Newsletter No. 431
6 No. 431, 19.1.2014 1963年,政府批出位於馬料水毗連崇基學院的二百七十英畝土地供大 學建校,首任大學建築師司徒惠博士隨即繪製此《香港中文大學校園 發展計劃初步報告》(1964年3月),開展校園設計和建造工作。計劃 書共十七頁,另附逾三十幀照片和繪圖,涵蓋了整體規劃、不同高度地 域的設計、中央總部和書院的分布位置、道路系統、供水模式、中央建 築物的內部間格,建造工程時間表等,展示當年大學校園設計的雛型。 計劃書現於大學展覽廳展出。 In 1963, the government announced that about 270 acres of land in the Ma Liu Shui area would be granted for the development of CUHK. Dr. the Hon. W. Szeto, the first University Architect, prepared the Chinese University of Hong Kong Development Plan: Preliminary Report (March 1964) within a very short time. With 17 pages in content and some 30 illustrations, the proposal covered the general layout, platforming, siting of the University headquarters and the Colleges, as well as the road systems, the water supply method, floor plans of certain buildings, and the schedule of construction. The Development Plan is now being exhibited in the University Gallery. 《春色一瞥》 水墨設色紙本 68 x 34 厘米 左中教授,藥劑學院 A Glimpse of Spring Ink and Colour on Paper 68 x 34 cm Prof. Zuo Zhong Joan, School of Pharmacy
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