Newsletter No. 48
No.48 November 1993 CUHK Newsletter Hanzix: Chinese Open System Computing A group of researchers from the Department of Computer Science attended a seminar held in Beijing from 18th to 21st October on information technology in mainland China and Taiwan. The function was jointly organized by the Chinese Information Technology Committee on the mainland and the Institute for Information Industry in Taiwan. The purpose was to discuss strategies for and technical issues involved in establishing common standards in Chinese computing. The CUHK contingent was invited because of its research on Chinese open systemcomputing, or the 'Hanzix' project. The objective of the Hanzix project is to devise a standard platform for Chinese computing in an open system environment, so that Chinese software can be developed for use without modification in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese communities overseas. In the seminar CUHK representatives introduced to other participants the progress of their research and gained support from the right groups for the Hanzix project. They will continue to liaise with relevant government departments and private industries in mainland China and Taiwan and contribute their share towards establishing common standards for Chinese information technology. Workshop on Pelviscopic Surgery The first ever workshop on pelviscopic surgery in Hong Kong was organized on 8th and 9th October by the University's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with assistance from the Department of Surgery, the Animal House and the Prince of Wales Hospital. Over 30 local gynaecologists from the Hospital Authority and the private sector attended the function. Dr. C. S. Ou from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Washington, Seattle, performed three live surgical demonstrations on laparoscopic hysterectomy, colposuspension and ovarian cystectomy. Participants were also given the opportunity to obtain 'hands on' experience in operating with video laparoscopy under the supervision of experienced surgeons in a practical session conducted in the Animal House. The workshop was sponsored by Olympus Instruments and Johnson and Johnson. Entrepreneurship Luncheon Talk Two MBA alumni associations of the University launched their Entrepreneur- ship Luncheon Talk Series on 6th October 1993 at the Regent Hotel. The first guest speaker invited was local business magnate Dr. Cheng Yu- tung. Prof. Lee Kam-hon, dean of business administration, introduced Dr. Cheng as a world class entrepreneur with global visions in his business strategies. Dr. Cheng let the audience in on the key of his success, which can be summarized in 22 words: establish your credibility; keep your promises; be diligent; be cautious; honour those who have helped you; and never trade righteousness for profit. He also elaborated on business opportunities in China and called upon MBA students and alumni of the University to apply their professional knowledge not only to business management but also social service. Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. S. W. Tam, pro-vice-chancellor, has been appointed by HE the Governor as chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council for two years from 1st October 1993. Prof. Tam has also been appointed by the Hospital Authority as chairman of the Hospital Governing Committee for Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital from September 1993 to March 1995. • Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee of the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology has been reappointed by HE the Governor as chairman of the Optometrists Board for two years from 1st October 1993. • Dr. Paul P. H. But, senior lecturer in biology, has been appointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee for two years from 1st October 1993. • Dr. Chan Wing-wah, senior lecturer in music, has been appointed by HE the Governor as a member of the Working Group for the establishment of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council from 8th October 1993. • Mrs. Ho Wan Siu-wan, acting registrar, has been nominated by the University to serve as a member of the School Examinations Board, Hong Kong Examination Authority, from 18th October 1993. • Mr. Lee Shu-wing, deputy registrar, has been nominated by the University to serve as director of the Joint University and Polytechnic Admissions System from 18th October 1993. • Dr. Sydney Chung, reader in surgery, was appointed visiting professor of Tong Ji Medical University at Wuhan on 7th October 1993. • Dr. Julian A. J. Critchley, reader in clinical pharmacology, has been reappointed as chairman of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board's Examination Committee. (All information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 3
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