Newsletter No. 117
中文大學出版社 The Chinese University Press 新書 New Books 大學同人於富爾敦樓大學書店購買下述書籍,可獲八折優待。 The following books will be sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. 《九七過渡:香港的挑戰》 香港政權移交前後,在政治、經濟和社會各個層面的轉變和發展俱惹人關注。 本書旨在就過渡期內本港社會各個政策範疇所須面對的問題提供意見,及引發有意 義的討論,著重探討九十年代中期本港必須著手處理的問題,如公務員架構、法律 制度、經濟、交通、房屋、敎育、醫療服務、社會福利、新聞自由等。二十二位來 自本地大專院校的學者及專業人士,就各自專注的政策範疇,撰文指出問題所在, 並提出解決方案。 本書兩位主編鄭宇碩(香港城市大學當代中國硏究中心政治學講座敎授)及盧兆 興(香港大學政治與公共行政學系助理敎授),俱爲對香港政治形勢素有硏究的學 者。 國際統一書號 962-201-728-2 ,平裝本,五百六十八頁,一百九十港元。 《香港税務:法例與實施説明1997-98》 根據政府在該課稅年度新頒布的條例及條文進行修訂,把有關的個案討論加進書 中。自一九八九年起,更出版中文版《香港稅務:法例與實施說明》,方便中文讀 者參考。一九九七至九八年修訂版續由 David G . Smith 先生執筆,謝孝衍先生負責 中文翻譯。 本書從專業角度詳述香港現行的物業稅、薪俸稅、利得稅等各類稅項的法例 內容和計算方法;亦詳盡解說報稅表及稅例方面的懲罰、評稅與納稅、反對與上 訴,以及本港與英聯邦國家的雙邊稅務等問題。書中又以大量例子解釋應繳稅款 的計算方法,並且引用過往的稅務個案實例,包括本港及英聯邦國家的判例加以 說明,幫助讀者理解有關條例的實際運作。本年的增修部分,更特別闡釋九七主 權回歸後香港稅務法例的改變。 全書共十章,書末並有附錄二十八個,爲本港現時稅務條例與實施守則的條款,其中一些較難明白的稅務 法例和規則,更輔以例子和個案加以說明。 國際統一書號 962-201-782-7, 平裝本,七百五十六頁,二百六十港元。 明代人物與傳説 本書乃作者歷年探索明史的論文結集,內容包括太祖表箋文字獄之考證、都 督甯正父子傳記輯補、《明史•徐賁傳》糾謬、劉伯溫建北京城傳說——「箭程劃 地界」故事探賾、「眞武神•永樂像」傳說溯原、永樂朝宦官黃儼出使朝鮮始末、王 景弘下西洋之史事與傳說、李賢與「土木之役」史料、英宗朝漆工楊塤事蹟考證, 與成化暹羅貢使「謝文彬」事件之剖析等。各篇皆廣博採訪,勾稽記載,以鑑辨史 料,考覈史實爲基礎,尋溯個別的歷史眞相,探討其歷史層面及意義。 作者陳學霖爲本校歷史講座敎授,專攻宋金元明史,曾在澳、紐、美國、台 灣等地著名學府從事敎硏工作。 國際統一書號 962-201-784-3, 平裝本,三百一十四頁,一百二十港元。 From Colony to SAR: Hong Kong's Challenges Ahead Edited by Joseph Y.S. Cheng and Sonny S.H. Lo, the book brings together 22 academics, professionals, and journalists to share their thoughts on various political, economic, legal, social , and cultural issues in Hong Kong. The challenges facing Hong Kong people both before and after the transition period are discussed and ways in which they can be overcome suggested. All areas which are central to the continual development and prosperity of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including the civil service, the legal system, transport, housing, education, social welfare, press freedom, are critically analysed. ISBN 962-201-671-5, 576 pages, HK$250 Metabolic Activation of Drugs and Other Xenobiotics in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Oxidative metabolis m b y cytochrome P45 0 enzymes has been implicated i n the pathogenesis of cancer through the formation of toxic intermediates, and carcinogenic metabolites ar e formed from drugs and xenobiotics. I t was thought that metabolic activation of some drugs and xenobiotics through the actions of specific cytochrome P450s may be enhanced in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Written by Grace S.N. Lau, the book is based on a project which studied the in vivo metabolic activation of two xenobiotics, namely paracetamol and aflatoxin B1, in human subjects. The first part o f the project involve d a full pharmacokineti c stud y o f paracetamol, whose hepatotoxicity i s dependent on its metabolic activation. The second part focused on finding evidence of exposure to, as well as metabolic activation of, aflatoxins among people in Hong Kong, especially those with hepatic disorders, through identification of aflatoxin adducts in the serum. ISBN 962-201-744-4, 340 pages, HK$250 文 物 館 書 刊 特 價 月 A r t Mu s e um Book Sa le 文物館由十二月一日至明年一月四日在該館展覽廳舉辦「書刊特價銷售 月」,以三至七拆銷售該館圖錄廿五種,另以特價出售三本刊物。