Newsletter No. 377
第三七七期 二零一一年五月四日 No. 377 4 May 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 唱出寶島風情 香港中文大學合唱團在3月27日假荃灣大會堂演奏廳舉行名為「台灣風 情」的周年音樂會,台北愛樂合唱團常任指揮古育仲親臨香港擔任指 揮,台北愛樂文教基金會藝術總監杜黑精心挑選曲目,包括富有原住 民情調的《馬蘭姑娘》,以及《再見我的愛人》、《月亮代表我的心》、 《流浪到淡水》等懷舊金曲,為聽眾帶來一個瀰漫寶島風情的晚上。 Singing Formosa The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus staged its annual concert ‘Formosan Panorama’ at the Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium on 27 March. Ku Yu-chung John, music director of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, was the guest conductor of the concert. Designed by Du Hei Dirk, artistic director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education, the programme comprised an aboriginal song The Maiden of Malan and Taiwanese pop oldies like Goodbye! My Love , The Moon Represents My Heart , and Wandering to Tamsui , giving the audience a taste of Taiwanese music. P2 「腦是取代不了的器官, 心臟可以換、肝可以、腎 可以,唯獨腦不可以。」 ‘The brain is an irreplaceable organ. We can transplant the heart, livers, kidneys, but never the brain.’ P5 中大舉行第七屆賽艇錦標賽,晨興與善衡兩所書院 首次參加。 Morningside College and S.H. Ho College participated in the CUHK Rowing Championships for the first time. P8 「那是2010年9月,⋯⋯忽然收到 校方短訊,通知取消所有課堂,原來 有槍手衝入圖書館脅持人質。」 ‘One morning in September 2010 … I received a text message from the university, saying that all classes were cancelled. It turned out that a gunman has taken hostages in a library.’
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