Newsletter No. 405
4 No. 405, 19.10.2012 利國偉中大金禧獎學基金成立 Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Endowment Fund 利國偉中大金禧獎學基金成立典禮於9月20日舉行,由利國偉夫人( 前排中 )、偉倫基金有限公司行政總裁梁祥彪先生 ( 前排左七 )、沈祖堯校長( 前排左五 )和鄭振耀副校長( 前排左八 )主禮。利夫人代表偉倫基金把三千萬元捐款支票送 交中大。基金由2013至2014年開始頒發多項學生獎學金,受惠的包括非本地生、海外交流生,以及法律學院及醫學院 學生。適值政府推出第六輪大專院校配對補助金計劃,大學將獲額外資助,令更多學生受益。 The Lee Quo Wei CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship Endowment Fund was inaugurated on 20 September. Officiating at the ceremony were Mrs. Helen Lee ( centre, front row ), wife of Dr. the Hon. Lee Quo-wei; Mr. Thomas C.B. Liang ( 7th left, front row ), chief executive of the Wei Lun Foundation; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 6th left, front row ), Vice- Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng ( 8th left, front row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. On behalf of the Wei Lun Foundation, Mrs. Helen Lee presented a cheque of $30 million to the University. The endowment fund will support various scholarships, which will be disbursed starting from 2013–14. Recipients will include non-local students, exchange students, as well as medical and law students. With the expected grant from the sixth round of the government’s Matching Grant Scheme, more students are going to benefit from the donation. 芳艷芬捐資發揚粵劇藝術 Fong Yim-fun Donates to Promote Cantonese Opera 有「花旦王」美譽的粵劇名伶芳艷芬( 前排中 )捐款三百 萬元予逸夫書院推動粵劇藝術。贈款儀式於9月29舉行, 由沈祖堯校長( 前排左二 )聯同逸夫書院院長陳志輝教授 ( 前排右二 )接受。 Fong Yim-fun ( centre, front row ), a famous Cantonese opera diva who earned the title of ‘Queen of Leading Actresses’, generously donated $3 million to Shaw College for promoting the art of Cantonese opera. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 1st left, front row ), Vice- Chancellor of CUHK, and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan ( 2nd right, front row ), Head of Shaw College, received the donation from Ms. Fong at a ceremony held on 29 September. 中國工程院院士書畫展暨座談會 CAE Academician Events 由中國工程院院士書畫社主辦、中文大學和香港城市大 學(城大)協辦的《科學與藝術》書畫展於9月27日至 10月3日舉行。開幕典禮由中國工程院常務副院長 潘雲鶴院士、中大校長沈祖堯院士、城大校長郭位 院士,以及中央政府駐港聯絡辦公室教育科技部紀建 軍先生主持。《科學理性與藝術心靈》座談會在開幕儀 式後舉行,五位院士分別發表對於科學與藝術結合的 見解。 Hosted by the Painting and Calligraphy Society of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and co- organized by CUHK and the City University of Hong Kong, an exhibition titled ‘Science and Art’ was held from 27 September to 6 October. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Pan Yunhe, executive vice-president of CAE; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Way Kuo, President of the City University of Hong Kong; Mr. Ji Jianjun, division chief of the Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR. Five CAE academicians were invited to share their insights on integrating science and art at the seminar ‘Scientific Reasoning and Artistic Minds’ held after the ceremony. 汕頭大學.中文大學聯合基督教研究中心開幕 Shantou University–CUHK Joint Centre for Christian Studies 汕頭大學.香港中文大學聯合基督教研究中心合作協議簽署暨揭牌儀式於9月5日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括汕頭大學執行 校長顧佩華教授和文學院院長波弘德教授,李嘉誠基金會主席辦公室經理區小燕女士、高級項目經理羅慧芳博士,以 及中大校長沈祖堯教授、候任副校長霍泰輝教授和崇基學院神學院院長盧龍光教授。中心的成立將加強兩間大學的 協作,促進華南地區基督教研究的發展。 A memorandum of understanding signing cum plaque-unveiling ceremony for the Shantou University–The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Centre for Christian Studies (CCS–STU–CUHK) was held on 5 September. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Gu Peihua, Provost of STU; Prof. Terry Bodenhorn, dean of the Faculty of Arts, STU; Ms. Amy Au, manager of the Chairman’s Office, Li Ka Shing Foundation; Dr. Katherine Lo, senior project manager of the Li Ka Shing Foundation; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor designate, CUHK; and Rev. Prof. Lo Lung-kwong, director of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK. The establishment of CCS–STU–CUHK would strengthen collaboration between the two universities and promote the development of Christian Studies in the South China region.
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