凡購書滿 二百元者,可獲展覽海報乙張或明信片十張。查詢請電內線七四一六。 The ArtMuseum is launching a book sale which runs from1st December 1997 to 4th January 1998 in its exhibition galleries. About 30 publications of the Art Museumare on sale at special discounts. There is a freegift of aposter or 10 postcards for every purchase ofHK$200. 書名 Title 現售 Sale Price 特價 《文物館簡介》 Art Museum Handbook $5 《張穆年譜》 The Chronological Biography of Zhang Mu $10 《祭閣佳器》 Elegant Vesselsfor the Lofty Pavilion $50 三折 《(新出歷代璽印集釋》 Studies of Sealsfrom Archaeological Finds $45 《黎簡謝蘭生書畫》 The Art of Li Man andXie Lansheng $84 《中國漆藝二千年》 2000 Years of Chinese Lacquer $129 《東京富士美術館藏日本美術名寶》 Japanese Art Treasuresfrom the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum Collection $90 《冶齋印存》 Seals of Ye Zhai $45 《中港臺大專美術學生作品》 Works by Fine Arts Students in Mainland China, Taiwan and H.K. $36 四折 《香港中文大學藝術系四十周年系慶敎師作品》 The Faculty Show in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of theDepartment of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong $60 《新出歷代璽印集錄》 Newly Excavated Chinese Seals through the Ages $34 《廣東出土五代至淸文物〉 Archaeological Findsfrom the Five Dynasties to theQing Periods in Guandong $108 《蘇六朋蘇仁山書畫》 The Art of Su Liupeng and Su Renshan $138 五折 《至樂樓藏明遺民書畫》 Paintings and Calligraphy by Ming I-mingfrom the Chih Lo Lou Collection $75 《廣東出土先秦文物》 Archaeological Findsfrom Pre-Qin Sites in Guangdong $115 《粤畫萃珍》 Paintings by Guangdong Artists $105 《秦漢魏晉南北朝官印硏究》 Official Sealsfrom theQin to the Six Dynasties $115 《湖北出土戰國秦漢漆器》 Lacquerwaresfrom the Warring States to the Han Periods Excavated in Hubei Province $215 《至樂樓藏明淸書畫》 Paintings and Calligraphy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties from the Chih Lo Lou Collection $155 《淸瓷萃珍》 Qing Imperial Porcelain of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns $210 《朱明遺萃》 A Legacy of the Ming $150 《黄般若的世界》 The World of Wong Po-yeh $175 六折 《關氏所藏中國牙雕》 Chinese Ivoriesfrom the Kwan Collection $231 《嶺南三高畫藝》 The Art of the Gao Brothers of The Lingnan School $210 《紫石凝英——歷代端硯藝術》 The Quintessential Purple Stone: Duan Inkstones through the Ages $138 《承訓堂藏扇面書畫》 The Cheng Xun Tang Collection of Paintings and Calligraphy on Fans $300 《承訓堂藏扇面書畫》(連硬盒) The Cheng Xun Tang Collection of Paintings and Calligraphy on Fans (with case) $348 七折 《文物館藏印續集一》 Catalogueof Bronze Seals in the Art Museum, CUHK Vol II. 1 $224 中大通訊 5 第一壹七期 一九九七年十二月四日
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