Newsletter No. 210
4 No. 210 4th November 2002 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 遴選校長 Search for the Vice-Chancellor 校長遴選委員會已刊登有關徵聘大學校長的廣告,謹此敬告 大學全體成員。廣告已載於大學網 址 vcadc.html。 有意應徵或提名推薦合適人選者,請於二零零二年十 一月三十日或以前密函寄雷諾仕聘請顧問公司常務董事鄧昭平先 生,轉交香港中文大學校董會主席利漢釗博士,地址為香港中區 皇后大道中二十八號中匯大廈二十四樓,或電郵 :。 The Search Committee for the Appointment of the Vice-Chancellor would like to bring to the attention of all members of the University the announcement inviting nominations and applications for the Vice-Chancellorship of the University. A copy of the announcement can be found at the University's website A pplications and nominations should be sent in strict confidence on or before 30th November 2002 to Dr. Lee Hon-chiu, G.B.S., Chairman of the Council, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, c/o Mr. Raymond Tang, Managing Director of Russell Reynolds Associates, 24th Floor, Central Tower, 28 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, or email to: 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 教育行政與政策學講座教授 Professor of Educational Administration and Policy 大學委任盧乃桂教授為教育行政與政策學講座教授,任期 由二零零二年十月一日起生效。 盧教授一九七二年取得美國俄勒岡大學文學士學位,其後 到哥倫比亞大學深造’ 一九七七年獲授國際事務碩士學位及該 校東亞硏究所的證書,八二年獲頒教育博士學位。 盧教授隨即加入中大服務,曾任教育學院創院院長,現任香港教育研究所所長。 他是多份學報的編委,也是二十多所內地院校的名譽教授或研究員,更出任眾 多與教育事務相關的公職。 Prof. Leslie Lo Nai-kwai has been appointed professor of educational administration and policy from 1st October 2002. Prof. Lo obtained his BA degree from the University of Oregon, his master degree in international affairs and his doctorate in education from Columbia University. He is the founding dean of the Faculty of Education at The Chinese University from 1991 to 1997. He is director of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, head of the graduate division of education of the Graduate School, and director of the Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership. He is advisory professor at East China Normal University and honorary research fellow at Nanjing Normal University, the University of Peking and East China Normal University. He is also guest professor of numerous other universities on mainland China. Prof. Lo is also a member of or adviser to many professional bodies and associations in the education sector and sits on the editorial boards of many academic journals. 内科及藥物治療學講座教授 Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics 大學委任胡錦生教授為內科及藥物治療學講座教授,任期 由二零零二年十月一日起生效。 胡教授先後於一九六八及八九年獲香港大學頒授內外全科 醫學士和醫學博士學位。他於一九七三年取得新加坡國立大學 醫科碩士學位。 從一九六八年起,胡教授在香港各大醫院行醫,並曾到新 西蘭及澳州的醫院服務。他於一九八四年加入中大醫學院任高級講師。 胡教授是多個醫學專業組織的成員及理事,並出任多份學報的編委、評審或顧 問。他的主要研究興趣為心血管病和動脈硬化,以及其對中國人的影響。 Prof. Woo Kam-sang has been appointed professor of medicine and therapeutics from 1 st October 2002. Prof. Woo received his MB BS from the University of Hong Kong in 1968, his Master of Medicine from the University of Singapore in 1973, and his MD from the University of Hong Kong in 1989. He underwent specialty training in cardiology at Green Lane Hospital in New Zealand in 1975, obtaining his FRACP in 1977. Prof. Woo worked at various hospitals in Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand before joining the University in 1984 as senior lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine. He was professor in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and consultant cardiologist from 1999 to 2002. Prof. Woo is chairman of the Examination Committee and council member of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, committee member of the Council on Clinical Cardiology of theWorld Heart Federation, chairman of the Specialty Board in Cardiology of the Hong Kong College of Physicians, and editorial board member ofmany professional journals on cardiology. 精神科講座教授 Professor of Psychiatry 大學委任趙鳳琴教授為精神科講座教授,任期由二零零二 年十月一日起生效。 趙教授在香港大學攻讀醫科,畢業後在香港多家醫院服 務,一九八七年受聘為中大講師,並先後於九三及九九年晉升 為高級講師和教授。 她是多個醫學專業學會的成員或會長,又出任多份學報編 委,並成立了賽馬會耆智園,一九九九年獲香港特區政府頒授榮譽勳章。 