Newsletter No. 155
校方積極探討強積金對大學公積金的影響 為配合二零零零年十二月起推行的強制性公積金 (強積金)計劃,大學現已開展籌備工作,以符合 法例的要求。 校方已聘請了大學的精算師偉世顧問有限公司為顧 問,就強積金計劃提供專業意見及協助;該公司已開始 搜集資料及研究可行的方案。而由副校長廖柏偉教授領 導的籌劃委員會,會負責監督及推行整個項目,並向同 人、公積金計劃受託人及教職員協會進行全面諮詢,以 確保僱員與大學雙方的利益。 校方將會透過《中大通訊》發放有關強積金的資料。 以下為強積金的簡介,如欲取得更詳盡資料,請參考有 關法例(可到網頁 , 再按鍵「前 往雙語法例資料系統」)。 強積金計劃涵蓋範圍 ‧年齡介乎十八至六十五歲的在職人士。 ‧受僱連續六十日或以上的僱員及來港工作超過十二 個月的海外人士。 ‧獲豁免的僱員類別包括家務僱員及公務員。 供款 ‧僱員及僱主各須按僱員每月有關入息的百分之五供 款,此為強制性供款。 ‧有關入息(即薪金與所有現金津貼之和,房屋津貼除 外)之最低額為港幣四千元,最高至港幣二萬元。 ‧除強制性供款以外,僱主及僱員各可選擇作額外的自 願性供款。 歸屬/保留/轉移的特性 ‧所有供款完全及即時歸屬於僱員。 ‧當僱員退休(即年屆六十五歲或屆六十歲而提早退休 者)、死亡、完全喪失工作能力或永久離開香港時,皆 可一筆過提取強積金計劃內的累算權益。 ‧累算權益會隨僱員轉職而轉移到另一強積金計劃。 投資選擇 ‧所有強積金計劃均為界定供款計劃,僱員有投資選擇權。 ‧投資選擇會因不同計劃而異,但須至少有一個保本 基金。 中大現行公積金計劃與強積金計劃 ‧中大的1983及1995公積金計劃,以及丙類服務條例 額外酬金計劃均合乎強積金的豁免準則,偉世顧問 有限公司將會為現行的公積金計劃與強積金計劃的 銜接,作全面的分析。 ‧大學有權採用僱主營辦計劃或集成信託計劃。 如欲查詢及了解有關強積金計劃的詳情,可致電: 人事處 人事主任盧杜燕萍女士 (內線七二八八) 人事主任曾雁妍女士 (內線七二六五) 助理處長譚壽森先生 (內線七二六九) 財務處 財務經理趙光榮先生 (內線七二四四) 高級財務經理姚啟昭先生(內線七八八八) 高級財務經理香世傑先生(內線七二四二) Gearing up for the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes W ith the launch of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) being scheduled for December 2000, the University has begun its preparation to meet the legislative requirements. William M. Mercer Ltd., the University actuary, has been engaged to provide advice and assistance. It has started to gather data and analyse the options available. Prof. P.W. Liu, pro-vice- chancellor, will lead a steering committee that oversees the implementation of this project. The steering committee will engage in full consultation with staff members, staff associations, and scheme trustees, to ensure that the interest of the staff and that of the University are properly addressed and well balanced. From time to time, announcements will be made through the CUHK Newsletter to disseminate information and communiques on the MPF. A brief summary of the MPF is provided below for general reference only. For further details about the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (MPFS) Ordinance, the appropriate government legislation should be consulted (refer to website and click ' Go to BUS'). MPF Coverage • All employees aged between 18 and 65. • Those employed for a consecutive period of over 60 days (or over 12 months for overseas employees). • Exception is made for certain employees (e.g. domestic helpers and civil servants). Contributions • In an MPF scheme, both the employer and the employee are required to contribute 5 per cent of the employee's monthly relevant income. • Relevant income (salaries + all cash allowances, except housing allowance) is set at a minimum of $4,000 and up to a maximum of $20,000. • Employer and/or employee can make voluntary contributions. Vesting/Preservation/Portability • All contributions will be fully and immediately vested with the employee's account once they are made. • Benefits are payable to members only upon their retirement at the age of 65, or when employment ceases at the age of 60 (early retirement), death, total incapacity, or permanent departure from Hong Kong. • Benefits are transferable to another MPF scheme on cessation of employment. Investment Options • All MPF schemes will be defined contribution schemes, with employees having the choice(s) of investment. • Investment choices depend on the scheme, but each scheme must have a Capital Preservation Fund. University ORSO Schemes and MPFS • The University ORSO Schemes (viz. the 1995 Scheme, the 1983 Scheme and Term (C) Scheme) qualify for MPF exemption. The consultants will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the interface between the University's existing schemes and the new MPFS. • The University has the choice of running an employer- sponsored MPF scheme or joining a master trust MPF scheme. For further information or clarification on the MPFS, staff members may contact the following colleagues: Personnel Office Mrs. Betty Lo, Personnel Manager Ext. 7288 Ms. Ronn Tsang, Personnel Manager Ext. 7265 Mr. S.S. Tam, Assistant Director of Personnel Ext. 7269 Bursary Mr. Laurence Chiu, Finance Manager Ext. 7244 Mr. Patrick Yiu, Senior Finance Manager Ext. 7888 Mr. Louis Heung, Senior Finance Manager Ext. 7242 Personalia •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a ‧人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態 中大通訊 第一五五期 一 九 九 九 年 十 二 月 四日 4 Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。
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