kingdom.
- KOU Zhihui (2017). Development of a mobile assisted learning app for enhancing the Putonghua listening and pinyin skills of Chinese language education students. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Kyoto, Japan.
- KOU Zhihui (2017). Strategies for implementing the whole language approach in early childhood classrooms in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The Fourth European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL), Brighton, United Kingdom.
- KOU Zhihui (2016). Using the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) model to evaluate the immersion program for pre-service Chinese Language teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the annual conference organized by the Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, Australia.
- KOU Zhihui (2016). Classroom Language Development: A Study of Teaching Chinese as Second Language to Non-Chinese Speakers in Secondary School in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Fourth European Conference on Language Learning, Brighton, United Kingdom.
- KOU Zhihui (2016). Enhancing Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy for learning Putonghua. Paper presented at the Sixth Asian Conference on Language Learning, Kobe, Japan.
- KOU Zhihui (2015). Using formative assessment to help South Asian Ethnic Minority students learn Chinese as a second language. Paper presented at the Excellence in Professional Practice Conference (EPPC) organized by the Australian Council for Educational Research, Sydney, Australia.