Newsletter No. 56
C U H K NEWSLETTER Sex Role Stereotyping Affects Adolescents A workshop entitled "'Little Women' and ' L i t t l e Men' — Sex Role Stereotyping and Its Ambivalence in the Development of Adolescents" was held on campus on 28th May. Organized by the Gender Research Programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the workshop set out to examine how sex discrimination could be reinforced and intensified in schools and at home as teachers and parents subconsciously pass onto the younger generation concepts about certain behavioural 'norms' for boys and girls and sex role stereotypes, and how the development of adolescents could be hampered by such concepts. The function was attended by women groups, academics, and government policy-makers, who actively discussed how adolescents should be taught in an environment free from sex discrimination. Officiating at the opening ceremony was Mr . Lam Woon Kwong, Deputy Secretary f or Educa t i on and Manpower. Speakers included Dr. David Wu, Ms. Lau Wing-man, Mr. Lau Chun-kwok, and Ms. Chan Po- king. New Academic Programmes The University Senate has recently approved the establishment of a Department of Mechanical Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering from 1st August 1994 to offer a new programme in mechanical engineering. The Senate has also approved the introduction of the following new academic programmes: • Master of Philosophy Programme in Industrial-Organizational Psy- chology from 1995-96 or 1996-97 • Diploma Course in Management and Business for Bank Officers jointly offered by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business and the Faculty of Business Administration from 1994-95 • Diploma Course in Advanced Securities Market Analysis offered by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business from 1994-95, in conjunction with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. 421 Awarded Diplomas in Education The Faculty of Education organized a graduation ceremony for students of the Diploma in Education programmes on 25th June 1994 at the Chung Chi College Chapel. This year a total of 421 graduates received their diplomas from Ms. Poon Suk Han, a winner of the 1993 Outstanding Educator's Awards and guest of honour at the ceremony. Sixty-five of the graduates were one-year full-time students. The others were two-year part-time students. Staff Tennis Team Proves Invincible The staff tennis team captured the championship of this year's Shell Cup Staff-Student Tennis Tournament, which took place on 2nd June at the University Sports Centre. The student team of 1994 boasted an impressive track record: they won the championship of the Hong Kong Post-secondary Colleges Tennis Competition 1994 and the tennis match in the CU-HKU intervarsity competition. One of their team members was also the 1994 champion of the men's singles in the Hong Kong Post- secondary Colleges Tennis Competition. Undaunted in the face of strong opponents, the staff team put up a heroic f i ght and surprised all spectators by defeating the students 9:0 in the nine-game match. Dr. K. K. Ma r k, captain of the staff team, received the Shell Cup from Prof. Joseph Lee, associate dean of medicine, after the competition, and the team celebrated their fifth victory in five years. Team members included Dr. Michael Tam (Physiology), Dr. Augustin Cheng (Microbiology), Dr. Pak-leong L i m (Clinical Immunology), Mr. Yuk-ho Tam (Anaesthesia and Intensive Care) and Mr. Michael Chan ( I n f o rma t i on Management Unit). NO.56JULY 1994 5
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