Prof. Helen Chiu Fung-kum has been appointed professor of psychiatry from 1st October 2002. Prof. Chiu obtained her MB BS from the University of Hong Kong in 1980, and her MRCPsych (UK), FHKAM (Psychiatry), and FRCPsych (UK) in 1986, 1993, and 1997 respectively. She has undergone training in general adult psychiatry and research at the University of Cambridge on government scholarship. Prof. Chiu has also worked as houseman and medical and health officer at various hospitals in Hong Kong. She joined The Chinese University as lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry in 1987, becoming senior lecturer in 1993, professor in 1995, and chair of the department in 1996. She is also director of the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing. Prof. Chiu was awarded the Medal of Honour by the HKSAR government in 1999 for her work in the field of dementia. 外科講座教授 Professor of Surgery 大學委任嚴秉泉教授為外科講座教授,任期由二零零二年 十月一日起生效。 嚴教授在英國習醫,一九八一年獲劍橋大學文學士學位, 八四年獲牛津大學醫科學士學位,九九年再獲牛津頒授醫學博 士 學 位 。 嚴教授自八十年代中在英國和美國行醫及深造心胸外科,一九九二年加入中大 服務,九四年創辦了「胸腔鏡培訓計劃」,受惠之內地醫生已逾三十人。 他是二十多個專業學會的成員及理事,多份學報編委,著有《微創心胸外科學》 (英文)。 Prof. Anthony Yim Ping-chuen has been appointed professor of surgery from 1st October 2002. Prof. Yim undertook the natural sciences tripos path to medicine at the University of Cambridge and obtained his B.M. Ch.B. and doctor of medicine from Oxford University in 1984 and 1999 respectively. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow, of England, and of Edinburgh. He has undergone postgraduate training in general medicine, general and vascular surgery, and cardiac surgery in the UK and the US. He is a member or fellow of many learned societies including the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, the American Heart Association, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, the International Association for Cardiac Biological Implants, and the Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia. He joined the University in 1992, and founded the Cardiothoraciac Training Scheme from which approximately 30 mainland doctors have benefited so far. 生物化學講座教授 Professor of Biochemistry 大學委任馮國培教授為生物化學講座教授,任期由二零零 二年十月一日起生效。 馮教授是本校校友,先後於一九七三及七五年取得化學理 學士及生物化學哲學碩士學位,七八年獲香港大學博士學位。 畢業後,他便加入中大服務,八七年晉升為高級講師,九 五年為教授。 他是多個專業學會的成員,並多次協助籌辦大型學術會議,現為聯合書院院 長。他集中硏究癌病,是全港卓越學科領域「中醫中藥研究與發展」的硏究統籌之一。 Prof. Fung Kwok-pui has been appointed professor of biochemistry from 1st October 2002. Prof. Fung received his B.Sc. in chemistry, and his M.Phil, in biochemistry fromThe Chinese University, and his Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Hong Kong. He joined the University's Department of Biochemistry in 1978 as assistant lecturer, becoming lecturer in 1979, senior lecturer in 1987, and professor in 1995. He is now head of United College. He holds membership in societies including the Society of Chinese Bioscientists inAmerica, theAmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science, the NewYorkAcademy of Sciences, the Hong Kong Society of Microbiology, and the Hong Kong Society of Clinical Chemistry. Prof. Fung specializes in cancer research, specifically in anti-tumour mechanism, genomic and bioinfomatic characterization of genes in human liver tumour, and development of a specific assay for a serum biomarker for human bone tumour. 生物化學講座教授 Professor of Biochemistry 大學委任何國強教授為生物化學講座教授,任期由二零零 二年十月一日起生效。 何教授在美國柏克萊加州大學攻讀生物化學及經濟學,畢 業後留校鑽硏生物物理學,一九七二年獲授博士學位。 何教授七二年受聘為香港大學講師,七五年出任加州奧克 蘭兒童醫院副硏究員,同年加入中大服務。他先後於一九八一 及九二年升任高級講師和教授。 他是多個專業學會成員及學報編輯,與其他合作者共持有四項專利權。他主力 硏究魚類生長因子克隆等。 Prof. Walter Ho Kwok-keung has been appointed professor ofbiochemistry from 1st October. Prof. Ho received his AB in biochemistry and economics and his Ph.D. in biophysics from the University of California, Berkeley. He joined The Chinese University as lecturer in biochemistry in 1975, becoming senior lecturer in 1981, professor in 1992. He has served as chairman of the Department of Biochemistry since 1998. Prof. Ho is honorary professor at the Zhejiang Academy ofAgricultural Sciences and the Neuroscience Research Centre of Guangzhou Medical College. He is a council member of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Association, honorary consultant to Maxx Biosciences Co. Ltd., and director of the Shanghai Hong KongAlison Research Foundation, Hong Kong Centre. The focus of his current research efforts is the cloning of the fish growth hormone gene and the identification of lipid-lowering compounds in Chinese medicinal herbs.
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