Newsletter No. 61
CUHK NEWSLETTER be reckoned with. Prof. Lee thinks it might help if the college life element in the substantiation/promotion process could be formalized, and if applicants would be asked to declare what they have done to contribute to college life. This, he hopes, will raise the awareness of teachers, chairmen and deans as well as that of the Academic Staff Review Committee, which consists of the four college heads and the seven faculty deans. Visions of a Secular Head Prof. Lee, who is not a Christian, thinks that it is not essential for a Christian to head Chung Chi despite the college's strong Christian tradition. 'Dr. Philip Fu isn't a Christian either, but he did very well as head of the college. I think it is important that the head should believe in the freedom of religion, and at the same time subscribe to the Christian tenets of love and service for all men,' he said. Academic credentials, community and alumni relations, and personal style of work are, of course, the major considerations whenever the University has to appoint a college head. Rapid expansion of the University in recent years has resulted in extensive demolition and construction works on the Chung Chi campus. Most of the six-in-one teaching blocks have been pulled down and replaced by larger, grander buildings. Some graduates and students call these new edifices monstrous because little attempt has been made to harmonize them with the surrounding landscape. Prof. Lee is inclined to agree: 'One of the reasons why many alumni still have such an admirable concern for the college is that they have fond memories of an elegant, self-contained campus surrounded by lush greenery. With this gone, the attractiveness of the college and students' sense of pride for the place will unavoidably be diminished.' However, he also understands that expansion owing to the sharp increase in student numbers is inevitable. That is why he hopes, during his term as college head, to build a new campus ecology that is as warm and friendly, and as full of characteristics, as the one before. The first step in his grand scheme is to find a site on the Chung Chi campus to build a new, distinct complex that blends with the natural landscape, and where he plans to house all teaching, administrative and recreative functions of the college. Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, Head of Chung Chi College, has been reappointed as a member of the management committee of the Police Education and Welfare Trust for three years from 1st December 1994. • Dr. Kenne th W . Y . Leung, lecturer in journalism and communication, has been reappointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on Travel Agents for two years from 1st November 1994. • Dr. Samuel S.L. Tung, lecturer in the School of Accountancy, has been appointed to serve on the American Accounting Association's Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee for a year from August 1994. • Dr. Stephen C.K. Chan, lecturer in English, has been invited by the Education Department Language Fund Advisory Committee to serve as an honorary external adviser in the vetting of language fund proposals for the year 1994-95. • Dr. Chan Wi ng Wah, senior lecturer in music, conducted the Hong Kong Ph i l ha rmon ic Orchestra to premiere his composition Elevation for organ and orchestra at the opening concert of the 20th anniversary celebration of the orchestra on 16th and 17th September 1994 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Dr. Chan also served as the chief delegate of Hong Kong at the UNESCO International Society f or Contemporary Mus ic conference held from 4th to 10th October in Stockholm, Sweden. • Dr. Tam Kwo k - k a n, senior lecturer in English, has been invited to serve as a member of the Validation Panel for the Higher Diploma in Bilingual Communication and Modularization by the Department of Chinese, Translation and Interpretation of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for the year 1994-95. • Dr. Chew Eng-ching, reader in anatomy, has been invited to be a founding member of the Hong Kong Convention Ambassador Programme organized by the Hong Kong Tourist Association from November 1994. NO.61 DECEMBER 1994 9
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