Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University

中文大學校刊 · 特刊 Chinese University Bulletin · Special Supplement 10 二零零五 應邀出任雙語政策委員會主席,領導委員會向大學建議作長遠規 劃,以期落實及優化中大的雙語政策。 2005 Accepted the invitation to chair the Committee on Bilingualism to review and make recommendations on how The Chinese University can continue to uphold and enhance its policy on bilingualism. 金耀基校長於二零零四年六月二十九日主持任內最後一次行政與計劃委員會會議。 The last AAPC meeting chaired by Prof. King was held on 29 June 2004