Newsletter No. 477

477 • 4.5.2016 5 無障礙網頁嘉許計劃中大獲十六獎 CUHK Receives Sixteen Awards at Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 中大、多倫多大學及烏得勒支大學結盟 CUHK Partners with University of Toronto and Utrecht University 大學於2016無障礙網頁嘉許計劃中表現卓越,為本年度榮獲最多獎項的參與機構之一。 其中大學網站( ) 與CUHK Mobile流動應用程式分別囊括「最喜愛網 站/流動應用程式獎」、「至易用網站/流動應用程式獎」及「三年卓越表現獎」,加上九 個獲「金獎」的中大網站,合共獲頒十六個獎項。 頒獎典禮於4月19日假數碼港舉行,副校長許敬文教授( 左二 )代表大學領獎。許教授表示︰ 「現今,透過互聯網取得來自世界各地的資訊十分普及,然而殘疾人士接觸網上資訊,還需 要克服重重困難。中大一直鼎力支持無障礙網頁嘉許計劃,今年已是第四年參加計劃並獲 得獎項……這佳績印證中大服務社會的決心,也鼓舞中大同人繼往開來,再接再厲。」 資訊處處長曹永強( 左一 )說:「今年多了很多部門參加,所以整體獲得最多獎項,而且也 奠定了中大在無障礙網頁設計方面的領導地位。我實在感謝各個參與部門同事的支持與努 力,並期望明年見到更多中大部門參加。」 「最喜愛網站/流動應用程式獎」及「至易用網站/流動應用程式獎」是在多個連續三年 獲評金獎級別的網站/流動應用程式中選出。前者是獲公眾投票最高票數的首三個網站/ 流動應用程式;後者於本年度新增,由有特別需要的使用者選出認為最便利他們的網站/ 流動應用程式。「三年卓越表現獎」則只頒授予連續三年獲金獎的網站和流動應用程式。 中大、加拿大多倫多大學和荷蘭烏得勒支大學攜手研究城市議題,以找出嶄新永續方案, 應對都市人口增長衍生的全球問題。 三校校長:中大沈祖堯教授( 右 )、多倫多大學Meric Gertler教授( 左 )及烏得勒支大學 Marjan Oudeman女士( 中 )於4月11日在烏得勒支大學會晤並簽訂備忘錄,推動三方教研 合作,首階段聚焦共同關心的領域如公共衞生、城市和遷徙。三校學者亦有出席介紹各自的 研究計劃。 在公共衞生範疇,三校將共同資助一項合作研究,題為「以創新研究工具和大數據發掘可 改變的危險因素:環境暴露學」;城市範疇方面,擬發展一個全球城市數據平台,分析城市 交通和流動模式,並在城市文化研究、數碼人文學,以及環境人文學等領域開展合作項目; 至於遷徙範疇,則從亞洲、歐洲和北美洲的角度,比較研究出境移民和入境移民議題。 談及三方結盟,沈祖堯教授說:「我們很高興能與世界兩所首屈一指的研究大學合作,三方 除可發揮專長、互補優勢外,更因地理位置關係,可從跨國家和跨文化的角度,應對當今世 界出現的新挑戰。」 簽署備忘錄當日下午,三校領導人假烏得勒支市政廳舉行的研討會「國際環境下的城市、 科學和創新」中,討論未來城市的挑戰和解決方法,包括大學和政府的合作、未來城市設 計、政策制訂的考慮等。研討會由烏得勒支市長Jan van Zanen先生主禮,三十多位學者、 研究生、政府和外交官員出席。 The University has received 16 awards in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2016, making it one of the participating organizations which received the highest number of awards this year. Among the awards won, the ‘Most Favourite Website/Mobile App Award’, the ‘Easiest-to-Use Website/Mobile App Award’ and the ‘Triple Gold Award’, were awarded to the CUHK website ( ) and CUHK Mobile. Nine other University websites received the ‘Gold Award’. Prof. Michael K.M. Hui ( 2nd left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, received the awards on behalf of the University at the presentation ceremony held at the Cyberport on 19 April. He remarked, ‘Nowadays, it is very popular to obtain information from around the world via the Internet, but people with disabilities encounter many difficulties while browsing the Internet, and their access to knowledge is compromised. CUHK offers its full support to the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme, and has been participating in the scheme and receiving awards for four consecutive years…. All this is proof of our determination to serve the community, and our accomplishments today will spur us on to further success.’ Mr. Tommy Cho ( 1st left ), Director of Information Services, said, ‘I am pleased to see greater participation from CUHK offices this year, hence the overwhelming number of awards affirming our leadership position in web accessibility. I must applaud the support, enthusiasm and ingenuity of colleagues from all the participating offices. I expect to see more CUHK offices and units participating in the scheme next year.’ Winners of the ‘Most Favourite Website/Mobile App Award’ and the ‘Easiest-to-Use Website/Mobile App Award’ are chosen from a number of gold award winning websites and mobile apps in the past three years. The former is awarded to the top three vote- winners, while the latter is awarded to those considered to be the most user-friendly by persons with special needs. The ‘Triple Gold Award’ is presented to any website/mobile app that has attained gold awards consecutively for the past three years. CUHK, University of Toronto (UT) and Utrecht University (UU) have joined forces to work together on issues related to cities with a view to finding new and sustainable solutions for the global challenges caused by the growth of urban populations. On 11 April, a meeting was convened at UU where heads of the three universities— Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( right ) of CUHK; Prof. Meric Gertler ( left ) of UT; and Mrs. Marjan Oudeman ( centre ) of UU; met and signed a MOU which will facilitate educational and research collaborations among the three institutions, initially in three areas of common interest, i.e., public health, cities and migration. Researchers from the universities were also present to give presentations on their future plans. A joint research project in public health entitled ‘Novel Investigative Tools and Big-Data to Discover Modifiable Risk Factors: The Exposome’ will be funded jointly by the three universities. There are plans to develop a global urban data platform, to examine urban transportation and mobility patterns, as well as to collaborate on cultural city studies, digital humanities, and environmental humanities. On the migration front, comparative studies will be undertaken on issues related to migrants and immigrants from the perspectives of Asia, Europe, and North America. Professor Sung remarked on the partnership, ‘We are pleased to have the chance to work with two of the top research universities in the world. Besides our distinctive yet complementary strengths, our geographic locations will allow us to bring in cross- national, multi-cultural perspectives to address some of the emerging challenges the world is facing today.’ In the afternoon of 11 April, ‘City Seminar: Cities, Science and Innovation–The International Context’ was held at the Utrecht City Hall where the three university heads discussed factors which influence both the challenges and the solutions for future cities. These included university-government cooperation, future city design, and policy considerations. The seminar was officiated by the Mayor of Utrecht Mr. Jan van Zanen and attracted some 30 guests including academics, graduate students, government officials and diplomats. 校園消息 Campus News