Newsletter No. 219
Some of the Notable Things Stanislaus Hu, Information Technology Services Centre Dr. Stanislaus Hu now only holds one job at The Chinese University of Hong Kong as the director of the Information Technology Services Centre. In the early eighties, he was the associate director of the Part-time MBA programme, the deputy secretary of the University, the head of the Information Management Unit, and the director of the Computer Services Centre 一 all concurrently. He had three physical offices, one in the University Administration Building, the second one in Siu- loong Pao Building, and the third on the ground floor of Pi- Ch'iu Building which he now occupies. For 16 years, he also taught for the Management for Executive Development Programme at the Furama Hotel in Central. He is thankful to all the vice-chancellors he has served under and especially to Prof. Ma Lin who gave him the opportunity to head up the Computer Services Centre in 1981, Prof. Y.T. Chung who taught him how to be a good teacher and administrator in the business environment, and Prof. Gerald Choa who gave him not just good medical advice but also invaluable advice to be a fair and effective supervisor to his staff. Dr. Hu is a fixture on the ground floor of the Pi-Ch'iu Building. He has witnessed many changes. The number of staff has grown from 30 to about 130. He is the longest serving computer centre director among local tertiary institutions and the longest serving member of the Joint Universities Computer Centre. Some of the notable things he has done during his tenure at the centre was to turn down an outright donation of an IBM mainframe computer and turn it into a partnership programme 一 a decision that saved the University millions of dollars in operational costs. Another project he and his staff are proud of is the creation of the HKIX (Hong Kong Internet eXchange) which was developed in-house by them to better serve the students and staff of the University with Internet applications. The Chinese University Internet users can reach anyone locally on the Internet with the least cost and the shortest time. The HKIX is the only one in Hong Hong and is also serving all the Internet users in the territory. A third project which gained international repute was the 60-hour live broadcast on the Internet in 1997 of the return of Hong Kong to its motherland, China. Dr. Hu knows only too well that in order to run a large computer centre efficiently and effective he has to depend on his staff. The staff must be well trained technically, and must be well taken care of. A happy and healthy staff member can yield much better results. The Chinese University computer centre is the only one in Hong Hong that is operating year round 24- hours