Newsletter No. 65
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校董 New Council Member 羅炳良博士獲崇基學院院務委員會依據大學 規程第十一 • 1(h) 條 、第十一 • 4 條及第十六• 6(a) 條 推選,繼張妙清授出任大學校董,任期三 年,由一九九五年四月廿三日起生效。 Dr. Danie l La w ha s been elected by th e Assembl y of Fellow s o f Chun g Ch i College , i n accordanc e with Statute s 11. 4 an d 16.6(a ) o f th e CUH K Ordinance, a s membe r o f th e Universit y Counci l under Statut e 11.1(h ) fo r a perio d o f thre e year s from 23r d Apri l 1995 , succeedin g Dr . Fann y Cheung. 中大校園公益行 Round-the-CU-Walkathon 中大評議會與香港公益金定於三月廿六日(星期 日)合辦「中大校園公益行」,爲中大音樂系、威爾斯 親王醫院之兒童癌病基金,以及香港公益金籌款。 「中大校園公益行」起點爲崇基學院嶺南體育 館,沿車站路、環迴東路、環迴北路、環迴西路至逸 夫書院,再經士林路抵范克廉樓大停車場爲終點。全 程共三公里半,需時約九十分鐘。沿途可欣賞吐露港 及八仙嶺的怡人景色。 香港老爺車會是日贊助老爺車展覽,展出約三十 輛古董車,供步行者觀賞及拍照。 「中大校園公益行」歡迎校友及校內員生組織隊 伍或以個人身分參加,爲中大、爲公益結伴齊邁步。 務請大學同人及家屬大力支持。步行贊助表格已分發 各學系和部門,查詢或索取更多贊助表格,請致電校 友事務處(內線七八七零/七八七二)。 The CUH K Convocation , a statutor y bod y wit h al l graduates o f th e Universit y a s its members , wil l organiz e a round-the-campu s walkatho n i n conjunctio n wit h th e Community Ches t o f Hon g Kon g o n Sunday , 26t h Marc h to rais e funds fo r auditoriu m facilitie s fo r th e Departmen t of Music, a s well a s for th e Children's Cance r Foundatio n of the Prince of Wales Hospital and the Community Ches t of Hong Kong . Starting a t Lingna n Stadiu m o f Chun g Ch i College , walkers wil l tak e th e coasta l rout e alon g Statio n Road , Campus Circui t East , Campus Circuit North , an d Campus Circuit Wes t t o Sha w Colleg e befor e finishin g thei r wal k at the BFC larg e carpark. Th e total distance i s 3.5 km and will tak e approximately 9 0 minutes to cover. Th e day wil l also b e marke d b y a classi c ca r sho w organize d b y th e Classic Ca r Club of Hong Kong. Sponsors o f th e even t wil l includ e Prof . Charle s Kao, vice-chancello r o f th e University , Dr . Alic e Lam , University treasurer , Prof . Arthu r Li , dea n o f medicine , and Mr. Lawrenc e Yu , executiv e committe e chairma n o f the Community Chest . Th e organizing committee , chaire d by Mr. Charle s Wang, consist s of over 50 alumni who are prominent figure s i n variou s occupationa l sectors . I t i s anticipated tha t man y CUH K alumn i wil l retur n t o thei r alma mater fo r a reunion and to support the event. Staff an d student s o f th e Universit y ar e invite d t o take part i n the walkatho n a s teams or individuals . Pleas e contact th e Alumn i Affair s Offic e (ext.7870 , 7872 ) fo r further informatio n and sponsorship forms . 偉倫講座 Wei Lun Lectures 本校於三月舉辦三項偉倫訪問教授公開講座,歡 迎出席。 中國醫學科學院北京協和醫院病理科教授陳杰教 授,將於三月六日下午五時三十分,假威爾斯親王醫 院臨牀醫學大樓二樓演講廳主持講座,講題爲「神經 生長因子誘導腫瘤細胞分化的硏究」。 諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人 Prof. Douglas s North 將於 三月七日下午四時三十分主講「歷史縱面論經濟」。 講座假何善衡工程學大樓五樓演講廳舉行。 美國麥迪遜威斯康辛大學傑出教育講座教授 Prof. Michael W . Apple ,將於三月十三日下午四時假信和樓 二號演講廳主講「教育與權力」。 