Newsletter No. 118
4 No. 118 19th December 1997 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任 Prof. James A. Dickinson 爲家庭醫學講座教授,任期由一九九 七年十一月十七日起生效。 Prof. Dickinson 在澳洲習醫,一九 七三年取得昆士蘭大學內外全科醫學 士學位,一九八九年獲紐卡素大學頒授哲學博士學位。 Prof. Dickinson 七四年在布里斯班雅麗珊郡主醫院實習,後留院服務,其後二十餘年 在澳洲、加拿大的醫院和大學行醫、教學,以及開展硏究計劃,也曾私人執業。他曾任職 於澳洲紐卡素大學、加拿大麥克馬斯特大學和麥吉爾大學等,加入中大服務前,爲西澳洲 大學講座教授。 他的主要硏究興趣爲預防醫學(尤其與癌症有關者),以及基層醫療服務在醫療組織和 政策所佔的角色。 Prof. James Arthur Dickinson has been appointed professor of family medicine in the Department of Community and Family Medicine from 17th November 1997. Prof. Dickinson studied medicine in Australia and obtained his MB BSfrom the University of Queensland in 1973. In the late seventies and eighties, he gained extensive experience in teaching and practising community and family medicine in Australia and Canada. He pursued doctoral studies in preventive activities in general practice at the University of Newcastle and was awarded a PhD in 1989. Prior to joining The Chinese University, Prof. Dickinson was Professor of General Practice at Fremantle Hospital of the University of Western Australia. His research interests include prevention and screening, especially of cancer, and the role of primary medical care in health care organization and policy. 非教學職員培訓及發展津貼 Reimbursement of Staff Training and Development Expenses to Non- teaching Staff 校方現接受隸屬未獲分配職員培訓及發展預算部門的非教學職員申請進修津貼,參加 與現行工作有直接關係的實用講座、工作坊及訓練課程。申請津貼之項目,以在一九九八 年一月或以後舉辦者爲限。 所有申請必須於有關項目舉辦前提出,並經所屬部門主管書面推薦,於一九九八年一 月二十三日或以前送達人事處,轉交行政事務委員會秘書譚壽森先生。 隸屬已獲分配職員培訓及發展預算部門之非教學職員的申請,槪由所屬單位處理及批 核。查詢可電人事處(內線七二八八、七一九一或七二九二)。 The University will soon consider requests from units/offices without a training and development budget for reimbursement of training and development expenses (including course fees and registration fees for workshops and seminars) to their non-teaching staff members who will be attend training/development programmes which start in or after January 1998. Applications from non-teaching staffmembers in these units should be forwarded with written recommendations by unit heads to Mr. S.S. Tam, Secretary of the Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, University Administration Building on or before 23rd January 1998. To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted before the training/development programmes start. Such programmes should also be directly relevant to the applicants' present duties. Applications from staffmembers in departments/units with stafftraining and development budgets should continue to be processed and approved by such departments/units as budget holders. Enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7288/7191/7292). 動物飼養室改名 Animal House Renamed 動物飼養室上月十五日起改名爲「實驗動物中心」;該中心的辦公室和實驗室已於本月 初遷入上海總會科硏技術中心。 The Animal House has been renamed Laboratory Animal Services Centre with effect from 15th November 1997. The offices and laboratories have alsomoved to the Shanghai Fraternity Research Services Centre. 圖書館聖誕及新年期間開放時間 Library Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year Holidays 大學圖書館暨屬下分館將於本月廿五、廿六和廿八日,以及明年一月一日和四日停止 開放。各館於十二月廿二日至一九九八年一月三日之開放時間亦稍有更改。李炳醫學圖書 館於一九九八年一月二日起,而其餘各館於一月五日起,恢復正常開放時間。詳情請閱各 館之通告。 