Newsletter No. 191
Applications and nominations are invited from all full-time non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), with respect to retirement/extension of service, and promotion to Lecturer rank or equivalent, for consideration in the staff review exercise for the academic year 2002-3. The deadline for submission is 7th December 2001. Applications and nominations should be sent to Mr. S.S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, 2/F, University Administration Building. Further enquiries may be directed to Mr. S.S. Tam (Ext. 7269). Golf Club Membership From the Bursary The University holds a debenture of the Hong Kong Golf Club (HKGC) in Fanling and is a founding member of the Mission Hills Golf Club (MHGC) in Shenzhen. Staff from the University may be nominated as members of these two clubs. There are now two openings, one at HKGC and one at MHGC, available for nomination. Staff members on terms (A) or equivalent terms are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University-nominated member (with effect from 1st January 2002) on the following terms and conditions: 1. The minimum bid (monthly charge payable to the University) is $5,000 for HKG C membership and $1 for MHGC membership. 2. Membership is subject to the nominee remaining a full-time Terms A/equivalent employee of the University. 3. The new member pays the non-refundable nomination transfer fee of $10,000 charged by HKGC and $20,000 charged by MHGC. The fee can be paid via payroll deductions over a period of one year for HKGC and two years for MHGC. 4. The minimum term is one year for HKGC and two for MHGC, both of which can be extended for another year at the request of the member, subject to agreement by the University. 5. The vice-chancellor has discretion over the assignment of membership. In cases of similar bidding prices, preference will be given to those who have not been a nominee before. 6. In addition to the monthly charge payable to the University, the nominated member is required to pay a monthly membership fee to the golf club concerned, plus other usage charges. 7. The member is required to abide by the rules of the relevant golf club. MHGC has four 18-hole courses, with night golfing available on two of the courses, and a five-star resort hotel plus facilities attached to the golf club. Members can arrange accommodation at discount rates. The club operates a shuttle bus service from their parking lot at Sheung Shui and it takes about 50 minutes to travel from the parking lot to the club. As a founding member, the University has a private locker available for the nominated member's use. The nominated membership also covers spouse and children under 21 years of age. Eligible staff members who are interested should submit their bids to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, indicating the amount he/she is willing to pay to the University as the monthly charge. Bids for HKGC and MHGC membership by the same person should be submitted separately, in envelopes marked 'Application for Golf Club Membe rship'. A ll submissions must reach the Tender Board before 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, 15th November 2001. Applicants will be informed of the results in due course. Please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at Ext. 7887 for any further information and visit the Business Office's homepage at t o download the bidding forms. 保健處搬遷消息 Relocation of UHS Postponed 保健處已改期於本月五日遷回保健醫療中心,繼續為員生服務,而其物理治療部 仍留駐一苑至十一月九日。不便之處,敬請原諒。 The University Health Service w i ll move back to its clinic at Clinic Road on 5th November while its Physiotherapy Department w i ll remain in Residence 1 until 9th November. UHS is sorry for any inconvenience caused. 校長盃暨教職員同樂日本月十八日舉行 兩年一度的校長盃暨教職員同樂日訂於本月十八日(星期日)舉行,歡迎大學同 人攜眷參加。 這項嘉年華會式活動由中大職協、四所書院、體育部和新聞及公共關係處合辦。 