Newsletter No. 305
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 非教學僱員的績效評核和發展 Performance Review and Development (PRD) for Non-teaching Staff 2006 – 07年度(即2006年7月1日至2007年6月30日)的非教學僱員績效評核程序已 正式展開,大學今年將實施新的績效評核和發展制度,有關詳情之通函、績效評 核和發展指引,以及評核報告表格,已刊載於人事處網頁( http://perntc.per.cuhk . ) 。 評核員須填寫受評核僱員2006 – 07年度的評核報告。評核員在與受評核僱員晤談 前,須先填妥第一、二部分的初步評核報告,交由部門主管考慮是否需要調適評 核尺度,以使部門內不同組別能以一致的標準評核僱員的工作表現。 評核員宜以晤談形式與各受評核僱員制訂來年(2007 – 08年度)的工作目標/績效要 求(包括各職責之比重),最合適的做法是將訂定的該年度目標和績效要求記錄在 一份新的評核表格內。在評核年度期間如有任何更改,評核員應通知受評核僱員。 在完成整個績效評核程序後,評核員和受評核僱員應各自保留一份已簽署/批註的 2006 – 07年度評核報告副本,正本由部門存檔。 有關績效評核和發展制度詳情,可向人事處負責相關學院/部門聘用事宜之同事 查詢。 The 2006–07 performance review exercise for non-teaching staff covering the period 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 has now begun. A new Performance Review and Development (PRD) system will be adopted. Circulars announcing the details as well as the PRD Guide and the review report forms are available at the Personnel Office website ( ) . Reviewers are requested to complete the 2006–07 review report on respective reviewees. Before meeting with the reviewee, the reviewer should submit the preliminary review report (with Sections I and II completed) to the unit head to see if moderation is required, for the purpose of maintaining a consistent standard of review among different teams of the unit. The reviewer should then work out and inform the reviewee, preferably in a meeting, of the targets/requirements of performance (including the weighting assigned to each area of accountability) for the ensuing (2007–08) period of review. It is advisable that these be recorded in a new review form for that year. If there are any subsequent changes in the targets, accountabilities, or weightings, etc. during the review period, the reviewer should communicate the changes to the reviewee. Upon completion of the review exercise, the reviewer will make copies of the endorsed 2006–07 review report for retention by himself/herself and the reviewee. The original review report should be kept by the unit for record. Enquiries relating to the PRD system may be directed to the respective appointment teams of the Personnel Office. 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁( ) 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8584 / 2609 8681 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584 / 2609 8681; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail pub2@uab.cuhk. ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 中國研究網正式啟用 Launch of Chinese Studies Portal 「中國研究網」( ) 已於九月正式啟用,供各界人 士瀏覽。這是香港中文大學其中一個重點資助卓越領域 — 中國研究 — 的網站。 網站設有「中國研究學者名錄」、「新 出版書刊介紹」和「活動日誌」等。 「中國研究學者名錄」蒐集和編錄本校中 國研究學者及其專精鑽研課題等資料,以 便世界各地學者迅速查悉本校中國研究學 者興趣和成果。「新出版書刊介紹」則推 介近期有關中國研究的著作,以及本校圖 書館在這方面的新增館藏。「活動日誌」 展示於本校、本港、中國以及世界各地舉 行的有關中國研究的學術會議和活動。 The Chinese Studies Portal ( ) was launched in September 2007. It is the official website of the Major Area ‘Chinese Studies’ of teaching and research at CUHK. The major features of the website include the ‘Chinese Studies Researcher Directory’ which provides a convenient means for scholars worldwide to identify the interests and contributions of our Chinese studies researchers, the ‘New Books and Journals’ section which introduces recent publications in Chinese studies and related new entries received by the University Library System, and the ‘Event Calendar’ which features upcoming exhibitions, conferences and other academic activities in Chinese studies at CUHK, the local arena, China and other parts of the world. 崑曲班 Kunqu Workshop 戲曲資料中心將舉辦崑曲班(第五期),教授崑曲曲譜有關知識、字音、曲牌、 唱腔及唱段研習,資料如下: Kunqu is one of the oldest operatic forms in China and was proclaimed one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2001. The Chinese Opera Information Centre offers Kunqu classes to the public on a regular basis. Details of the latest workshop are as follows: 日期 Dates 2007年11月7日至2008年1月23日(逢星期三,公眾假期除外) 7 Nov 2007–23 Jan 2008 (every Wednesday, except public holidays) 時間 Time 下午6時至7時半 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm 地點 Venue 許讓成樓G06室戲曲資料中心 Chinese Opera Information Centre, Room G06, Hui Yeung Shing Building 導師 Tutors 張麗真女士(資深崑曲導師)蘇思棣先生(崑笛導師) Ms. Chang Lai-chun and Mr. Sou Si-tai 堂數 Sessions 10 費用 Tuition Fee $1,000(全日制學生半價) $1,000 (50% discount for full-time students) 研習曲目 Repertoire 《紫釵記》之〈折柳〉【寄生草】(生、旦唱段各一支) Zheliu from Legend of the Purple Hairpin (one aria each for the male and female roles) 名額 Quota 10位(先到先得,額滿即止) 10 (first-come-first-served) 查詢 Enquiries: 2603 5098 訃告 Obituary 物業管理處屋宇保養技工任灼輝先生於2007年10月6日辭世。任先生於1997年加入 本校服務。 Mr. Yam Cheuk-fai, mechanic (building maintenance) at the Estates Management Office, passed away on 6 October 2007. Mr. Yam joined the University in 1997. 著名人類學家演講 Eminent Anthropologist Speaks at CUHK 人類學系邀請了著名人類學家Prof. Sidney Mintz來校演講,講題為「作為傳統和文 化遺產的食物」,歡迎各界人士參加。Prof. Mintz的研究重點為食物及加勒比海地 區。詳情如下: The Department of Anthropology will host a talk by Prof. Sidney Mintz, who will speak on ‘Food as Tradition, Food as Heritage ’. All are welcome. Prof. Mintz is an eminent anthropologist of food and of the Caribbean region. Details as follows: 日期 Date 2007年10月29日 29 October 2007 時間 Time 上午10時至11時半 10.00 am–11.30 am 地點 Venue 利黃瑤璧樓一號演講廳 LT1 Esther Lee Building 查詢 Enquiries: 2609 7670
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