Newsletter No. 236
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校董 New Council Member 李國星先生獲崇基學院校董會依據《香港中文大學規程》規程 1 1 第 1 ( e ) 段 、 第 4 段 及 第 5 段 規 定 推 選 , 繼 利 德 蓉 博 士 出 任 大學 校董,任期三年,由二零零四年二月十一日起生效。 Mr. L i Kwok-sing, Aubrey has been elected by the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College, in accordance w i th Statute 11.1 (e), 11.4 and 11.5 of The Chinese University of Hong Ko ng Ordinance, as Memb er o f the Co u n c il for a period o f three years f r om 11th February 2004, succeeding Dr. Deanna Lee Rudgard. 二零零三年長期服務獎 Long Service Award 2003 三十名同人服務大學滿二十五年,獲頒授長期服務獎。頒獎典禮將於三月十九日在 大學賓館舉行,由金耀基校長主持。本屆得獎名單如下: This year, 30 staff members of the University who have served C U HK for 25 years w i l l receive the Long Service Award. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ambrose K i ng w i l l officiate at the award presentation ceremony to be held on 19th Ma r ch at the University Guest House. The awardees are as follows: 姓名 Name 學系/部門 Department/Unit 陳善偉敎授 Prof. Chan Sin-wai 翻譯系 Department of Translation 蒙耀生教授 Prof. Moon Yiu-sang 計算機科學與工程學系 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 周文林敎授 Prof. Chou Win-lin 經濟學系 Department of Economics 韓江寧女士 Ms. Han Chiang-ning, Lucy 新雅中國語文硏習所 New Asia — Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre 姚祈豪先生 Mr. Yiu Ki-ho 體育部 Physical Education Unit 黎卓坤先生 Mr. Lai Cheuk-kwan 敎習醫院院務室 Clinical Sciences Administration 陸展強先生 Mr. Luk Chin-keung 敎習醫院院務室 Clinical Sciences Administration 曾李美莉女士 Mrs. Tsang Lee Mei-lee 病理學敎學實驗室 Pathology reaching Laboratory 關恩恆先生 Mr. Kwan Yan-hang 財務處 Bursary 黃滿輝先生 Mr. Wong Mun-fai 財務處 Bursary 曾健文先生 Mr. Tsang Kin-man 校本部庶務組 Central Administration Support Service 鍾炳光先生 Mr. Chung Pan-kong, Brendan 保安組 Security Unit 李敬文先生 Mr. Li King-man 校園發展處 Campus Develoment Office 陳立德先生 Mr. Chan Lap-tak 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 陳英海先生 Mr. Chan Ying-hoi 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 張惠祥先生 Mr. Cheung Wai-cheung 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 張游強先生 Mr. Cheung Yau-keung 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 麥興培先生 Mr. Mak Hing-pui 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 譚國成先生 Mr. Tam Kok-sing 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 姚偉強先生 Mr. Yiu Wai-keung 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 劉清浦先生 Mr. Lau Ching-po 中醫中藥研究所 Institute of Chinese Medicine 嚴桂香女士 Ms. Yim Kwai-heung, Tsarina 中國文化研究所 Institute of Chinese Studies 葉黎淑儀女士 Mrs. Ip Lai Suk-yee 文物館 Art Museum 潘國智先生 Mr. Poon Kwok-chi, Andrew 新雅中國語文硏習所 New Asia — Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre 陳英明先生 Mr. Chan Ying-ming 大學圖書館系統 University Library System 鄧錦偉先生 Mr. Tang Kam-wai 大學圖書館系統 University Library System 鄧嘉蓮小姐 Miss Tang Ka-lin, Connie 資訊科技服務處 Information Technology Services Centre 羅李福順女士 Mrs. Lo Lee Fook-shun 物業管理處 Estates Management Office 蔡道育先生 Mr. Choy To-yuk 崇基學院應林堂 Ying Lin Tang, Chung Chi College 李彬巧先生 Mr. Lee Bun-hau 聯合書院伯利衡宿舍 Bethlehem Hall, United College 公積金及強積金計劃投資成績 InvestmentReturns of Staff Superannuation Schemes and MPFS 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金之回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 and 1983 Schemes and the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPFS). 二零零四年一月 January 2004 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 MPFS** (只供參考 for reference only) 1995 1983 (未經審核數據unaudited ) 增長 Growth 3.44% — 2.86% 3.28% 平衡 Balanced 1.41% 2.86% 2.18% 2.69% 穩定 Stable 1.35% — 1.23% 1.39% 香港股票 HK Equity 4.23% — 5.67% 6.73% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 5.06% — 5.67% — 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.16% 0.00% # 0.00% # — 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.34%* 0.24%* 0.00% # — 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit 1.67%* — 0.32% — 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit -1.14%* — 0.07% — *包括期內之匯率變動 Including foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned **強積金數據乃根據期內的單位價格及標準投資管理費計算,未包括管理費回扣。 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned and using the standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. # 少於 0.005% Less than 0.005% 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 同人的個人資料如姓名、婚姻狀況、子女數目、學歷等倘有更改,請填妥「更改個 人資料表」,連同有關文件正本或獲確認的副本一併交回人事處,而地址、電話或在緊 急事故時的聯絡人資料如有更改,亦務請以書面通知人事處,以便更新。表格可於人事 處網頁( h t t p : / / www . c u h k . e d u . h k / p e r s o n n e l ) 下載或致電二六零九七二九一索取。 個人資料如有變動須即時申報,因其可能影響同人可享的附帶福利。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records, staff members w i th changes of personal data such as name, marital status, child birth, emergency contact, or acquisition of additional qualifications, are requested to submit the 'Change of Personal Data' form to the Personnel Office w i th the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents attached. Staff members with changes in address or telephone number should also n o t i fy the Personnel Office in writing. The 'Change of Personal Data' f o rm is obtainable from the Personnel Office by calling 2609 7291 or downloadable from the website ( Changes of personal data must be reported i f they have implications on staff members' benefits entitlement at the University. 捐血運動 Blood Donation Campaign 2004 保健處、學生事務處和香港紅十字會本月十五日(星期一)起舉辦捐血運動,於下 列日期及地點每天上午十時至下午五時接受員生捐血: A blood donation campaign organized by the University Health Service, the Office of Student Affairs, and Hong Ko ng Red Cross w i l l be held from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from 15th March as follows: 日期 Date 地點 Venue 15.3.2004 范克廉樓地庫學生活動中心 Student Activities Centre, LG/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre 16.3.2004 聯合書院湯若望宿舍禮堂 United College: Adam Schall Hall 17.3.2004 新亞書院樂群館學生休息室 New Asia College: Students' Common Room, Amenities Building 18.3.2004 崇基學院眾志堂 Chung Chi College: Chung Chi Tang 19.3.2004 科學館東座 ELG2 0 1 室理學院學生活動中心 Science Student Activity Centre, ELG 201, East Block, Science Centre 22.3.2004 逸夫書院輔仁中心 Shaw College: Fu Zung Centre 訃告 Obituary 物業管理處高級技工麥興培先生於二零零四年二月二十日辭世。麥先生於一九七八 年十一月加入本校服務。 Mr. Mak Hing-pui, senior artisan in the Estates Management Office, passed away on 20th February 2004. Mr. Mak first joined the University in November 1978. 4 No. 236 4th March 2004
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