是日由上午八時半至下午四時在大學體育中心進行,節目多采多姿。球類比賽包括足 球、籃球、羽毛球、兵兵球及網球,邀請中央行政、崇基學院、新亞書院、聯合書院 及逸夫書院五隊角逐校長盃,同人請向各隊有關負責人查詢參賽詳情。除隊際賽外, 今年新增一哩步行及木球等個人項目,希望更多教職員參與,以推廣健康校園的概 念。 闔家溫馨樂聚的活動則有各式攤位遊戲、小丑花式氣球、卡通人物、小馬策騎 等。 大會剪綵及開球禮儀式於當日上午十一時四十分在夏鼎基運動場舉行,由李國章 校長和康樂及文化事務署副署長何永謙先生主禮,有醒獅和銀樂隊表演助慶。此外, 康樂及文化事務署會與中大教職員隊進行籃球友誼賽。 頒獎典禮定於下午四時在大學體育館舉行,由校長及書院院長負責頒獎。 校長盃節目豐富,不容錯過。同人請踴躍參賽、觀賞,甚或作啦啦隊為己隊打 氣。 部分體育場地提早開放 體育部本學年提早開放夏鼎基運動場跑道及大學健身室,使員生有更多鍛鍊身體 的機會,藉以推動校內的體育活動風氣。新的開放時間如下︰ 夏鼎基運動場跑道 星期一至五* 上午七時至下午八時半 星期六 上午七時至下午七時 星期日及公眾假期 上午八時至下午一時,以及下午二時至六時 (勞工假期除外) 大學健身室 星期一至五* 上午七時至下午八時半 星期六 上午九時至中午十二時 星期日及公眾假期 關閉 * 星 期 一 至 五 上 午 八 時 半 至 下 午 四 時 半 , 主 要 供 學 生 上 體 育 課。 Library Workshops: November and December 2001 The following workshops have been organized by the University Library System for November and December 2001. They wi ll take place in the User Education Room 1, G/F, University Library. To register, retrieve the online registration form from ht tp://www.lib.cuhk You can also register by e-mail at, or in person at the reference counter, 1/F, University Library (Ext. 7305). Citation Indexes and Journal Citation Reports Demonstrates the use of the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index on the Web of Science. Shows how to find impact factors of journals at the Journal Citation Reports. 5th December 2001 (Wed) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. 14th December 2001 (Fri) 2.25 p.m.- 3.15 p.m. Company Information Demonstrates how to find company information, including income statements, balance sheets, and annual reports. 8th November 2001 (Thu) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. 13th November 2001 (Tue) 2.25 p.m.- 3.15 p.m. Datastream on Excel Demonstrates the use of Excel to retrieve financial information, including multitime series data from Datastream. The workshop will be conducted by Datastream staff. 16th November 2001 (Fri) 2.15 p.m.- 3.30 p.m. ERL Databases Demonstrates the use of ERL databases, which include indexes on Arts and Humanities, Biology, Economics, Education, Food Sciences, Geography, Literature and Languages, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, and Sport Sciences. 22nd November 2001 (Thu) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. 27th November 2001 (Tue) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. Free Information on the Web Demonstrates the use of search engines to locate free information on the web. 21st November 2001 (Wed) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. 28th November 2001 (Wed) 2.25 p.m.- 3.15 p.m. ProQuest Databases Demonstrates the use of ABI/INFORM Global (the major index to business articles), Accounting and Tax (an important index to accounting articles), Social Science Plus, and Applied Science and Technology Index on ProQuest. Full-text of some of the articles are available at these databases. 15th November 2001 (Thu) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. 20th November 2001 (Tue) 11.25 a.m.—12.15 p.m. 文物館三十年入藏文物選粹展覽 文物館為慶祝建館三十周年,由本月十七日至明年二月廿四日特舉辦「香港中文 大學文物館三十年入藏文物選粹展覽」,重點介紹文物館庋藏的內容和側重學術研究 的特色,並表彰各界人士對文物館的熱心捐贈和贊助。歡迎參觀。 開幕典禮訂於十一月十六日下午四時半舉行,由李國章校長主持,文物館創館 館長屈志仁教授及文物館館友會會長潘啟子女士聯合主禮。 三十年來,文物館籌劃了不少精彩的專題展覽、學術講座及研討會,既為文物愛 好者提供欣賞中國文物的機會,也大力推動了中國藝術和文物的研究。大部分專題展 覽得到各地博物館、收藏家及團體借出珍藏,俱見各方對文物館的支持,也可見文物 館在文化交流上所起的作用。另一方面,文物館屢獲熱心人士慷慨惠贈,藏品亦日見 規模。 展品精選自該館歷年珍藏,包括繪畫、書法、銘刻、碑帖、陶瓷、銅器、玉器、 文玩、雕塑及其他工藝等。文物館書畫藏品以明清各不同地域流派及廣東名家作品為 大宗,近年入藏不少宋元珍品,則可見更早期書畫的面貌。銘刻碑帖方面如秦漢簡 牘、晉唐墓誌,以至宋拓碑帖等,都是文物館的重點收藏。文物館的陶瓷藏品頗足以 系統地介紹中國歷代陶瓷的發展,其中以明清堂名款瓷器、宜興紫砂、廣東石灣陶器 等佔多數。商周青銅彝器外,璽印逾千方,蔚為大觀。玉器以新石器時代及明清玉花 為主。雕塑、文玩及其他工藝如漆器、牙雕、竹木雕等,都各有精品。 為順誌文物館館友會成立二十周年,一直襄助無間,文物館特安排於東翼展覽廳 純粹展出館友會二十年來捐贈的文物。 另為配合展覽,文物館與館友會將於十一月廿四日假 Ladies Recreation Club 合辦 「香港中文大學文物館三十周年研討會」,邀請六位學者發表論文,主題圍繞文物館的 歷史和藏品,以誌慶文物館三十周年兼文物館館友會二十周年紀念。研討會語言為英 語,歡迎報名參加,查詢請電二六零九七四一六。 中大通訊 第一九一期 二零零一年十一月四日 4
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