Newsletter No. 412

No. 412, 4.2.2013 7 《梵蒂岡 2012》 崇基學院資深導師張燦輝教授作品 Vatican, 2012 The photo was taken by Prof. Cheung Chan-fai, senior tutor of Chung Chi College Our Appetites Evenings flicker, a million times on a million television screens with Jackie Chan. I am learning to walk through unwashed streets with memories of flu in the neighbourhood. 我不會, 我不會忘記。 1 Our lives are different under a strange democracy of rats, for street protests are possible when politicians cough over the latest crisis. Is this my city? 我不會, 我不會离開。 2 Is an economy of rats possible or do we need casinos? Those metal domes phallic in the skyline, those shiny aspiring skyscrapers in Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau. These are cities I cherish: the new blueprints with old drafts of buildings, that spurt of concrete of twelve storeys, a spit of land for trees, shrubs and barbecue pits. 我不會, 我不會忘記。 We have imagined ourselves: we live like rats, our appetites bite and bite. 1 I will not, I will not forget. 2 I will not, I will not depart. 摘自英文系鄭竹文教授詩集 The Mental Life of Cities ,該集獲2012新加坡文學雙年獎(英語組別) A poem from The Mental Life of Cities , a poetry collection by Prof. Eddie Tay of the Department of English, which recently won the biennial 2012 Singapore Literature Prize (English Category) 香港手語資料庫 Hong Kong Sign Language Database 由中大語言學及現代語言系手語及聾人研究中心籌建、勞工及福利局資助的網上 資料庫「香港手語瀏覽器」( ) 於1月23日推出,庫中 收錄一千一百個常用中文手語詞彙,涵蓋醫療、法律、科技、教育等範疇,逐一說 明起源、使用情況,並有示範短片,將不同聾人組織慣用的表達方式並列。資料庫 除了紀錄香港手語資料,更能推廣手語專業發展,支援聾人服務,促進社會共融。 Developed by the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies of CUHK and sponsored by the Labour and Welfare Bureau of the HKSAR Government, the online database ‘Hong Kong Sign Language Browser’ ( hkslbrowser ) was launched on 23 January. Each of the 1,100 Chinese entries in the database, covering a range of topics in medical, legal, technological and educational fields, is accompanied by detailed description, including its origin and usage, and video clips demonstrating the different hand gestures used by the deaf communities to express the same vocabulary. The database is an archive of Hong Kong sign language, and helps to promote sign linguistics and offer better support to the deaf and promote social inclusion. 手語及聾人研究中心主任鄧慧蘭教授(前排左五)、出席嘉賓和十三個聾人組織代表 Prof. Gladys W.L. Tang (5th left, front row), director, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, guests and the representatives of 13 deaf communities