a day. The staff strive to render better services to the staff and students within a limited budget. They are dedicated and proud of the services they provide to the University. They are true professionals. Dr. Hu has been very happy working as the director of the Information Technology Services Centre because, for over two decades, he has been working amongst his friends who are loyal to the centre in particular and the University in general. Dr. Hu (centre) as the Deputy Secretary of the University in 1983 半生學府懷抱 一世中大情緣 崇基學院輔導處徐志宇 能夠在中大服務,對我來説,是一種榮幸,而我在廿 五年的服務中,更與中大結下了不解之緣;雖曾移民離 港,卻有機會回流中大。我先後在四個工作性質很不相同 的單位服務過:藝術系、校外進修部(當年的名稱)、邵逸 夫堂和崇基學院,加上之前在中大新亞藝術系修讀了四 年,我與中大這三十多年的感情是很深厚的。 近數月,大學整合的議題在校園内引起了陣陣討論, 無論將來結果如何,對一生作為中大人的我來説,名稱是 絕不能改的。我説過,如果他日沒有了「香港中文大學」, 我死也不會瞑目。 中大給了我甚麼「榮」?在專業的聚會或與一般的市民 交往中,只要對方知道我是在中大工作,總會散發一份尊 敬之意過來,這份尊敬代表了我是受過教育的人,我的工 作單位是為香港作育英才。 中大的成功,是半世紀以來所有中大人的成果。記得 八一年初,我妻子拿著中大的文學士學位證書申請入讀外 國大學的研究院,別人根本不認識中文大學,還問説是不 是全用中文的大學。九十年代末期,她憑著中大的碩士學 位資歷申請修讀博士課程,卻馬上被取錄了。 中大校園,由七三年九月我在新亞藝術系上班至今, 已由牛山濯濯變成今天的廣廈百千、樹木樹人的勝境靈 地,跟我頭頂漸白漸秀的景況,「彼長此消」地相映成趣。 歲月不留人,而大學卻茁壯成長,精進日新。 三十多年來,我最欣賞校園內的一段路——由崇基禮 拜堂至崇基教職員宿舍,總希望能夠每天走走。由於我服 務並居於崇基的關係,能夠每天走兩次,已走了十多年, 這就是中大和崇基給我的「幸」。過年時,我喜歡恭賀他人 「心想事成」,這也是我親身的體驗。 我(右)一九七六年為籌備藝術系一項教學電視課程,參加校外 進修部的教學電視製作人訓練班。此圖攝於新聞與傳播學系電 視錄影室,另兩人為電視藝員潘冰嫦及陸柱石。 卅載中大情 新雅中國語文研習所關彩華 自從一九七零年入讀新亞,七五年到新雅中國語文研 習所當兼任教師,七七年正式加入母校服務,我已當了三 十多年中大人,收到領取長期服務獎通知的一刻,才驚覺 時日飛逝。今年二月廿三日在嶺南運動場中大四十周年健 步行開步禮上,聽到「開了山,闢了地,我們的神聖工作 是拓荒」的歌聲時,昔日當學生的情懷,油然而生。 步行時巧遇同年畢業的新亞校友,談到我長年服 務於中大時,他説:「這是值得羨慕的福氣啊! 」 我相 信所有服務母校的校友都有同感。這三十多年來與母 校的情,的確已成了個人生命的一部分,將來就算不 再服務母校,亦能藉著參加校友工作與母校保持緊密 關係,當一輩子不折不扣的中大人。 因工作關係,我接觸到來自世界各地,各行各業 的學生,而最令我感動和佩服的是那些外籍神職 人員,無論是來自北歐,還是南美,他們苦學粤 語的目的都只是為了服務香港有需要的人。他們 刻苦的服務精神,很多時都為人忽略了,要知道 學懂粵語實在是不容易的啊!最近在一次宗教活 動中,兩位愛爾蘭修女邀請我坐在預留給修女的 座位,她們説:「你教過那麼多修女,有資格當 榮譽修女昵!」就這樣,我在她們的陪伴下,在 堅道主教座堂當了一晚「修女」。 除了工作本身有意義外,每天在山明水秀的 校園工作,也是難得的福份。眼看母校的不斷發 展,内心特別尊敬每一個曾為她出力的人。近年 因經濟不景,同事在增值、加辛、節流、減薪的 洪流中,不免少了一份欣賞校園美景的閒情,也 少了對別人的關懷和體諒,這是很可惜的,希望 將來情況會好轉。願以新亞校歌中名句「艱險我 奮進,困乏我多情」與所有中大人互勉之。 八九年新亞四十周年校慶,我(前排右三)與錢穆先生夫人,以及校 友李金鐘夫婦、香樹輝、唐端正、李介明夫婦、李淑儀、蕭錦源等 攝於雲起軒。 建家在中大 統計學系李錫欽 自六八年入讀新亞書院數學系後,便與中 大結下不解之緣。大學畢業後,赴美繼續進 修,之後一直在中大工作至今。中大是我曾服 務的唯一機構。 在九八年以前,一直住在校内,可説建家 在中大。兒子小時,公餘常帶他在校園散步, 在球場玩耍。他不時問我為甚麼我們家後園這 樣大和有趣。山明水秀的中大校園,為我們一 家提供了舒適的生活環境。 在工作上,這些年來,當然有令人沮喪的 時候,但令人欣慰的時候卻更多更多。感謝中 大提供了一個絕佳的環境,讓我能專注教學和 研究工作,亦可以在教室和球場上廣結良朋。 二十五年來中大的變化很大,未來的挑戰也必 然更多。願中大如以往一樣,在改變和挑戰中 成長,成為一所最出色的大學。 從 中 古 人 到 遠 古 人 物業管理處程門 在一片整合的討論聲中慶祝二十五周年, 四十除以廿五,答案是中古人,真高興。 當你到過漢園,從那裡俯視校園,就會明白 為何要整合;再從火車站往上望,兩支水塔比以 前更突出,更有歷史味,你就會明白周邊的建築 物為何都變色了。 我覺得大學在這廿五年來為員工和學生的 工作及學習環境作了很大的改善,整體員工的 工作效率和積極性都比以前提高了很多,證明 落藥正確,而廿五年前的畢業生的整體質素和 現時相比……似乎要找特效藥了。 我很喜歡我的部門這個放諸四海皆準的口 號「持續改進」,很老套,但指引清晰、有生命 力、可跨越時代,用法文寫出來更覺高級。 最後,我和其他同事一樣,都想在這樣的 一個大時代中,進化成遠古人。 4 No. 219 4thApril 2003
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