Three We i Lu n Lecture s wil l b e delivere d b y visitin g scholars t o th e Universit y fro m Chin a an d th e Unite d States in March. The firs t lectur e entitle d 'Nerv e Growt h Factor - induced Differentiation of Neuroblastoma Cel l Lines ' wil l be delivered by We i Lu n Visitin g Fellow , Prof . Che n Jie from th e Departmen t o f Patholog y o f th e Pekin g Unio n Medical Colleg e Hospita l o f th e Chines e Academ y o f Medical Sciences , a t 5.3 0 p.m . o n 6t h Marc h i n th e second-floor lectur e theatr e o f th e Clinica l Science s Building, Princ e of Wales Hospital . The secon d lecture , 'Economi c Performanc e Through Time' , wil l b e delivere d b y We i Lu n Visitin g Professor Douglas s North , Nobe l Laureat e i n economi c science, a t 4.3 0 p.m . o n 7t h Marc h i n th e fifth-floo r auditorium o f the Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building . The thir d lecture , 'Educatio n an d Power' , wil l b e delivered b y We i Lu n Visitin g Professo r Michae l W . Apple, Joh n Bascom Distinguished Professor o f Education at the University o f Wisconsin , Madison , a t 4.00 p.m. o n 13th March i n Lectur e Theatr e 2 o f th e Sino Buildin g o n Chung Chi campus. All ar e welcome to attend. 語 文 基 金 ( 第 二 期 撥 款 申 請 ) The Language Fund — Second Call for Application 語文基金現已接受九四至九五年度第二期撥款申 請。本校教職員可以個人或團體名義向基金申請資 助,推行各種計劃及活動,提高學生、教師及社會人 士運用英文及中文(包括普通話)的能力。 該基金於一九九三年十月由政府撥款三億港元成 立,受教育署長法團條例管制,以信託形式運作。去 年七月首次接受撥款申請,共接獲一百七十七份申請 書,結果三十五份(廿三份針對中文,八份針對英文和 四份針對中、英文)獲資助,總額達五千四百萬元。 校方鼓勵同人積極參與。欲進一步了解可推行的 活動或計劃範圍,以及第一期獲資助的名單,可與校 長室聯絡(內線七二七四)。 査詢語文基金撥款申請詳情及索取申請表格,請 致電該基金秘書處(電話二八九二六六四二)。 截止申請日期爲一九九五年三月卅一日。申請者 須塡妥申請表格,直接交回語文基金秘書處,並順請 送交申請書影印本一份予校長室存案。 The Languag e Fun d Advisor y Committe e i s invitin g second roun d application s fo r grant s fro m th e Languag e Fund. Set u p i n Octobe r 199 3 wit h a governmen t appropriation of $30 0 million , th e fun d operate s unde r th e Director o f Educatio n Incorporation Ordinance . It s objective is t o subsidiz e project s undertake n wit h a n ai m t o enhance th e Chines e and/o r Englis h languag e proficienc y of peopl e workin g o r studyin g i n Hon g Kong . A tota l o f $54 millio n wa s awarde d t o 3 5 successfu l project s i n th e first roun d last year. A lis t o f pas t successfu l project s a s wel l a s suggestions fo r proposal s ar e availabl e a t th e Vice - Chancellor's Offic e (ext . 7274) . Detail s an d applicatio n forms ca n b e obtaine d direc t fro m Th e Languag e Fun d Secretariat (tel . 289 2 6642). Application s ca n be made on a grou p o r individua l basi s an d shoul d b e submitte d t o The Languag e Fun d Secretaria t b y 31s t Marc h 1995 . A copy o f th e applicatio n shoul d als o b e sen t t o th e vice-chancellor fo r record . 教職員子女海外教育津貼 Overseas Education Allowance 政府近期修訂公務員子女海外教育(寄宿生及走讀 生)津貼,大學決定跟隨,調整教職員子女教育津貼 額,生效日期如下: 就讀國家 新津貼生效日期 愛爾蘭共和國 一九九三年九月一日 紐西蘭、澳洲 一九九四年一月一日 英國、美國 一九九四年九月一日 總務處將於月內補發或扣除因調整津貼額而增加 或減少之教育津貼。 