Newsletter No. 68
4 No. 68 19th April 1995 CUHK Newsletter 中 大 出 版 社 新 書 New Publications of the University Press • Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong Edited by Jane C.Y. Lee and Anthony B.L. Cheung, Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong: Key Concepts, Progress- to-Date and Future Direction is a collection of ten essays on public sector reform in Hong Kong. The papers address different issues related to public reform. Four of them examine financial management, new public management, and political considerations; three study reform initiatives at the government departmental level; and another three provide comparative perspectives. Public sector reform which came belatedly to Hong Kong in 1989 rings loud of prevalent western reform trends. There has been very little discussion among the local community over the government's public reform programme. This book therefore is breaking new ground by raising fundamental issues for further debate. 336 pages,paperback ,HK$150 • Clearing the Air: Vehicular Emissions Policy for Hong Kong Coauthored by F.W. Rusco and W.D. Walls, the book is the first publicly available economic analysis of air pollution in Hong Kong. Findings of the study show that the air quality in Hong Kong compares well to most industrialized cities in the world, especially in relation to the concentration of pollutants attributable to motor vehicles. There are however two exceptions: heavily congested urban corridors and tunnels and carparks. The book points to goods vehicles as the main culprit of pollution. The findings of this study have a most important bearing on the formulation of policies on pollution abatement. 122 pages, paperback, HK$90 • 《靑年法律常識手冊》 本書由中大學生事務處主任周陳 文琬女士主編,目的是爲靑年人及學 生提供一些基本的法律知識,以加強 他們對現行制度及其存在意義的了 解。香港的法律卷帙浩繁,本書選擇 與靑年人日常生活及工作有密切關係 的法例,以淺白文字介紹,對較難理 解的槪念則用實例說明。書中論及的 法律範疇計有香港法制、《基本 法》、社團、公安、合約、誹謗、版 權、勞工、租務和消費者權益。此 外,有五個附錄供讀者參考,包括香 港人權法案條例、法律援助署審理範 圍及收費、《基本法》內關於居民的 基本權利和義務的闡釋、保障消費者 的法例及消費者委員會諮詢中心等。 書末附法律詞彙的中、英文索引。 二百零六頁,平裝本,港幣六十八元 •《甲骨文通檢第三冊:天文氣象篇》 本書是《甲骨文通檢》一書之第 三分冊,分爲天文及氣象兩個部分。 書中收錄的資料來自《甲骨文合 集》,小屯南地、英國、法國、日本 東京大學、天理大學、加拿大、懷特 氏等收藏之甲骨,以及周原出土甲骨 等所有已發表之甲骨文字。對於硏究 商代天文氣象、古文字學和考古學有 極大幫助。 本書主編饒宗頤教授在書中對卜 辭天象名詞作了進一步重要考釋,包 括探溯古代廿八宿星名的起源,把商 代天文氣象硏究推向一個更新的領 域。 五百四十八頁,精裝本,港幣四百八十元 大學同人在富爾敦樓大學書店購買上述書籍,可獲八折優待。 Service to the Community and International Or gan i za t i ons • Dr. Lam Kin-che, senior lecturer in geography, has been appointed by HE the Governor to the Appeal Board Panels under the Noise Control Ordinance and the Air Pollution Control Ordinance for three years from 1st February 1995. • Dr. Richard Ho Man-wui, lecturer in Chinese language and literature, has been reappointed by HE the Governor as an adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal for two years from 1st March 1995. • Prof. R C Leung of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology has been nominated by the University to serve as its representative on the Hospital Authority's Regional Advisory Committee of the New Territories for one year from 1st April 1995. • Prof. David Gwilt of the Music Department has been appointed by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music to be their consultant in Hong Kong from March 1995. • Dr. Cheng Yin-cheong, senior lecturer in educational administration and policy, has been appointed as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Educational Management of UK from 1995. (All information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 《香港證券業參考手册》(第二版) Manual of the Hong Kong Securities Indust ry (Second Edition) 《香港證券業參考手冊》第二版已由亞太工商 硏究所及香港聯合交易所聯合出版。 該書由 D r . Robert Terpstra 主編,作者均爲財 務學學者或證券專業人員。他們從不同角度提供有 關資料,讓讀者更深入及廣泛地了解香港證券業。 該書除簡介金融市場的功能及運作外,更陳述 香港證券市場的監管架構和有關法例及規則,並指 導讀者如何理解財務報表及運用財務分析工具,是 報考證券業考試者的必讀刊物。 該書中文譯本書末輯錄了詳細的財務及證券中 英詞彙,定價港幣三百九十元,在辰衝、香港圖書 中心及商務等書店有售。查詢請電中大出版社(內 線六五零八)。 Edited by Dr. Robert H. Terpstra and written by various academics and financial professionals, the comprehensive Manual of the Hong Kong Securities Industry (Second Edition) is useful to people engaged or interested in the financial markets of Hong Kong. It is also required reading for students sitting for the Securities Industry Examinations — qualifying examinations for those who wish to register as securities brokers and brokers' representatives. The manual consists of three sections: the first describes the economic functions and the operation of financial markets; the second describes the regulatory framework of the securities industry as well as the rules and regulations of the trade; and the third explains fundamental accounting concepts and tools for financial analysis. The book is jointly published by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business of CUHK. 413 pages, hardcover, HK$390
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