Newsletter No. 323
第323期 2008年9月19日 No. 323 19 September 2008 NEWS & EVENTS 教資會 讚揚中大質素 CUHK Commended in QAC Audit 大 學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下的質素保證 局(質保局)在9月6日發布中大《質素核證報 告》,盛讚中大的教與學質素。質保局主席陳南祿恭賀 中大順利完成質素核證。 這份由獨立評審小組所做的報告,對中大提出了十一項 讚揚、八項贊同和十一項建議。 十一項讚揚包括:為學生提供優質學習經驗、致力保證 和提高修課課程質素、奉行雙語政策、高水平的學術支 援和關顧輔導、為學生提供範圍廣泛而又多元化的體驗 學習機會、表揚和獎勵優秀教學表現等等。 校長劉遵義教授歡迎質保局的報告,並感謝評審小組的 工作:「中大十分榮幸成為第一所參與質保局質素核證 的教資會資助院校。…… 大學同人對是次質素核證的圓 滿結果感到十分鼓舞。」 T he Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) released its Report of a Quality Audit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 6 September. Mr. Philip Chen, chairman of the QAC, congratulated CUHK on the successful completion of the quality audit. Compiled by an independent panel, the report made 11 commendations, 8 affirmations and 11 recommendations. 隨 著香港社會日益富裕,除了成人外,兒童的肥胖 症問題也日趨嚴重。醫學院兒科學系發現,本港 兒童中有百分之十五屬於過胖,相比1993年上升了五個 百分點。 由於兒童的體重指標(BMI,即以體重〔公斤〕除以身高 〔米〕的平方)會隨着年齡大幅改變,一般以體重指標達 二十五以上為過胖的成人準則,不能套用於兒童身上。 兒科學系根據過去十年進行的多項研究,對本港兒童的 腰圍及體重指標制訂了一套參考標準,設計了兒童腰圍 測量軟尺,印上不同性別、不同年齡(6至18歲)及相對 的腰圍刻度,只須把軟尺圍繞在肋骨下緣與髂(即盤骨 頂)中間的腰部,則可量度出兒童腰圍是否超標。由於 肥胖症與心血管疾病有莫大關連,及早發現兒童腰圍超 標,可以盡快對症下藥。 香港教育專業人員協會將聯絡中小學校老師參加「兒童 腰圍測量」講座,並學習使用該軟尺。由10月15日起, 該軟尺會在富爾敦樓地下禮品銷售處發售。 C hildhood obesity is on the rise as Hong Kong society grows in affluence. The Department of Paediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine found that about 15% of children in Hong Kong are overweight, a 5% increase from 1993. Since a child’s Body Mass Index (BMI–weight [kg]/ height [m] 2 ) changes substantially with age, the overweight criterion for adults, i.e., a person with a BMI of over 25, is not applicable to children. 兒科學系設計 測量軟尺 評估 兒童肥胖 Measuring Tape to Gauge hildhood Obesity The department has been conducting research in childhood obesity over the past decade and has established reference standards for waist circumference (WC) and BMI in Hong Kong Chinese children. Based on these findings, its researchers designed a measuring tape with clear marks on the cut-off values for each different age (6–18 years) for boys and girls. WC is measured midway between the lowest ribs and the superior border of the iliac crest. Obesity is associated with the clustering of cardiovascular risk factors. Early detection can ensure timely remedy. The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union will organize seminars for teachers of primary and secondary schools to educate them on childhood obesity and how to use the measuring tape, which will be available for sale at the CUHK Souvenir Counter at John Fulton Centre from 15 October. The 11 commendations included: a high quality student learning experience, commitment to assuring and enhancing the quality of its taught programmes, commitment to a bilingual policy, the level of academic support and pastoral care available to undergraduate students, the variety and extent of experiential learning opportunities available to students, commitment to recognizing and rewarding good teaching, etc. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, welcomed the QAC’s Audit Report and thanked the panel for its work: ‘CUHK is proud to have been the first UGC-funded institu- tion to be audited by the QAC.… Members of the University are heartened by the outcome of the QAC Audit.’ 《中美「解凍」與臺灣問題──尼克松外交文獻選編》 Chinese-American Rapprochement and the Taiwan Issue : Selected Documents of the Nixon Administration 張曙光、周建明編譯 Compiled and translated by Zhang Shuguang and Zhou Jianming 1972年尼克松訪華,中美關係趨向緩和,屬冷戰時期的重大事件。 本書編者從美國國家檔案館新近解密的檔案中,編譯了1969年至 1972年間的八十份檔案,讓讀者了解當時美國政府的外交戰略,以 及中美兩國政府進行會談的準備和詳細過程。 Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 ushered in the normalization of China-US relations and was a significant incident in the Cold War. This book features 80 documents from the US National Archives and Records Administration, offering readers a glimpse into US foreign policy then and negotiations between China and the US. 出版 : 中文大學出版社 國際統一書號: 978-962-996-246-3 售價: 280 港元 (平裝), 840 頁 Advanced Structural Inorganic Chemistry Wai-Kee Li, Gong-Du Zhou and Thomas Chung Wai Mak 此書是化學系李偉基與麥松威兩位榮休講座教授,以及北京大學化 學系周公度教授三人之合著。內容源自三位作者在中大及北大講授 之幾個課程。此書深入淺出,可供本科生及研究生用作有關化合物 結構和成鍵之課程之教科書或參考書。 Co-authored by Prof. W. K. Li and Thomas C. W. Mak, Emeritus Professors of Chemistry at CUHK, and Prof. G. D. Zhou at Peking University, the book is derived from lecture notes used in various courses taught by the three authors at CUHK and Peking University. It is designed as a text for senior undergraduates and beginning postgraduate students who wish to obtain a deeper yet friendly exposure to the bonding and structure of chemical compounds. 出版: Oxford University Press 國際統一書號: 978-0-19-921694-9 售價: 150 美元 (精裝), 75 美元 (平裝) 848 頁 Publisher: Chinese University Press ISBN: 978-962-996-246-3 Prices: HK$280 (paperback), 840pp Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 978-0-19-921694-9 Prices: US$150 (hardback), US$75 (paperback), 848pp
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