Newsletter No. 257
逸夫書院京曲演出及藝術展覽 逸夫書院聯同上海總會和大學藝術行政主任辦公室舉辦京曲演出及京劇藝術 展覽。京曲演出將於四月十六日(星期六)在逸夫書院大講堂舉行;京劇藝術展覽 則於四月十六至三十日在大講堂展覽廊舉行,展品包括上海劇戲學院借出的一系 列有關圖片及珍貴資料。此項活動由逸夫書院校董會副主席、上海總會會長李和 聲先生發起。 藝術系本科生畢業展「畢日上映」 Graduation Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts 本屆藝術系畢業展共有三十一位應屆畢業生參展,規模為歷來最大。展覽主題 為「畢日上映」,既象徵畢業生學習階段的結束,亦寓意他們的藝術生命不日將大放 異彩。展品形式包括中國書畫、西方繪畫、錄像裝置、混合媒介等,展示藝壇新進 各自的藝術取向和視野。展覽由藝術系主辦,文物館協辦,詳情如下︰ 日期:五月十四日至六月二十六日 地點:文物館西翼展覽廳 開幕典禮:五月二十一日(星期六)下午三時 網址︰ http://www.arts. cuhk. Fine arts students from the graduating class of 2005 will present their final projects in an exhibition held from 14th May to 26th June in the West-wing galleries of the Art Museum. On display will be Chinese paintings, Western paintings, and works of mixed media. The title of the exhibition 'The Play After Tomorrow' connotes the brilliant future career of the 31 nouveau artists. For details, please visit http:/ / . 校外進修學院四十周年院慶活動 40th Anniversary Celebrations of the School of Continuing Studies 創意手機遊戲設計比賽 Mobile Game Competiton 誠邀專上院校學生參加 Java™ 創意手機遊戲程式設計比賽。優勝者可獲豐富獎 品,包括諾基亞最新手機及Di screet 3ds max ® 7 動畫製作軟件,全部禮品總值六萬港 元。賽事現已接受報名,詳情可瀏覽網 頁。 Local university and post-secondary students are welcome to join the J a v a ™ mobile game competition with registration beginning on 1st April. Winners will have fabulous prizes including the latest model of Nokia Game Mobile Phone and Discreet 3ds max®7 software. The total value of all prizes exceeds $60,000. For details and registration, please visit http://www.scs. 藝術展覽 A r t Exhibition 此免費展覽展出校外進修學院的嘉賓、導師及校友的傑出創作約三百件。作者 包括靳埭強先生、李潤桓教授、施子清先生、余寄撫先生、唐景森先生、戚谷華女 士、錢開文先生、朱達誠先生、蔡布谷女士等,項目包括國畫、西畫、中國書法、 雕塑、攝影等。 日期及時間:四月八及九日上午九時至下午八時 四月十日上午九時至下午五時 開幕典禮:四月八日下午五時半 地點:香港銅鑼灣高士威道六十六號香港中央圖書館展覽館 查詢請電二二零九零二四零,詳情可瀏覽網頁 。 《牡丹》,鄧國榮,水墨紙本 Three hundred pieces of Chinese painting, Western painting, Chinese calligraphy, sculptures and photography by instructors, alumni and students of the SCS's art courses and programmes will be displayed. Date and Time: 9.00 a.m. — 8.00 p.m., 8th and 9th April 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m., 10th April Opening Ceremony: 5.30 p.m., 8th April Venue: Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Enquiries: 2209 0240 For details, please visit http://www.scs. 《人與人》,李學迅,銅像 免費音樂節目 Music Programmes 長號演奏會 演出者: Mr. Paul Pollard 時間:四月六日(星期三)晚上七時半 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 崇基合唱團周年音樂會 時間:四月八日(星期五)晚上八時 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 香港中文大學崇基管弦樂團及香港浸會大學管弦樂團音樂會 時間:四月十一日(星期一)晚上八時 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 研討會系列 主題 ︰Bach Performance in the 20th Century: A Study of Sound Recordings in the Context of Baroque Performance Practice Research 主講者: Dr. Dorottya Fabian 時間:四月十九日(星期二)晚上六時半 地點:許讓成樓 G03 室 雙簧管演奏會 演出者:蘇漢濤及張應雄 時間:四月二十一日(星期四)晚上七時半 地點:利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 The Department of Music will present the following programmes in April 2005: A Trombone Recital by Paul Pollard Date and Time: 7.30 p.m., 6th April 2005 (Wednesday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building Chung Chi College Choir Annual Concert Date and Time: 8.00 p.m., 8th April 2005 (Friday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building A Concert by the CUHK Chung Chi Orchestra and HK Baptist University Orchestra Date and Time: 8.00 p.m., 11th April 2005 (Monday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building Colloquium Series: 'Bach Performance in the 20th Century: A Study of Sound Recordings in the Context of Baroque Performance Practice Research ’ by Dr. Dorottya Fabian Date and Time: 6.30 p.m., 19th April 2005 (Tuesday) Venue: G03 Hui Yeung Shing Building Oboe Recital by So Hon Tou & Cheung Ying Hung Date and Time: 7.30 p.m., 21st April 2005 (Thursday) Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building 訃告 Obituary 前任理學院院長及化學系系務會主席傅守正教授於二零零五年三月十一日在美 國新澤西州辭世,享年七十九歲。大學同人深表哀悼。 The University records with deep sadness the passing away of Prof. Joseph S.C. Fu, former director of studies in chemistry and dean of the Faculty of Science, on 11th March 2005 in New Jersey, USA. He was 79. 4 第二五七期 二零零五年四月四日
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