Newsletter No. 303
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁( ) 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8584/ 2609 8681 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584/2609 8681; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail pub2@uab.cuhk. ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter I n view of the future curriculum reform which accords a central place to general education, the Faculty of Social Science of CUHK offers a new Master of Social Science programme on general education for secondary school teacherswhowouldbe teaching related subjects in the future curriculum. The new 3-3-4 curriculum reform will be implemented from 2009. By then, liberal studies will become a core subject at the senior secondary levels. It is estimated that 3,400 teachers would take upon teaching responsibilities in subjects falling within the six categories identified by the Education Bureau, namely, ‘Personal Development and Interpersonal Relationships’, ‘Hong Kong Today’, ‘Modern China’, ‘Globalization’, ‘Public Health’ and ‘Energy Technology and Environment’. Prof. Paul S.N. Lee, dean of social science, said that given CUHK’s heritage on general education, we are in the best position to provide the necessary training to secondary school teachers. Prof. Lee added that the new programme is interdisciplinary and designed in accordance with the syllabus laid down by the Education Bureau and is offered in the name of the Faculty of Social Science. Experts teaching the courses are recruited from various disciplines (Arts, Education, Science, Medicine, Social 為 配合通識教育 成為未來學制 的必修科目,中大社 會科學院於本學年首 次開辦通識教育社會科 學碩士課程,培訓老師 掌握通才知識。 2009年起本港將實施三三四 學制,即三年初中、三年高中及 四年大學,通識科成為新高中課程 的必修科目,因此預計未來全港需要3,400名老 師教授這個新科目。按照教育局的諮詢文件,通識科 共分六個範疇:「個人成長與人際關係」、「今日香 港」、「現代中國」、「全球化」、「公共衛生」及 「能源科技與環境」,橫跨個人、社會、國家及世界 的內容。社會科學院院長李少南教授表示,中大過往 開辦通識課程多年,涵蓋各個範疇,是最有條件在通 識教育上培訓教師的院校,因此一年前已開始籌備這 個兼讀制碩士課程,並在本年9月開辦。 李教授指出,這是以社會科學院名義開辦的跨科碩士 課程,內容按照教育局建議的新高中通識課程設計, 而且邀請不同學科的教師任教,包括文學院、教育學 院、理學院、醫學院、社會科學院及大學通識教育部 等教授,同時亦聘請校外專家作客座教授。 現時中大教育學院也有開辦「通識教育科課程發展與 教學文學碩士」課程,李教授稱,中大教院的課程主 要強調教學法,而社會科學院的課程則著重知識的內 容,讓教師獲取各範疇的基本知識和「概念工具」去 分析瞬息萬變的社會,從而指導學生對種種變化作出 適時的回應。「例如學生掌握了『階級』這個分析概 念,便可藉此分析不同社會階級在全球化下會面對什 麼問題。」 課程共有13個科目,其中「通識教育哲學與知識 理論」為必修科,其餘12科是「青少年發展導論」、 「人際關係心理學」、「一國兩制與政治參與」、 「香港經濟、社會及文化之轉變」、「中國政治與經濟 改革」、「中國社會」、「全球化導論」、「反思全 球化:爭議與差異」、「公共衛生學基礎」、「公共 衛生與生物科技」、「能源與科技」及「環境與可持續 發展」,分屬新高中通識教育課程的六個範疇,學生 可從中選修七科,並選擇修讀一年或兩年。 課程於本學年錄取了59名學員。李教授形容,這個碩 士課程內容較為深入,獲錄取的主要是有師訓資歷並 準備將來任教通識科的現職教師。 Science and General Education) and from outside sectors. The Faculty of Education of CUHK also offers a similar programme. Prof. Lee drew the distinction in that while the Faculty of Education programme emphasizes teaching methods, the new programme equips the teachers with the basic knowledge and conceptual tools to analyse the fast-changing world. He said, ‘For example, once the students have understood the analytical concept of “class”, they can apply it to understand problems different classes would encounter in the face of globalization.’ The programme offers a total of 13 courses: ‘The Philosophy of General Education and Theories of Knowledge’ (prerequisite), ‘Introduction to Adolescent Development’, ‘The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship’, ‘One-Country Two-Systems and Political Participation’,‘HongKongEconomic,SocialandCultural Changes’, ‘Chinese Politics and Economic Reforms’, ‘Chinese Society’, ‘Introduction to Globalization’, ‘Globalization Reflected: Discontent and Disparity’, ‘Foundations of Public Health’, ‘Biotechnology in Public Health’, ‘Energy and Technology’ and ‘Environment and Sustainable Development’. In addition to the prerequisite, students may choose any seven of these courses and complete the programme in one or two years. The new programme has admitted 59 students who, according to Prof. Lee, are all experienced members of the teaching profession and would take charge of liberal studies subjects in future. (Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office.) 為師之師 社科院新辦通識碩士課程 Trainers’ Trainer: A New Master’s Programme on General Education Prof. Liu Pak Wai, pro-vice-chancellor, has been re-appointed by the Chief Secretary for Administration as a member of the Aviation Development Advisory Committee for two years from 1 September 2007. Prof. Ho Pui Yin, associate professor in the Department of History, has been re-appointed as a member of the Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions Advisory Committee for two years from 1 September 2007. Prof. Albert Lee, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education as a member of the Curriculum Development Council for two years from 1 September 2007. Prof. Yeung Chung Kwong, professor of surgery, has been appointed by the Medical Council of Hong Kong to the panel of assessors for the purpose of conducting disciplinary inquiry for one year from 5 September 2007. Prof. Wing Yun Kwok, professor in the Department of Psychiatry, has been appointed by the Medical Council of Hong Kong to the panel of assessors for the purpose of conducting disciplinary inquiry for one year from 5 September 2007. Mr. Lam Shi Kai, safety manager and chief laboratory safety officer, has been appointed as a member of the Occupational Safety and Health Council for three years from 22 August 2007. • • • • • •
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