Newsletter No. 2
“CUHK Newsletter 2 human resources. More flexible employ- ment terms and merit-based incentives would be offered to both academic and administrative staff to increase the attraction of working at the University. Near the end of his speech, the Vice- Chancellor also stressed the University's intention to further develop postgraduate programmes and its plans to increase the percentage of graduate students to at least 15 per cent of the student body in the next triennium. Services to the Community and International Organizations Dr. Kelvin Chan Kam-chuen, reader in pharmacology, has been appointed a member of the Pharmacy and Poisons Appeal Tribunal by HE the Governor for a term of three years from 1st December, 1989. Dr. Agnes Ng, senior lecturer in social work, has been reappointed an ex-officio member of the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning (in her capacity as chairman of the Board of Studies in Social Work, CUHK) by HE the Governor for two years f r om 1st November, 1989. Prof, Arthur K. C. Li, professor of surgery, has been nominated to represent the U n i v e r s i ty on the P r e p a r a t o ry Committee for the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. He has also been appointed a member of the University and Poly- technic Grants Committee by HE the Governor from 1st January, 1990 to 31st March, 1993. Prof. T. E. Oh, dean of medicine and professor of anaesthesia and intensive care, and Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, pro- fessor of surgery, have been nominated to represent the University on the Licentiate Committee of the Medical Council of Hong Kong. Prof. C. Y. To, professor of education, has been i n v i t ed by the E d u c a t i on Department to serve as a member of the newly established Private Schools Review Committee. Mr s. Joyce L ai M a L ai Chong, lecturer in social work, has been invited to serve as Counselling Consultant of the PS33 of Hong Kong Christian Service from 1st September, 1989 to 31st August, 1990. Prof. C. N. Chen, head of Shaw College and professor of psychiatry, has been re-nominated to represent the University on the Council of the Baptist College for a term of three years from 1st January, 1990. D r . H. C. Kuan, dean of social science and reader in government and public administration, has been nominated to represent the University on the Selection Committee of the Swire/Cathay Pacific Scholarship at St. An t on y 's College, Oxford and the J. K. Swire Memorial Scholarship at Nuffield College, Oxford for the academic year 1990-91. Dr. Leonard L. Chu, chairman of the Department of Journalism and Communication, has been invited to serve as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Asian Journal of Communication published by the A s i a n Ma ss C o mm u n i c a t i on Research and Information Centre based in Singapore. Dr. Daniel P. L. Law, lecturer in music, served as adjudicator for the Electronic Music Competition of the Hong Kong Young Musicians' Award sponsored by theMusic Office and RTHK in November 1989; and for a singing contest at St. Paul's Co-educational College on 11th November. He was also commissioned by the Hong Kong Children's Choir to compose 'Jubilate Deo' for children's choir and organ, which was premiered in the opening festival of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Dr. J. A. J. H. Crltchley, reader and chairman of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, has been appointed to the Drugs Ev a l ua t i on Committee of the Optometrists Board of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council for a term of three years from 13th January, 1990. CUHK Newsletter 1. The Newsletter is published around the middle of each month, items for the next issue should reach the Editor by 25th January, 1990. 2. The following two types of contributions should be sent via the Information Office of the University Secretariat (ext. 2358) on prescribed forms: a) staff external/community services and academic achievements; b) announcements by university units. i . All other contributions and suggestions should be directed to theE d i t o r ,CUHK Newsletter,c/o the Publication O f f i c e, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ext. 2936). 4. Contributions should be accompanied with Chinese translations; otherwise they will appear in the English version of the Newsletter only. 5 The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasons of clarity, length or gramma . Those who do not wish to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 6. All suggestions and articles should bear the name of the writer and his/her contact telephone number. 7. No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 8. This publication has a circulation of 1,1OO and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK.Copiesarealso sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct.
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