Ph.D. (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Email: peichichung@cuhk.edu.hk | Tel: 3943-1417 | Office: KKB 319
Peichi Chung received her Ph.D. from the Department of Telecommunication, Indiana University-Bloomington. Her teaching and research interests include new media and digital culture. In her teaching, she focuses on new development in media cultural studies. She examines issues related to new media production and cultural policy in sub-regional locations within Asia. Her research focuses on media industry analysis at both corporation and government levels. Since 2006, she intensively studied innovation dynamics in online game industries. She has conducted cross-country research in Asia, analyzing new media industries in Korea, China, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries. She is currently completing her longitudinal ethnographic work on Asian game industries in East and Southeast Asia.
Selected major publications (Since 2013)
Selected conference presentations (Work-in-progress Since 2013)
Creative works
Industry reports
Keynote & plenary addresses (Since 2013)
More works of Peichi Chung is available at www.peichichung.net
Professor Chung Peichi | Research keywords for Cultural Studies: Game Studies