Newsletter No. 59
C U H K NEWSLETTER SCS A r t Exhibition P r o f .and Mrs. Charles Kao at the exhibition The School of Continuing Studies (SCS) held an art exhibition from 18th to 22nd September at the City Hall to celebrate its 30th anniversary. Ex h i b i ts came f r om SCS art instructors, current and past students, and reputable Chinese painters who had given lectures at the University. They all showed a high level of accomplishment in art. Some participants recently won awards in different open competitions such as the First Schwan-Stabilo Illustration Exhibition and Contest, and the Philippe Charriol Foundation - Modern Art Competition 1994. Prof. S. W. Tam, pro-vice- chancellor and acting director of SCS, and Prof. Wu Shan Ming, Wei Lun V i s i t i ng Professor and Head of the Chinese Painting Department at the China National Academy of Fine Arts, officiated at the opening ceremony. All Stars Medical Soccer Carnival Movie Stars, doctors, and footballers fought tooth and nail at a charity soccer t ou r nament he ld on 18th September to raise funds for cancer research. Each of the four organizers sent a team to the tournament. They were the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK, the Hong Kong Movie Star Sports Association, the Hong Ko ng Sports Institute, and the La Salle College Old Boys' Association. Doctors proved themselves the best of the four teams and won the championship. The first and second runners-up were the Hong Kong Sports Institute and the La Salle old boys. Officiating at the opening ceremony of the tournament were Mr. A. de O. Sales, president of the Olympic Committee of Hong Kong; Dr. E. K. Yeoh, chief executive of the Hospital Au t h o r i t y; Prof. Charles K. Kao, vice-chancellor of the University; Prof. Arthur L i, dean of medicine of the University; Mr. Eric Tsang, chairman of the Hong Kong Movie Star Sports Assoc i a t i on; Dr. Dennis Wh i t b y, managing director (designate) of the Hong Kong Sports Insitute; Mr. Joseph Lee, chairman of La Salle College Old Boys' Association; and Mr. K. K. Yip, Regional Commander (NTS) of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force. Message From the Water Sports Centre: Dear readers of CUHK Newsletter, I am Paul T. Cuthbert, supervisor of the Water Sports Centre. I have been w o r k i ng here for a year and a half n ow , and I greatly enjoy m y wo r k. I am a lifeguard, a member of the H o n g K o ng Canoe Un i on, and have ma ny years of sailing experience. I also have a boat licence and d r i ve the centre's rescue boat. D o w n here at the centre, we have the staff boat club, the canoe club, and a n ew sailing club. The centre may also have a n ew p o n t o on soon! We are also f o rm i ng a w i n d s u r f i ng club. If y o u are interested to join, or to help f o rm the committee for the n ew club, y o u can contact m y office (tel. 6036776) or give me a call (tel.1109188 page 8898). We look f o r wa rd to seeing you. Paul T. Cuthbert NO.59OCTOBER 1994 6
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