Rates o f oversea s educatio n allowanc e (bot h boarding an d da y schoo l allowances ) payabl e t o eligible appointee s wit h childre n studyin g i n certain oversea s countrie s hav e bee n revise d i n accordance wit h a simila r revisio n b y th e Civi l Service, wit h retroactive effec t from th e followin g dates: Countries Effective Date The Republic of Ireland 1s t September 199 3 New Zealand , Australia 1s t January 199 4 UK, US A 1s t September 199 4 Any shortfal l i n payment under the new scal e will b e refunde d t o staf f member s an d an y overpaymen t will b e recovere d fro m th e staf f member' s salary . Appropriate arrangement s wil l b e mad e b y th e Bursar' s Office i n the March 199 5 payroll . 預防乙型肝炎運動 Hepatitis B Awareness Campaign 保健處將於本月十三至廿五日舉辦預防乙型肝炎 運動,在保健中心展出乙型肝炎之有關資料,其間並 爲教職員及其家屬和學生抽血檢驗是否具有乙型肝炎 抗原或抗體,及爲有需要者注射疫苗。 抽血檢驗的費用爲一百三十元,注射疫苗(三劑) 則每劑九十六元。兩項活動分別於十六至十七日及廿 三至廿四日(上午九時至中午十二時半,下午二時至四 時半)舉行。 The Universit y Healt h Servic e wil l hol d anothe r hepatiti s B awarenes s campaign from 13t h to 25th March . The campaig n wil l featur e a n exhibitio n i n th e Health Centre , bloo d tests , an d vaccinatio n services . Students, staf f an d thei r dependant s ca n be teste d fo r th e hepatitis B viru s a t onl y $130 , an d thos e wh o wan t immunization ca n b e vaccinate d i n thre e dose s a t $9 6 each. The Healt h Centr e wil l b e open fo r blood-testin g o n 16th and 17t h March an d for vaccinatio n service s o n 23rd and 24th . Openin g hour s ar e fro m 9.0 0 a.m . t o 12.3 0 p.m. an d 2.00 p.m. t o 4.30 p.m. o n the specified days. 捐血週 Be a Blood Donor 本校與紅十字會合辦捐血週,請踴躍參加,大力 支持。捐血站開放時間爲上午十時至下午四時三十 分,日期地點如下: 日 期 地 點 三月十三日(星期一) 富爾敦樓二樓一零三綜合活動室 三月十四日(星期二) 聯合書院湯若望宿舍禮堂 三月十五日(星期三) 新亞書院樂群館學生休息室 三月十六日(星期四) 科學館東座 ELG104 學生休息室 三月十七日(星期五) 崇基學院眾志堂 The 199 5 CUHK bloo d donation campaign will tak e place from 13t h to 17t h March. Representative s fro m th e Hon g Kong Re d Cross wil l b e stationed in different locations on campus from 10.0 0 a.m. t o 4.30 p.m. o n those days. 13th March (Monday) Rm . 103 , Joh n Fulton Centre 14th March (Tuesday) Hal l of Adam Schall Residence, United College 15th March (Wednesday) Students ' commo n room, Staff Student Centre, New Asia College 16th March (Thursday) Students ' common room, ELG 104 East Block, Science Centre 17th March (Friday) Chun g Chi Tang, Chung Chi College ACU Looking for New Secretary General The Counci l o f th e Associatio n o f Commonwealt h Universities (ACU) i s searchin g fo r a new secretar y genera l to succee d the presen t incumbent , Dr . A . Christodoulou , who wil l retir e o n 31s t Ma y 1996 . Th e secretaria t i s i n London bu t th e appointee' s dutie s wil l includ e visit s t o university institution s throughou t th e Commonwealth. Th e ideal candidat e wil l b e a citize n o f a Commonwealt h country wh o i s a graduat e wit h broa d experienc e o f academic and/o r publi c administrativ e wor k i n th e Commonwealth. Further particular s ar e availabl e fro m Doroth y Garland, Secretar y t o th e Advisor y Committee , ACU , 3 6 Gordon Square , Londo n WC1H 0PF (tel : 017 1 387 8572 , fax: 017 1 38 3 0368 , e-mail : . Applications (including th e name s o f thre e referees ) shoul d be lodged by 31s t March 1995 . 中大通訊 第六十五期 一九九五年三月四日 4
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