Newsletter No. 184
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校董 New Council Member 鄺其志先生獲大學監督依據《香港中文大學條 例》規程 1 1 第 i ( k ) 段指定,出任大學校董,任期三 年,由二零零一年四月一日起生效。 M r . Kwo ng K i - c hi has been nominated by the Chancellor as Member of the Council under paragraph 1(k) of Statute 11 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance for a period of three years from 1st April 2001. 聯合書院校董會消息 Re-election of Members of the Board of Trustees of United College 聯合書院校董會宣布下列校董最近獲選連任,任期三年,由二零零一年八月 一日起生效: 李卓予教授 呂志和先生 曾永康先生 黃鈞堯教授 黃紹曾先生 The Board of Trustees of United College has recently re-elected the following persons to its membership for a further term of three years from 1st August 2001. Prof. C.Y. Lee Mr. Lui Che-woo Mr. Tsang Wing-hong Prof. K.Y. Wong Mr. S.T. Wong 《中國文化之旅》影視劇集公開發售 由中國文化硏究所策劃、大學出版社視聽製作部製作的《中國文化之旅》(上 輯)劇集光碟現公開發售,每集售四十港元,上輯(共四集)每套售一百四十港 元。員生憑證在中文大學出版社或大學辰衝書店購買,可獲八折優待。 該劇集由大學教育資助委員會資助,目的是向本港學生及大眾介紹大學學術 工作並推廣中國文化。劇集的製作包括資料搜集、編劇、導演、拍攝、剪接、音 響、字幕等,均由中大出版社視聽製作部負責。中國文化硏究所義務策劃及審 核。 劇集上輯初版印行三千套,一半免費贈予文教機構、教師、學者、文化工作 者等,餘下一半由中大出版社公開發行,銷售所得全將用於同一計劃,例如劇集 之普通話及英語配音,未來新版本之製作及改進等。 藝術系本科生畢業展 藝術系二零零一年本科生畢業展訂於本月廿六日至六月廿四日在文物館西翼 展覽廳舉行,歡迎參觀。 是次展覽名為「十六座」,含意為一輛十六座位小巴,滿載著十六位畢業生, 邁向另一個新里程。參展者數月來苦心經營,由策劃、籌備、創作,以至設計作 品集,都能發揮團隊精神,同「車」共濟。展品包括國畫、書法、篆刻、西方媒介 繪畫、混合素材及裝置。 中藥保健與食療講座 保健處本月二十九日(星期二)下午一至二時在邵逸夫堂舉辦健康教育講座, 由中醫學院客座教授梁頌名以粵語主講「中藥保健與食療」。歡迎出席。 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 為符合個人資料(私隱)條例及方便申報稅務,同人的個人資料如姓名、婚姻/ 家庭狀況、學歷等倘有更改,請填妥「更改個人資料表」及附上有關文件正本或獲 確認的副本,一併交回人事處;地址及電話如有變動,亦請以書面通知人事處, 以更新資料。「更改個人資料表」可於人事處網頁 ( 下載或致電二六零九七一八九索取。 個人資料之變動可能會影響僱員的附帶福利,舉例如下: 附帶福利* 更改個人資料的用途 子女教育津貼 新生子女日後入學可申領津貼。 房屋福利 家庭狀況改變(如結婚/新生子女)會影響自行租屋津貼。 婚姻狀況或配偶職業的改變,須通知人事處以確保並無享用雙重 房屋福利。 旅費 新生子女將可申領津貼。 醫療福利 新婚僱員的配偶或新生子女將可成為醫療福利計劃的成員。 年齡為十九至二十一歲並正接受全日制正規教育(至學士學位課 程為限)的受供養子女,亦可成為醫療福利計劃的成員。 *僱員可享用的附帶福利將根據其聘書而定。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records as required under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, staff members with changes in personal data such as name, marital status, birth of child, or acquisition of additional qualifications are requested to submit the form 'Change of Personal Data' to the Personnel Office wi th the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents. Staff members with changes in address or telephone number should also notify the Personnel Office in writing. The form 'Change of Personal Data' may be downloaded from their website ( personnel) or obtainable from their general office (Tel. 2609 7189). Personal data changes may have implications on the appointees' entitlement to benefits at the University. Some examples are shown below: Fringe Benefits* Examples of Changes in Personal Data Affecting Eligibility for Benefits Children's education allowances New-borns should be reported for inclusion as eligible members. Housing benefits Change in family size (e.g. marital status/new-borns) should be reported as it may affect the rates of Private Tenancy Allowance. Change in marital status/spouse's employment should be reported for clearance of the Rules for the Prevention of Double Housing Benefits. Passages New-borns should be reported for inclusion as eligible members. Medical benefits Spouse of newly married staff and new-borns may be included as eligible members under the Staff Medical Benefits Scheme. Dependent children aged between 19 and 21 are accepted as eligible members if they are in full-time education up to the level of a first degree. * Fringe benefits are provided in accordance with staff members' respective letters of appointment. 教職員上下班巴士退票安排 Staff Leased Bus Service — Refund for Unused Tickets 由大學負責統籌之教職員上下班巴士服務,將於本年七月一日終止。其後仍 持有散票之同事,請最遲於二零零一年八月卅一日前,在辦公時間內到交通組辦 理退票手續。查詢請電二六零九七九九零。 As the University w i ll cease to co-ordinate and manage the operation of the Staff Leased Bus service from 1st July 2001, staff with unused bus tickets after that date can claim for a refund at the Transport Unit during office hours before 31st August 2001. For enquires, please call 2609 7990. 大學圖書館系統暑期開放時間 University Library System Summer Opening Hours 大學、崇基及新亞圖書館 University, Chung Chi, and New Asia Libraries 28.5-30.6.2001 3.7 -31.8.2001 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. — 10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. — 7.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Sun 1.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. closed 聯合圖書館 United Library 28.5-30.6.2001 3.7-31.8.2001 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. - 9.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Sun 1.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m. closed 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 28.5-30.6.2001 3.7-31.8.2001 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. — 6.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m. — 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Sun closed closed 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 28.5 - 31.8.2001 Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Sun closed 所有圖書館於六月二十五日(端午節)及七月二日(香港特別行政區成立紀念日 補假)休館。 A l l libraries w i ll be closed on 25th June (Tuen Ng Festival), and 2nd July (make-up holiday of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day). 中大通訊 3 第一八四期 二零零一年五月十九日
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