Newsletter No. 479
地理與資源管理學系、未來城市研究所及環境、能源與可持續發展研究所於4月11日 合辦城市、環境與可持續發展高階工作坊,交流相關跨學科領域的最新研究成果和發展 方向。 在社會科學院院長趙志裕教授致歡迎辭後,工作坊的三個專題演講分別由亞利桑那州立 大學Billie Turner II教授、倫敦大學學院Michael Batty教授及克拉克大學Susan Hanson 教授主講。另設分組討論,由中大協理副校長馮通教授、葉嘉安教授、林琿教授和沈建法 教授主持。逾一百一十位來自香港院校和機構的教職員、學生及其他人士出席。 Co-organized by the Department of Geography and Resource Management, the Institute of Future Cities and the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, the Advanced Workshop on Cities, Environment and Sustainability was held on 11 April to exchange latest research findings and future directions in the interdisciplinary research areas. Followed by the welcome speech of Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, Dean of Social Science, three keynote speeches were delivered by Prof. Billie Turner II, Arizona State University; Prof. Michael Batty, University College London; and Prof. Susan Hanson, Clark University. Plenary sessions were chaired by Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Vice-President, Prof. Anthony Yeh, Prof. Lin Hui, and Prof. Shen Jianfa of CUHK. Over 110 faculty members, postgraduate students and other participants across Hong Kong attended the workshop. 城市、環境與可持續發展高階工作坊 Advanced Workshop on Cities, Environment and Sustainability The development of medical-related innovation and research is expanding rapidly in Hong Kong in the face of an ageing population, emerging infectious diseases and other new public health threats, leading to a growing demand for clinician-scientists. With the generous donation of US$2 million through the Lui Che Woo Charity from Dr. Lui Che-woo, founder and chairman of K. Wah Group, the University has set up the ‘Lui Che Woo Distinguished Young Scholars Award’, a scholarship programme which will grant up to HK$250,000 annually to an outstanding medical student at CUHK who is in pursuit of a postgraduate research programme overseas. Upon completion of the programme, the awardee is required to return to Hong Kong to take up teaching or research work in the Faculty. The donation ceremony to mark the launch of the award scheme was held on 12 May at the Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building. Officiating at the ceremony were Dr. Lui ( 4th left, front row ), Mrs. Lui (3 rd left, front row ), Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (5 th right, front row ), Vice- Chancellor, and Prof. Francis K.L. Chan ( 4th right, front row ), Dean of Medicine. 外攻讀研究院課程。獲獎學生在完成課程後,將回港加入 中大醫學院出任教職及繼續研究工作,回饋社會。 計劃捐贈暨成立典禮於5月12日假中大呂志和臨床醫學 大樓舉行,由呂志和博士伉儷( 前排左四及三 )、沈祖堯校長 ( 前排右五 )及醫學院院長陳家亮( 前排右四 )教授主禮。 面對未來醫療服務、教育及科研的新挑戰,社會對醫生科 學家的需求愈加殷切。中大承蒙嘉華集團主席及創辦人 呂志和博士透過Lui Che Woo Charity捐資二百萬美元, 成立「呂志和卓越青年學者獎勵計劃」,頒發每年約二十五 萬港元的獎學金予有志從事醫學科研的中大醫科生,到海 呂志和卓越青年學者獎勵計劃成立 Lui Che Woo Distinguished Young Scholars Award Launched In appreciation of the long-term support of Dr. Li Dak-sum, chairman of Roxy Property Investment Company Limited and corporate advisor of Sharp-Roxy (HK) Limited, the University named the University Library Extension as Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Building. Held on 16 May, the naming ceremony was officiated by Dr. Li ( centre ); Mr. Kenneth Li ( 2nd right ), chairman of Sharp-Roxy (HK) Limited; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 2nd left ), Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 1st left ), Pro-Vice- Chancellor; and Ms. Louise Jones ( 1st right ), University Librarian. In attendance were distinguished guests from the Ning Po Residents’ Association, as well as teachers and students from Ning Po College and Ning Po No. 2 College. A renowned philanthropist, Dr. Li has rendered tremendous support to the education sector in Hong Kong and mainland China. Last year, Dr. Li donated a total of HK$200 million to CUHK for the establishment of the Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R&D Centre for Chinese Medicine and the Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Scholarship. 為銘謝樂聲物業投資有限公司董事會主席 及聲寶 – 樂聲(香港)有限公司董事會顧問 李達三博士的長期支持,大學將大學圖書 館新翼大樓命名為李達三葉耀珍伉儷樓, 並於5月16日舉行命名典禮,由李達三博士 ( 中 )、聲寶 – 樂聲(香港)有限公司主席 李本俊先生( 右二 )、沈祖堯校長( 左二 )、 副校長霍泰輝教授( 左一 )及大學圖書館館 長李露絲女士( 右一 )主禮。香港寧波同鄉 會的會長和理事,以及寧波公學及寧波第二 中學師生亦親臨中大一同見證儀式。 李達三博士長袖善舞,樂善好施,特別對 香港及內地的教育發展支持有加。去年, 李博士先後慷慨捐資二億港元予中大,成立 「李達三葉耀珍中醫藥研究發展中心」,又 設立「李達三葉耀珍伉儷李本俊獎學金」。 李達三葉耀珍伉儷樓命名典禮 Naming Ceremony of Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Building 479 • 4.6.2016 7
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