The University Library and its branch libraries will be closed on 25th, 26th, and 28th December 1997, as well as 1st and 4th January 1998. The libraries will also have slightly different opening hours from 22nd December 1997 to 3rd January 1998. The Medical Library will resume normal opening hours from 2nd January and all other libraries from 5th January. For details please refer to the notices posted at the entrances of various libraries. University Library System News Suspension of Certain Services Owing to the upgrading of the INNOPAC system, certain services of the University Library System are suspended from 16th December 1997 to 5th January 1998. These include the OPAC system, book drop and book return, and the sending of overdue notices. The processing time of interlibrary loan requests takes longer, and normal loan periods are extended to 6th January 1998, with the exception of short-term loans. Books should have been checked out, returned, or renewed before 16th December 1997. There is no collection of fines from 16th December 1997 to 12th January 1998. The Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research Services The Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan was established in 1962 to provide scholars around the world with computer-readable, numerical social science data for extensive quantitative analysis. Having been a member of the ICPSR since 1995, the University Library System has full access to all the electronic datasets in the ICPSR archive and can, in most cases, deliver them free to our users. Appropriate datasets can be identified by searching the ICPSR website Request forms for ICPSR datasets are available at the reserve books/interlending counter on the ground floor of the University Library. For further details, please contact Miss Leung Yau-ching, the University's representative to ICPSR, at Ext. 8741 or The ARIEL Global Document Delivery Project Funded by the Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation, the ARIEL Global Document Delivery Project enables the five research and academic libraries involved in it to share the use of their full image documents. The partner libraries are The Chinese University Library System, the University of Pittsburgh Library System, Peking University Library, Shanghai Jiaotong University Library, and the Fu Ssu-nien Library of the Institute of History and Philosophy of Academia Sinica, Taiwan. ARIEL is the software that allows documents to be delivered via the Internet to anywhere in the world. Unlike fax transmissions, there are no long distance surcharges. The aim of the project is to investigate the feasibility of an efficient and economical global sharing of scholarly literature. Enquiries can be directed to the Interlending Section of the University Library. 部分運動設施假日試行開放 Trial Opening of Sports Facilities on Sundays & Public Holidays 本校運動設施以教學、校隊訓練及比賽爲基本用途,部分設施在課餘開放予教職員使 用。大學行政事務委員會決定由一九九八年一月至六月,試行在星期日及公眾假期(勞工 假期除外)每日上午八時至下午一時,及下午二時至六時,以收費形式開放部分運動設施 予下列人士使用。 (一)中大全日制及兼讀制學生; (二)中大全職教職員(及其配偶、子女); (三)持「中大校友信用卡」之校友(及其配偶、子女); (四)由上述人士陪同使用場地之其他人士(須繳交來賓附加費)。 開放設施及收費* 學生 教職員 校友 個別場地最高使用人數 大學體育中心 羽毛球場(每個) $13 $26 $39 4 籃球練習場(半場) $26 $52 $65 12 籃球主場(全場) $39 $78 $91 16 汾陽體育館 壁球場(每個) $13 $26 $39 2 網球場 3 至 10 號場(每個)# $13 $26 $39 4 夏鼎基運動場 小型足球場(每個) $52 $104 $117 20 跑道 免費 免費 $13 一 *收費以每小時計算,壁球場則以每四十五分鐘計算。 #凡夜間使用網球場,須繳交特別照明附加費,每場每小時$26。 來賓附加費:由中大學生、教職員或校友陪同使用上述設施之校外人士 ,每人每次每 時段須繳交來賓附加費 $13。 預訂場地及繳費辦法 上述設施接受預訂,辦法如下: (甲)學生 (一)學生最早可於使用場地前十四天(兩星期)對上的星期五,依特定時間(見下 表)攜同學生證親往大學體育中心訂場並繳費,領取「用場證」。發出「用場 證」後,款項槪不退還。 星期五 星期一及星期三 上午十時至下午二時 下午二時半至四時半 上午九時至十一時 (乙)教職員 (二)教職員最早可於使用場地前十四天(兩星期)對上的星期五,依特定時間(見上 表)致電大學體育中心(二六零九六零九三)預訂場地,取得「訂場編號」。 (三)其後憑「訂場編號」在上表時間內攜同職員證前往大學體育中心繳費,並領取 「用場證」。發出「用場證」後,款項槪不退還。 (四)凡未繳費而欲取消其所訂場地者,最遲須在用場前兩天之辦公時間內致電通 知大學體育中心,否則該中心仍會向有關之教職員收取費用。
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